Jorgen said:
I dislike the "bleeding edge" aspect of Python culture too, but (as
long as everyone ignores Python 3.0) it's not really something which
hurts me in my daily life. *Not* using Python would hurt, though.
agreed! emphatically so
I'm on Linux though, and use no third-party modules which haven't
already been filtered by Debian's maintainers. I don't know if that's
the reason, but my applications rarely or never break. So I'm not
quite sure what happened in your case ...
Linux, me too. MY apps, same. Coupling to vendor apps - busted.
I cannot speak for the OP, but I have run into version problems as a
result of dealing with purchased applications that use python as the (or
one of the allowed) scripting languages for user written tweaks. As an
example I'll use fictitious Company-One that released 9.1 which had no
python. Then they released 9.2 which came with python 2.4 and then they
released 9.3 which came with python 2.5(.1) plus the other languages
like VBA that have been there all along. A program NOT using Company-One
hooks but rather just the python itself (as in a small scientific
calculator for use 'on the side') which was written in 2.4 will not run
on 2.5. Who knows why. (The first error noted had to do with version
miss-match.) It's these types of inconsistencies that are annoying.
Since the place I work converted to Company-One's 9.3 and someone fixed
the calculator to run on 2.5, I left the research into what might be the
actual problem in a file somewhere. I believe it was a circular file.
I have my own calculator so I don't use the other one anyway.
That scenario is probably the norm for most companies with more than one
individual in them who use purchased applications and write in-house
'scripts'. The lack of upward compatibility is always annoying.
In all fairness to Python, it is not nearly as bad as VBA when it comes
to breaking. VBA quits when the OS version changes, when the VBA
version changes, when the VB6 version changes. It also seems to break
each time sneeze.
Whereas when a given version of Python is loaded
on both Linux and Windows I can samba a drive and use the same single
one and only one file on both OSs at the same time if I wish, with the
same certainty. All except the fonts. Three different Window machines
all running the same OS release/patches and I get three different
results for the same mono spaced font. Go figure.