Victor Bazarov said:
ma740988 said:
Victor Bazarov <
[email protected]> wrote in message news:<
[email protected]>...
I am not sure what leads you to believe that specifying a member function
'static' has anything to do with its return type. Could it be you have
no idea what 'static' does to a member function?
This has absolutely nothing with my understanding of static member
function but more importantly what YOU initially wrote. i.e...
[V Bazarov][/V Bazarov]
Perhaps I should have asked for clarification. i.e. Shouldn't 'that'?
'that' what?
My interpretation per your question was as follows:
class FFT_DATA
static Data_Block_Type // Note: I added 'static' to Data_Block_Type
// later
ata_Block Do_A_Special_Thing();
Alternatively, your questions could have been interpreted as:
static FFT_DATA:
ata_Block_Type Do_A_Special_Thing();
Do_A_Special_Thing should be a static member function. IOW add static
in front of the return type. I chose the former interpretation.
I am not sure I understand the sentence above. Do you by any chance
understand the importance of "member data"? Why do we have member data
in classes at all? Do you know the difference between static and non-
static data members? If you answered "no" to any of these questions,
take a course on C++, or at least get back to your favourite C++ book.
Let me re-iterate again. This has absolutely NOTHING to do with my
understanding of the importance of member data among other things.
You rambled on about 'data' in your initial post. Of interest, lets
re-visit two of your initial questions.
1) Doesn't seem to have any *data*, does it?
2) What member data? Did you mean to say "static data"?
In my initial post I used the term 'member data' - on a 'broader
scale' - in an attempt to understand the impetus behind (more of a
design question) having a CLASS with just member data (static and non
static) and composite types? IOW. Why not a namespace.
Unfortunately FFT_DATA contained no 'non static member data' and I
erred in referring to Data_Words as member data as opposed to static
member data.
Perhaps FFT_DATA would have been more appropriate for you if I had.
class FFT_DATA
int Idx; // member data
static int Jdx; // static member data
In the end I don't need your recommendations with regard to a course
or resorting to my favorite book on C++. At the graduate level, my
program of study may not entail C++, but after an undergraduate course
and reading texts, I'm comfortable enough with various aspects of the
language. I might not be able to quote the standard and am clueless
when it comes to libraries such as 'boost' (rumor has it, boost might
be included with the next 'revision') but I feel - linguistics aside
- it's important for me - at this point to know/use the right 'tools'
(especially those algorithms) for the job.
Indeed, finding and using the right tools for the job is oft easier
said that done, especially when working in 'teams': Just ask 'John
Doe' :
1) Why he used an array as opposed to std::vect
2) Why muck with char* when you have std::string.
Occassionally this turns into an arm wrestling match with plenty of
verbiage about 'what's better' etc. etc.
By the way. David Hilsee provided a detailed explanation which
answered my question. That said, we could move on.
Thanks for you time.