Which Controls to use for inserting stocklevels on Admin side?



I'm developing a Garment Shopping Cart. On the Admin side, while
inserting the each Product details, the user has to choose options of
Colour Icons and Sizes for each Garment.
All the colour icons are displayed in a Datalist which checkboxes and
the Sizes( 3 mnths, 6 mnths, 12 mnths, 18 mnths, 24 mnths) are
displayed using Checkboxlist.
The user has enter Stocklevels for each colour and size selected for a
particular product. For example if the colours red, blue and yellow are
selected and amoung sizes if 3, 6 and 12 mnths are selected. They need
to enter Stocklevels for 3 mnths - red=25, blue=35, yellow=76 ; for 6
months-- red=35,.......so on
But i'm not able to understand how to implement this..
Will that be a good idea to bind them in a Datalist with Labels and
Can anyone guide me out please
Thanks in Advance for your time and help


Thanks Jose for your reply and time
Lets say i used a repeater or grid
Here, each size has some number of colours icons underneath it.
how can you repeat the colours keeping the Size label constant
Lets say the user has selected red,blue, yellow and sizes 3 , 6 ,
12months , so

-- Red
-- Yellow
-- Blue

6 mnths
-- Red
-- Yellow
-- Blue

12 mnths
-- Red
-- Yellow
-- Blue
how can i implement the above structure using the repeater or anything
Is it possible ?
if you can you give some clue that will be of great help?


Jose Rodriguez

Savvy, this is a tough one, after rereading the problem, I might want to use
nested asp repeaters. this is nasty but it would give you the type of
control you need. this will help with the rendering. For the update though
you will have to loop thru the items and check for which ones are checked. I
will keep on thinking about this problem. HTH


outer asp repeater: sizes
inner asp repeater: colors, stock level s

it would look like this

size 3
Red stock level (textbox)
Blue stock level (textbox)


Thanks Jose for time and great help
I was doing my search on this side as well where i found out exactly
the same as u said.
Nested Repeaters is the best suited solution for this but i think its a
bit of pain.
Thanks for your help, probably i'll knock again soon

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