Why is it Not Writing to File on Netware 5 Box?


Chris Abraham

Dear Gurus:

I am having a very frustrating experience with one of Matt's guestbook CGI
scripts. It was working before in all of its interpretations based on
Guestbook for the World Wide Web Version 2.1 circa 6/1/95. It was working
like a champ but not its not. Here's where the Novell Netware server was
before the upgrade:


And here is where the server is now:


I have fears that it has nothing to do with Perl, although the cgi2perl
interpreter didn't like titles like 8-15-03.pl, but when I fixed that and
was able to get the primary part of the script working, the 81503.pl script
would not append the guest book input data to perldocs/81503.htm. The perl
script walked like a duck and talked like a suck, but it would not quack,
although it did write the data to the screen, to the browser.

So, not having a Novell Netware server of any sort, I upgraded my FreeBSD
box to 5.8.0 and you can see it here:


Which, when you fill it out, goes nicely to:


And then logs very nicely to:


And, aside from changing the local variables and the shebang, it worked like
a charm, and on 5.8.0 to boot.

So, here is what I have been doing to try to get it sussed:

I WAS able to get the PERL SCRIPT to run on the FreeBSD box, the NOVELL
NETWARE box, and a W2k and XP box running INDIGOPERL (Apache 2, Perl 5.8.0,
and PHP 4).

I WAS NOT able to get the PERL SCRIPT to write to the guestbook html file:


On any of the platforms save the FreeBSD box.

Here's the perl script. I was thinking that maybe it coule be permissions
or it could be a difference between the techniques required to open the
81503.htm, append the html information saved in GUEST, and then closing the
81503.htm between the BSD box and Novell/Windows that I am not aware of, or
something to do with permissions. I don't know. I would really like your

If you have any ideas, please email me directly (and to this group as well,
for the benefit of man and knowledge).

Thanks in advance,


The Perl script is to follow, as I got it, before I localized it for the BSD

#################################Begin Code##########################
#! /usr/local/bin/perl -w

# ------------------------------------------------------------
# Guestbook for the WWW, by Matt Wright ([email protected]).
# This package is Copyright 1995 by Matt Wright.
# Parts of code taken from:
# Form-mail.pl, by Reuven M. Lerner ([email protected]).
# This package is Copyright 1994 by The Tech.

# Guestbook is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it
# under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the
# Free Software Foundation; either version 2, or (at your option) any
# later version.

# Guestbook is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but
# WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
# General Public License for more details.

# You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
# along with Guestbook; see the file COPYING. If not, write to the Free
# Software Foundation, 675 Mass Ave, Cambridge, MA 02139, USA.
# ------------------------------------------------------------

# Guestbook for the World Wide Web
# Created by Matt Wright Version 2.1
# Created on: 4/21 Last Modified: 6/1/95
# History can be found in the README file.

# ***************Set Following Variables Before Use!!!*************
# Set this to your server address
$server = "http://".$ENV{"SERVER_NAME"}."/";

# Set this to point to URL style guestbook html file location.
$guestbookurl = "perldocs/81503.htm";

# Set this to point to the actual location of the html files.
$guestbookreal = "sys:/novonyx/suitespot/docs/perldocs/81503.htm";
$guestlog = "sys:/novonyx/suitespot/docs/perldocs/guestlg2.htm";

# This points to the relative location of this perl script (this depends
# on what you specify in srm.cfg
$cgiurl = "perl/81503.pl";

# ***************Set Above Variables Before Use!!!*************

# Set Your Options:
$mail = 0; # 1 = Yes; 0 = No
$uselog = 1; # 1 = Yes; 0 = No
$linkmail = 1; # 1 = Yes; 0 = No
$separator = 1; # 1 = <hr>; 0 = <p>
$redirection = 0; # 1 = Yes; 0 = No

# If you answered 1 to $mail you will need to fill out these variables
$mailprog = '/usr/lib/sendmail';
$recipient = '(e-mail address removed)';

# Get the Date for Entry
#$date = `date +"%A, %B %d, %Y at %T (%Z)"`;
# chop($date);
#$shortdate = `date +"%D %T %Z"`;
# chop($shortdate);

# Get the input
read(STDIN, $buffer, $ENV{'CONTENT_LENGTH'});

# Split the name-value pairs
@pairs = split(/&/, $buffer);

foreach $pair (@pairs)
($name, $value) = split(/=/, $pair);

# Un-Webify plus signs and %-encoding
$value =~ tr/+/ /;
$value =~ s/%([a-fA-F0-9][a-fA-F0-9])/pack("C", hex($1))/eg;

# Stop people from using subshells to execute commands
# Not a big deal when using sendmail, but very important
# when using UCB mail (aka mailx).
# $value =~ s/~!/ ~!/g;

