If this is useful at all, it would be more useful to just expose the data
as a dict, and forget about an unnecessary wrapper function:
from collections import namedtuple
r = namedtuple("record", "other name desc") # better field names needed!
GC = {
'C' : r('Other', 'Other', 'Cc | Cf | Cn | Co | Cs'),
'Cc': r('Control', 'Control',
'a C0 or C1 control code'), # a.k.a. cntrl
'Cf': r('Format', 'Format', 'a format control character'),
'Cn': r('Unassigned', 'Unassigned',
'a reserved unassigned code point or a noncharacter'),
'Co': r('Private Use', 'Private_Use', 'a private-use character'),
'Cs': r('Surrogate', 'Surrogate', 'a surrogate code point'),
'L' : r('Letter', 'Letter', 'Ll | Lm | Lo | Lt | Lu'),
'LC': r('Letter, Cased', 'Cased_Letter', 'Ll | Lt | Lu'),
'Ll': r('Letter, Lowercase', 'Lowercase_Letter',
'a lowercase letter'),
'Lm': r('Letter, Modifier', 'Modifier_Letter', 'a modifier letter'),
'Lo': r('Letter, Other', 'Other_Letter',
'other letters, including syllables and ideographs'),
'Lt': r('Letter, Titlecase', 'Titlecase_Letter',
'a digraphic character, with first part uppercase'),
'Lu': r('Letter, Uppercase', 'Uppercase_Letter',
'an uppercase letter'),
'M' : r('Mark', 'Mark', 'Mc | Me | Mn '), # a.k.a. Combining_Mark
'Mc': r('Mark, Spacing', 'Spacing_Mark',
'a spacing combining mark (positive advance width)'),
'Me': r('Mark, Enclosing', 'Enclosing_Mark',
'an enclosing combining mark'),
'Mn': r('Mark, Nonspacing', 'Nonspacing_Mark',
'a nonspacing combining mark (zero advance width)'),
'N' : r('Number', 'Number', 'Nd | Nl | No'),
'Nd': r('Number, Decimal', 'Decimal_Number',
'a decimal digit'), # a.k.a. digit
'Nl': r('Number, Letter', 'Letter_Number',
'a letterlike numeric character'),
'No': r('Number, Other', 'Other_Number',
'a numeric character of other type'),
'P' : r('Punctuation', 'Punctuation',
'Pc | Pd | Pe | Pf | Pi | Po | Ps'), # a.k.a. punct
'Pc': r('Punctuation, Connector', 'Connector_Punctuation',
'a connecting punctuation mark, like a tie'),
'Pd': r('Punctuation, Dash', 'Dash_Punctuation',
'a dash or hyphen punctuation mark'),
'Pe': r('Punctuation, Close', 'Close_Punctuation',
'a closing punctuation mark (of a pair)'),
'Pf': r('Punctuation, Final', 'Final_Punctuation',
'a final quotation mark'),
'Pi': r('Punctuation, Initial', 'Initial_Punctuation',
'an initial quotation mark'),
'Po': r('Punctuation, Other', 'Other_Punctuation',
'a punctuation mark of other type'),
'Ps': r('Punctuation, Open', 'Open_Punctuation',
'an opening punctuation mark (of a pair)'),
'S' : r('Symbol', 'Symbol', 'Sc | Sk | Sm | So'),
'Sc': r('Symbol, Currency', 'Currency_Symbol', 'a currency sign'),
'Sk': r('Symbol, Modifier', 'Modifier_Symbol',
'a non-letterlike modifier symbol'),
'Sm': r('Symbol, Math', 'Math_Symbol',
'a symbol of mathematical use'),
'So': r('Symbol, Other', 'Other_Symbol', 'a symbol of other type'),
'Z' : r('Separator', 'Separator', 'Zl | Zp | Zs'),
'Zl': r('Separator, Line', 'Line_Separator',
'U+2028 LINE SEPARATOR only'),
'Zp': r('Separator, Paragraph', 'Paragraph_Separator',
'Zs': r('Separator, Space', 'Space_Separator',
'a space character (of various non-zero widths)'),
del r
Usage is then trivially the same as normal dict and attribute access:
py> GC['Ps'].desc
'an opening punctuation mark (of a pair)'