Am Donnerstag, 29. Juli 2004 16:00 schrieb Jp Calderone:
Most likely, the "extra" you are seeing is an implementation detail
of your platform's underlying thread library. It probably exists to act
as a scheduler or perform other administrative tasks for the "real"
threads of your application.
Well, first of all, what the op was seeing wasn't actually what he thought he
was seeing.
In Python there's always the main thread (which is started when python starts
up), and other threads may be started. Thus, if you start two threads in your
program, you'll see three processes in the process list (one for the main
thread, two for the started threads).
But whether these threads will show up as processes depends on the threading
library you use...
LinuxThreads creates a process for each thread that is run. All these
processes share the same memory, although they show up as separate processes
(and actually are, at least for the kernel, they are started by the sys-call
CLONE, which clones a process creating a new process ID, stack and
instruction pointer, but keeping the data and code segment of the cloning
NPTL (Native Posix Threads Library), the "next-generation" threads library for
Linux, handles threads "correctly" in the sense that they are just one
process with separate execution frames but shared memory. NPTL requires
kernel >= 2.5.40-something and a specially adapted glibc. Most new Linux
distributions (>= 9.0 something, debian sid aka. unstable) ship with NPTL
enabled by default, although this creates compatability problems with apps
written for LinuxThreads, as LinuxThreads isn't completely Posix-Threads
compatible (which NPTL is). It also uses some form of syscall, but you'd have
to see the docs for this, I don't know. ps from procps was augmented to
support NPTL threads sometime ago, there's a specific flag you have to
specify to have threads shown.
There are also other Linux threads libraries out there, all of them completely
implemented in user-space, using dispatch/longjmp and other black magic. When
a program uses one of these, you'll also see only one process, although I
don't know any production program that uses one of these threading libraries.
Anyway, hope this clears it up a little...