Why is it no possible to fill a static map outside of a block



Dear all,

in a class definition

class X{

static map< string , map<string, int> > word_map;
static void initialize();

and in the implementation file, I may fill out the map inside the
function block not outside any function block. I asked this question
before and got a reply advicing to put those lines in an initializer
function. This works fine but I wondered why I could not define and
initiliaze outside the function block. As


and the entries outside any of the functions. This is sth related to
static but could not figure that out.



I forgot to write I type

map< string , map<string, int> > word_map;


utab schreef:


I forgot to write I type

map< string , map<string, int> > word_map;


utab schreef:


Dear all,

in a class definition

class X{

static map< string , map<string, int> > word_map;
static void initialize();


and in the implementation file, I may fill out the map inside the
function block not outside any function block. I asked this question
before and got a reply advicing to put those lines in an initializer
function. This works fine but I wondered why I could not define and
initiliaze outside the function block. As


and the entries outside any of the functions. This is sth related to
static but could not figure that out.

Code outside a function-block is never executed, it's just information
about what should be known when the application starts. But the map
does not exist before then.


Thanks, but still not clear what is exactly "know".

It is already empty so that I would like to fill that out.
Code outside a function-block is never executed, it's just information

But if I give a integral type I can do

int X::value=3;

Right, so this means that this is executed to associate the memory
location of value to 3
There is a difference in map implementation I guess, but my knowledge
is not that sharp.


Thanks, but still not clear what is exactly "know".

It is already empty so that I would like to fill that out.
Code outside a function-block is never executed, it's just information

But if I give a integral type I can do

int X::value=3;

Right, so this means that this is executed to associate the memory
location of value to 3
There is a difference in map implementation I guess, but my knowledge
is not that sharp.

Jim Langston

Thanks, but still not clear what is exactly "know".

It is already empty so that I would like to fill that out.
Code outside a function-block is never executed, it's just information

But if I give a integral type I can do

int X::value=3;

yes, but you can't say

int X::value = foo();

because foo is an executable statement ( a fucntion call ). the =3 is
actually initializing the variable.

You could say that inside a function block, but not outside.

Right, so this means that this is executed to associate the memory
location of value to 3
There is a difference in map implementation I guess, but my knowledge
is not that sharp.


utab said:
But if I give a integral type I can do

int X::value=3;

Right, so this means that this is executed to associate the memory
location of value to 3

no, it is compiler generated, not run-time executed
There is a difference in map implementation I guess, but my knowledge
is not that sharp.

the only way you could do what you want would be to something like this

class my_static_map

map_["try"].insert(std::make_pair("try", 1));
// ... etc ...

typedef std::map<std::string, std::map<std::string, int> > map_t;

// pass-through all operations you want to to use from std::map
// interface

map_t::mapped_type& operator[](const map_t::key_type& key)
return map_[key];

map_t::iterator insert(const map_t::value_type & val)
return map_.insert(val);

void erase(map_t::iterator w)

// ... etc ...


map_t map_;

// .h
class X
static my_static_map word_map;

// .cpp

now this is run-time executed initialization

David Harmon

On Tue, 19 Dec 2006 08:40:27 -0800 in comp.lang.c++, "Jim Langston"
yes, but you can't say

int X::value = foo();

because foo is an executable statement ( a fucntion call ). the =3 is
actually initializing the variable.

You could say that inside a function block, but not outside.

No, actually you can do exactly that. Complete program,
compiles and runs just fine, follows:

#include <iostream>
int foo()
std::cout << "Initialization...\n";
return 42;

struct X
static int value;

int X::value = foo();

int main()
std::cout << X::value << '\n';

David Harmon

On 19 Dec 2006 07:52:53 -0800 in comp.lang.c++, "utab"
but I wondered why I could not define and
initiliaze outside the function block. As


and the entries outside any of the functions.

The above has the form of an executable statement. You can't have any
executable statements outside of a block; only declarations.

The thing that makes it difficult is that you cannot write a constant of
type std::map<anything> directly (unlike simple arrays of simple types.)
The compiler doesn't know how to build it. You have to take a trip
through the std::map constructor for that to happen.

If you wished, you could write the definition of your static as:

map< string , map<string, int> > X::word_map = X::initial_map();

where X::initial_map() was a static function that returns a big honking
value of the matching std::map<> type, that gets copied to X::word_map.
This would be doing a lot of extra copying during initialization time,
so it's probably not the best choice. I mention it only for the sake of

I guess the best choice for you might be to use a "singleton" pattern.
To do that, make X::word_map() a function that returns a reference to
the static map, and call it wherever you access the map. The first time
through, X::word_map() does all the work of building the map; thereafter
it just returns a reference to the existing map. And of course, it can
use all the executable statements it needs to do that, even reading
values from a file or whatever.

By the way, I cannot guess any reason why the value_type of your map is
another map, so I think you are probably making things a heck of a lot
more complicated than you really need to by doing that.


By the way, I cannot guess any reason why the value_type of your map is
another map, so I think you are probably making things a heck of a lot
more complicated than you really need to by doing that.

It is more clear now.
Actually I have a structure like the one below

lets say, f stands for fields(strings) and each row is determined by f1
so that it represents another field. But in the mean time I would like
a structure like (since f1 determines the properties)

f1 - > <string , int>

fid :1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8

f1 f2 f3 f4 f5 f6 f7 f8

fid:field id

You are right this was a class that I designed last year but now I see
a lot of flaws in that. So it has to be designed by more attention.

David Harmon

On 19 Dec 2006 10:41:45 -0800 in comp.lang.c++, "utab"
lets say, f stands for fields(strings) and each row is determined by f1
so that it represents another field. But in the mean time I would like
a structure like (since f1 determines the properties)

f1 - > <string , int>

That is getting simple enough that the compiler can do a greater part of
the work at compile time (however, still leaving plenty for run time, so
maybe not efficient enough for you. But convenient.)
Using the "two iterators" std::map constructor:

#include <iostream>
#include <map>
#include <string>
using namespace std;

typedef std::pair<std::string, int> init;
const init init_map[] = {
init("f1", 1), init("f2", 2), init("f3", 3)
const int init_count = sizeof(init_map)/sizeof(init_map[0]);

std::map<string,int> word_map(init_map, init_map+init_count);

int main()
std::cout << word_map["f2"] << '\n';

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