mrstephengross said:
I'd like to do some basic SQL stuff in Python. It seems like there are
a heck of a lot of SQL modules for Python. What's the simplest and
easiest one to use?
It looks like pysqlite would be good for getting started with the
SQL/Python combo:
It's an embedded database engine, so you do not need to install a
separate database server. Just import the module and you have a database
engine in your Python:
Now, let's create a database connection to a local file mydb.db. As this
file does not exist, yet, SQLite will create it automatically.
<pysqlite2.dbapi2.Connection object at 0x00967B18>
con is the database connection object.
Now, Python needs a cursor object for most database operations, so let's
create one:
<pysqlite2.dbapi2.Cursor object at 0x009CFF50>
We need data to play with, so let's create a simple table:
Now let's populate the table:
Commit the changes, so they're visible to other database connections
that would open the file mydb.db.
Now let's try some queries:
>>> cur.execute("select id, name from persons")
>>> cur.fetchall() [(1, u'David'), (2, u'Rachel'), (3, u'Simon')]
Note that SQLite returns Unicode strings for TEXT.
Next, let's try to use a parametrized query. pysqlite uses the qmark
style, so you just put ? as placeholders:
[(2, u'Rachel')]
That's enough for a start I think.
Maybe I could whet your appetite. The pysqlite documentation has a few
other small examples at
But nothing extensive, yet.
-- Gerhard