Hi SD,
(People are very picky about how you spell Perl).
Yes, Perl would probably help you out a lot. I have been using Perl
"since the 90's" and it's helped me out a lot. I can only expect that
it can help you too.
Here are some tips that will help you get going:
1) Pick up a copy of "Programming Perl", also known as "The Camel
Book". Read it from page 1 all the way to the end. If you don't find
the book entertaining, funny, informative and insightful you may as
well stop right away and go learn Java or .NET.
2) Find yourself a good Perl editor. If you are using Windows on your
personal computer, check out OptiPerl from
www.xarka.com - otherwise
you may be best with VI or Komodo.
3) Go to
http://search.cpan.org/ and just *LOOK* to see what kinds of
modules there are out there. It is truly amazing all the wonderful
extensions to Perl that have been written by its thousands of users. I
can't think of a single project I have worked on using Perl that has
not benefited from the use of many CPAN modules.
4) Go to
http://www.perlmonks.org/ and read the archives. That site
has answers to every newbie question you will ever ask. Reading the
answers there will save yourself time, and will prevent others from
becoming annoyed by answering questions that have been answered dozens
of times already.
Although I recognize that I speak only for myself, it seems to me that
the Perl community is largely made up of the following:
1 -> Newbies that refer to Perl as "PERL" or CGI. These tend to find
"PERL" scripts on Hotscripts.com and frequently post here asking "My
server give me a 500 error - what this mean?????????"
2 -> Perl elitist assholes (see the other replies to your question).
They latched onto Perl a long time ago and, if not for their
contributions to Perl and their advocacy of it, would have been booed
off a long time ago as well.
3 -> Geniuses ( Larry Wall, Audrey Tang, Damion Conway, Tim Bunce, Tony
Bowden, Elizabeth Mattijsen, Leo Tolsch, Ovid, chromatic, etc, etc,etc
). These are Visionaries and Saints that save thousands of Perl
hackers lifetimes of work every day, simply by making their hard work
available to the public.
Good luck and happy coding.
- John Drago