Which C++ compiler do you use for Windows and why ?
I wouldn't say, that Microsoft compiler is the best for
windows because they know it better then anyone. It is
well known by its bugs and so on. Developing of applications
is not really simple and fast if you compare to other
I never used Intel's compiler, but does it make such a
good and optimized code for AMD processors? And for for
other non-intel systems (RISC...), where windows can be
Compiler should be choosen after you know what you want
from it.
Question was what compiler does one use and why, so my
answer is "g++" (mingw). It has a set of unix tools, that
are more comfortable for me to use. It produces fast enough
and small code. One must not use and even know about any
windows API and so on, to create GUI-program: it's possible
to use any from multitude of free libraries. (For a little
presenting of computational results I create simple program
with "main()", with the use of "fltk" and does not have
to know anything about "WinMain()". Later I can simply
compile it under linux without any changes, but that was not
the question. If I need something with more complex interface
I can use gtkmm, wxWindow or anything else.)
But, as for me, if you do not use VC++, using of their tools
will be harder. I mean, you'd be simplier to use SDL then DirectX,
OpenGL then Direct3D (if it depends on me, I wouldn't use
Direct3D anyway, lefthanded cartesian coordinate system sounds
somehow strange for any engineer, or not?).
At the ending, I should add, that your question should be wider:
what compiler does one use and also what set of tools (libraries)?