Where to start?

Dec 1, 2017
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So im completely new to coding. I learnt basic HTML a few years back but at the end of the day i'm still a complete noob. I keep seeing videos online of people like Bill Gates and Mark Zuckerberg saying everyone in the world should be taught how to code, yet they never say where too start. I ask people who can code and they say it doesnt matter just start with something, I find this advice so frustrating.

There are many coding languages that someone could learn, and I don't even know the base code of a computer or understand it. If i was stuck with one of the old 80s computers I wouldn't be able to do anything on them other than input a few basic commands lol. I learnt basic html and css and it didn't make me any wiser. I feel like maybe it's worth starting from the very bottom then working your way up so you get a complete understanding. But i don't even know what that coding language is known as. Every google search just says start with HTML and CSS. I dont even want to make a website.

Where should I start?
Dec 17, 2017
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Python is easy and lightweight to get started. You can gain traction quickly with it. It is also a popular language with a large community of developers, so you can easily find solutions to problems you encounter.

It has a large number of libraries, which you can use to create powerful stuff.

Learn the basic concepts from a tutorial. Identify a small and easy problem you want to solve that means something to you. Work towards the solution as you learn basics from the tutorial. This will make the learning purposeful and stay in your mind. Pick only the libraries that help you solve your problem. Once you know the process of identifying and using a library to solve a real life problem, you can replicate it for different problems.

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