# Uncomment for debugging purposes
# print "Setting $name to $value<P>";

$FORM{$name} = $value;

# Print the Blank Response Subroutines

&no_name unless $FORM{'realname'};

# Begin the Editing of the Guestbook File
open (FILE,"$guestbookreal");

# Open Link File to Output
open (GUEST,">$guestbookreal");

for ($i=0;$i<=$SIZE;$i++) {
if (/<META begin>/) {
print GUEST "<META begin>\n";
print GUEST "<b>$FORM{'periodending'}</b><p>\n";
print GUEST "Employee Name: &#160 <b>$FORM{'realname'}</b>";
if ( $FORM{'username'} ){
if ($linkmail eq '1') {
print GUEST " (<a
else {
print GUEST " ($FORM{'username'})";
print GUEST "<br>\n";
if ( $FORM{'costcenter'} ){
print GUEST "Cost Center: &#160 <b>$FORM{'costcenter'}</b><br>\n";
print GUEST "<br>\n";
print GUEST "<b><u>Date and Work Status</u></b><br>\n";
if ( $FORM{'day1'} ){
print GUEST "<b> 01: </b>$FORM{'day1'} \n";
if ( $FORM{'day2'} ){
print GUEST "<b> 02: </b>$FORM{'day2'} \n";
if ( $FORM{'day3'} ){
print GUEST "<b> 03: </b>$FORM{'day3'} \n";
if ( $FORM{'day4'} ){
print GUEST "<b> 04: </b>$FORM{'day4'} \n";
if ( $FORM{'day5'} ){
print GUEST "<b> 05: </b>$FORM{'day5'} \n";
if ( $FORM{'day6'} ){
print GUEST "<br><b> 06: </b>$FORM{'day6'} \n";
if ( $FORM{'day7'} ){
print GUEST "<b> 07: </b>$FORM{'day7'} \n";
if ( $FORM{'day8'} ){
print GUEST "<b> 08: </b>$FORM{'day8'} \n";
if ( $FORM{'day9'} ){
print GUEST "<b> 09: </b>$FORM{'day9'} \n";
if ( $FORM{'day10'} ){
print GUEST "<b> 10: </b>$FORM{'day10'} \n";
if ( $FORM{'day11'} ){
print GUEST "<br><b> 11: </b>$FORM{'day11'} \n";
if ( $FORM{'day12'} ){
print GUEST "<b> 12: </b>$FORM{'day12'} \n";
if ( $FORM{'day13'} ){
print GUEST "<b> 13: </b>$FORM{'day13'} \n";
if ( $FORM{'day14'} ){
print GUEST "<b> 14: </b>$FORM{'day14'} \n";
if ( $FORM{'day15'} ){
print GUEST "<b> 15: </b>$FORM{'day15'} \n";
if ( $FORM{'day16'} ){
print GUEST "<b> 16: </b>$FORM{'day16'} \n";
if ( $FORM{'day17'} ){
print GUEST "<b> 17: </b>$FORM{'day17'} \n";
if ( $FORM{'day18'} ){
print GUEST "<b> 18: </b>$FORM{'day18'} \n";
if ( $FORM{'day19'} ){
print GUEST "<b> 19: </b>$FORM{'day19'} \n";
if ( $FORM{'day20'} ){
print GUEST "<b> 20: </b>$FORM{'day20'} \n";
if ( $FORM{'day21'} ){
print GUEST "<br><b> 21: </b>$FORM{'day21'} \n";
if ( $FORM{'day22'} ){
print GUEST "<b> 22: </b>$FORM{'day22'} \n";
if ( $FORM{'day23'} ){
print GUEST "<b> 23: </b>$FORM{'day23'} \n";
if ( $FORM{'day24'} ){
print GUEST "<b> 24: </b>$FORM{'day24'} \n";
if ( $FORM{'day25'} ){
print GUEST "<b> 25: </b>$FORM{'day25'} \n";
if ( $FORM{'day26'} ){
print GUEST "<br><b> 26: </b>$FORM{'day26'} \n";
if ( $FORM{'day27'} ){
print GUEST "<b> 27: </b>$FORM{'day27'} \n";
if ( $FORM{'day28'} ){
print GUEST "<b> 28: </b>$FORM{'day28'} \n";
