Clifford said:
Without having ever played with IS, it could be because RMagick
leaks memory so badly as to make it unusable for a wide variety
of applications. That's my experience anyhow. I believe that
ImageMagick doesn't have the same problem, but I haven't tested
As of this moment there are no open bug tracks for RMagick memory leaks
on RubyForge. All the RMagick "leaks" I know about are addressed in this
entry in the RMagick Hints & Tips forum:
If you know of a leak that isn't addressed by that tip, I'd love an
opportunity to fix it. Would you mind sending me a script that
reproduces the leak? I need a script with no extra gems or libraries,
just Ruby and RMagick. No Rails, attachment_fu, file_column, gruff,
scruffy, or whatever. Let me know what O/S you're on, what version of
RMagick and ImageMagick/GraphicsMagick, and what version of Ruby. You
can send it directly to me, post it here, or open a bug track on RubyForge.
Thanks very much!