Craig Manley
From testing (using Perl + Slackware Linux) I've found that the only
characters I can't use in a directory/file name are the 0 byte and path
seperator /. Below is my test script and function that makes tainted strings
safe to use as directory/file names. Because a mistake or misassumption here
can open a huge security hole I'ld like to know if this is really correct in
the opinions of others and if this idea is valid for all *nix variants. My
goal is to create a filename validator for html form uploaded file names
that is as unrestrictive as possible (yet safe).
Another question for those of you know much about MSWin32: which characters
can't be used in a MSWin32 directory/filename (I think it's much more than
Another question: are these single byte character file systems?
-Craig Manley.
#!/usr/bin/perl -w
use strict;
use bytes;
sub safe {
my $s = shift;
# replace path seperators
$s =~ s|/|_|g;
# replace 0 bytes.
$s =~ s|\000|_|g;
# keep length <= 255 characters
return substr($s,0,255);
my $backslash = '\\';
# these all work
#mkdir('hoi' . $backslash . 'nbla') || warn $!;
#mkdir('hoi..bla') || warn $!;
#mkdir('hoi' . $backslash . 'bla') || warn $!;
#mkdir('..hoi') || warn $!;
# these don't work
#mkdir($backslash . '/hoi') || warn $!;
#mkdir($backslash . '../hoi') || warn $!;
# try all possible bytes
my %chars;
for (my $i = 0; $i <= 255; $i++) {
$chars{$i} = chr($i);
my $s = join('',sort values(%chars));
if (mkdir(safe($s))) {
my $h;
my @entries = grep(/.{20,}/,readdir($h));
open($h, '>t.bin') or die $!;
binmode $h;
print $h join("\n\n",@entries);
else {
From testing (using Perl + Slackware Linux) I've found that the only
characters I can't use in a directory/file name are the 0 byte and path
seperator /. Below is my test script and function that makes tainted strings
safe to use as directory/file names. Because a mistake or misassumption here
can open a huge security hole I'ld like to know if this is really correct in
the opinions of others and if this idea is valid for all *nix variants. My
goal is to create a filename validator for html form uploaded file names
that is as unrestrictive as possible (yet safe).
Another question for those of you know much about MSWin32: which characters
can't be used in a MSWin32 directory/filename (I think it's much more than
Another question: are these single byte character file systems?
-Craig Manley.
#!/usr/bin/perl -w
use strict;
use bytes;
sub safe {
my $s = shift;
# replace path seperators
$s =~ s|/|_|g;
# replace 0 bytes.
$s =~ s|\000|_|g;
# keep length <= 255 characters
return substr($s,0,255);
my $backslash = '\\';
# these all work
#mkdir('hoi' . $backslash . 'nbla') || warn $!;
#mkdir('hoi..bla') || warn $!;
#mkdir('hoi' . $backslash . 'bla') || warn $!;
#mkdir('..hoi') || warn $!;
# these don't work
#mkdir($backslash . '/hoi') || warn $!;
#mkdir($backslash . '../hoi') || warn $!;
# try all possible bytes
my %chars;
for (my $i = 0; $i <= 255; $i++) {
$chars{$i} = chr($i);
my $s = join('',sort values(%chars));
if (mkdir(safe($s))) {
my $h;
my @entries = grep(/.{20,}/,readdir($h));
open($h, '>t.bin') or die $!;
binmode $h;
print $h join("\n\n",@entries);
else {