which feature of python do you like most?


Szabolcs Nagy

which feature of python do you like most?
i cannot chose one but here is my list:

iterpreter (i can try out things at once)
dir(obj) (using dir() i can learn a new library quickly)
identation (code is readable, no need for {} and ;)
dynamictyping (no type declaration -> less code to write)
lightweight oo (no public/protected/private -> less code to write)
widespread (it's easy to find a python module for any kind of task)
built-in types (creating list, dict is easy, iterator protocol wins)
generators (creating an iterator is easy: replace return with yield)
listcomprehension (intuitive and clear way of creating lists)
pyrex/swig/boostpython (easily extendible with c/c++)
crossplatform (i can write code for my win/linux os)
free (yes it's free and it has a reasonable license)
comp.lang.python (good questions and even better answers, friendly

Tim Sharpe

I also like the fact the the core language is very compact. I only
code a few times a month and am not a particularly good programmer (at
least in my opinion), so not having a humongous core language to
remember is a plus. I was always stifled in C by the amount of stuff I
had to remember.

With a small core language and a great Library Reference, Python
doesn't make me feel stupid...

Gregory Bond

which feature of python do you like most?

Duck typing (All I care about is that it quacks, and it doesn't have to
derive from Duck() to do that!)

And decorating (the ability to add attributes to objects on-the-fly, not
the @XXX stuff)

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