if ( $FORM{'day29'} ){
print GUEST "<b> 29: </b>$FORM{'day29'} \n";
if ( $FORM{'day30'} ){
print GUEST "<b> 30: </b>$FORM{'day30'} \n";
if ( $FORM{'day31'} ){
print GUEST "<b> 31: </b>$FORM{'day31'} \n";
print GUEST "<br>\n";
if ( $FORM{'vacation'} ){
print GUEST "<br>Vacation Hours: $FORM{'vacation'}<br>\n";
if ( $FORM{'sick'} ){
print GUEST "<br>Sick Hours: $FORM{'sick'}<br>\n";
if ( $FORM{'other'} ){
print GUEST "<br>Other (Explain): $FORM{'other'}<br>\n";
print GUEST "<br><b><u>Project Allocation Summary</u></b><br>\n";
if ( $FORM{'project1'} ){
print GUEST "Project: <b>$FORM{'project1'}</b> &#160 &#160 \n";
if ( $FORM{'hour1'} ){
print GUEST "Hours: <b>$FORM{'hour1'}</b><br>\n";
if ( $FORM{'project2'} ){
print GUEST "Project: <b>$FORM{'project2'}</b> &#160 &#160 \n";
if ( $FORM{'hour2'} ){
print GUEST "Hours: <b>$FORM{'hour2'}</b><br>\n";
if ( $FORM{'project3'} ){
print GUEST "Project: <b>$FORM{'project3'}</b> &#160 &#160 \n";
if ( $FORM{'hour3'} ){
print GUEST "Hours: <b>$FORM{'hour3'}</b><br>\n";
if ( $FORM{'project4'} ){
print GUEST "Project: <b>$FORM{'project4'}</b> &#160 &#160 \n";
if ( $FORM{'hour4'} ){
print GUEST "Hours: <b>$FORM{'hour4'}</b><br>\n";
if ( $FORM{'project5'} ){
print GUEST "Project: <b>$FORM{'project5'}</b> &#160 &#160 \n";
if ( $FORM{'hour5'} ){
print GUEST "Hours: <b>$FORM{'hour5'}</b><br>\n";
if ( $FORM{'project6'} ){
print GUEST "Project: <b>$FORM{'project6'}</b> &#160 &#160 \n";
if ( $FORM{'hour6'} ){
print GUEST "Hours: <b>$FORM{'hour6'}</b><br>\n";
if ( $FORM{'project7'} ){
print GUEST "Project: <b>$FORM{'project7'}</b> &#160 &#160 \n";
if ( $FORM{'hour7'} ){
print GUEST "Hours: <b>$FORM{'hour7'}</b><br>\n";
if ( $FORM{'project8'} ){
print GUEST "Project: <b>$FORM{'project8'}</b> &#160 &#160 \n";
if ( $FORM{'hour8'} ){
print GUEST "Hours: <b>$FORM{'hour8'}</b><br>\n";
if ( $FORM{'project9'} ){
print GUEST "Project: <b>$FORM{'project9'}</b> &#160 &#160 \n";
if ( $FORM{'hour9'} ){
print GUEST "Hours: <b>$FORM{'hour9'}</b><br>\n";
if ( $FORM{'project10'} ){
print GUEST "Project: <b>$FORM{'project10'}</b> &#160 &#160 \n";
if ( $FORM{'hour10'} ){
print GUEST "Hours: <b>$FORM{'hour10'}</b><br>\n";
if ( $FORM{'project11'} ){
print GUEST "Project: <b>$FORM{'project11'}</b> &#160 &#160 \n";
if ( $FORM{'hour11'} ){
print GUEST "Hours: <b>$FORM{'hour11'}</b><br>\n";
if ( $FORM{'project12'} ){
print GUEST "Project: <b>$FORM{'project12'}</b> &#160 &#160 \n";
if ( $FORM{'hour12'} ){
print GUEST "Hours: <b>$FORM{'hour12'}</b><br>\n";
if ( $FORM{'comments'} ){
print GUEST "<br>Comments: <b>$FORM{'comments'}</b><br>\n";
if ($separator eq '1') {
print GUEST " - $date<hr>\n\n";
else {
print GUEST " - $date<p>\n\n";
else { print GUEST $_; }
close (GUEST);

