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New Daddy Mosey

How would I launch an event when a certain scroll of the page is hit? For
example, pop up a window once the first 200 pixels of the page have been
scrolled off the top?

PageX/Y (and their IE equivlents) give me position in the browser.

Do Div have a position within them? (thinking make one 600 high and when you are
at 300 in it launch the event). Relative to the size of the page, not the
location on the screen.

Or I am thinking of a "marker" and when it appears within the window that
launches the action. (is there a way to say "when Div "now" is on the screen, do

Something like:

| |
| |
----------- <-- Original browser window
| |
| | <-- when they scroll to here Do whatever
| |
| | <-- when they scroll to here do something else

John Mosey |...X.|....|Brew-o-meter
"No, I don't believe in clutch. I was just trying to do my job against some
people who were very good at doing theirs, too. Small sample size."
-- Barry Bonds

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