# Log The Entry
if ($uselog eq '1') {
open (LOG, ">>$guestlog");
print LOG "$ENV{'REMOTE_HOST'} - [$FORM{'username'}]<br>\n";
close (LOG);

# Sub Routines

sub no_name
print "Content-type: text/html\n\n";
print "<html><head><title>No Name</title></head>\n";
print "<body><h2>You didn't enter your name. Therefore, your timesheet can
not be submitted. Please press the <b>BACK</b> button to return to the
print "</body></html>\n";

# Log The Error
if ($uselog eq '1') {
open (LOG, ">>$guestlog");
print LOG "$ENV{'REMOTE_HOST'} - [$shortdate] <b>ERR</b> - No Name<br>\n";
close (LOG);

# Options

# Mail Option
if ($mail eq '1') {
open (MAIL, "|$mailprog $recipient") || die "Can't open $mailprog!\n";
print MAIL "Reply-to: $FORM{'username'} ($FORM{'realname'}\n";
print MAIL "From: $FORM{'username'} ($FORM{'realname'}\n";
print MAIL "Subject: Entry to Guest Book\n\n";
print MAIL "You have a new entry in your guest book:\n\n";
print MAIL
print MAIL "$FORM{'comments'}\n";
print MAIL "$FORM{'realname'}";
if ( $FORM{'username'} ){
print MAIL " ($FORM{'username'})";
print MAIL "\n";
if ( $FORM{'city'} ){
print MAIL "$FORM{'city'},";
if ( $FORM{'state'} ){
print MAIL " $FORM{'state'}";
if ( $FORM{'country'} ){
print MAIL " $FORM{'country'}";
print MAIL " - $date\n";
print MAIL "----------------------------------------------------------\n";
close (MAIL);

# Print Out Initial Output Location Heading
if ($redirection eq '1') {
print "Location: $server$guestbookurl\n\n";
else { &redirection }

# Redirection Option
sub redirection
# Print Beginning of HTML
print "Content-Type: text/html\n\n";
print "<html><head><title>Thank You</title></head>\n";
print "<body><h1>Thank You</h1>\n";

# Print Response
print "Here is what you submitted to Accounting:<hr>\n";
print "<b>$FORM{'periodending'}</b><br>\n";
print "<b>$FORM{'timesheetsdue'}</b><p>\n";
print "Employee Name: <b>$FORM{'realname'}</b>";
if ( $FORM{'username'} ){
if ($linkmail eq '1') {
print " (<a
else { print " ($FORM{'username'})" }
print "<br>\n";
if ( $FORM{'costcenter'} ){
print "Cost Center: <b>$FORM{'costcenter'}</b><p>\n";
print "<b><u>Date and Work Status</u></b><br>\n";
if ( $FORM{'day1'} ){
print "<b> 01: </b>$FORM{'day1'} \n";
if ( $FORM{'day2'} ){
print "<b> 02: </b>$FORM{'day2'} \n";
if ( $FORM{'day3'} ){
print "<b> 03: </b>$FORM{'day3'} \n";
if ( $FORM{'day4'} ){
print "<b> 04: </b>$FORM{'day4'} \n";
if ( $FORM{'day5'} ){
print "<b> 05: </b>$FORM{'day5'} \n";
if ( $FORM{'day6'} ){
print "<br><b> 06: </b>$FORM{'day6'} \n";
if ( $FORM{'day7'} ){
print "<b> 07: </b>$FORM{'day7'} \n";
if ( $FORM{'day8'} ){
print "<b> 08: </b>$FORM{'day8'} \n";
if ( $FORM{'day9'} ){
print "<b> 09: </b>$FORM{'day9'} \n";
if ( $FORM{'day10'} ){
print "<b> 10: </b>$FORM{'day10'}\n";
if ( $FORM{'day11'} ){
print "<br><b> 11: </b>$FORM{'day11'} \n";
if ( $FORM{'day12'} ){
print "<b> 12: </b>$FORM{'day12'} \n";
if ( $FORM{'day13'} ){
print "<b> 13: </b>$FORM{'day13'} \n";
if ( $FORM{'day14'} ){
print "<b> 14: </b>$FORM{'day14'} \n";
if ( $FORM{'day15'} ){
print "<b> 15: </b>$FORM{'day15'} \n";
if ( $FORM{'day16'} ){
print "<b> 16: </b>$FORM{'day16'} \n";
if ( $FORM{'day17'} ){
print "<b> 17: </b>$FORM{'day17'} \n";
if ( $FORM{'day18'} ){
print "<b> 18: </b>$FORM{'day18'} \n";
if ( $FORM{'day19'} ){
print "<b> 19: </b>$FORM{'day19'} \n";
if ( $FORM{'day20'} ){
print "<b> 20: </b>$FORM{'day20'} \n";
if ( $FORM{'day21'} ){
print "<br><b> 21: </b>$FORM{'day21'} \n";
if ( $FORM{'day22'} ){
print "<b> 22: </b>$FORM{'day22'} \n";
if ( $FORM{'day23'} ){
print "<b> 23: </b>$FORM{'day23'} \n";
if ( $FORM{'day24'} ){
print "<b> 24: </b>$FORM{'day24'} \n";
if ( $FORM{'day25'} ){
print "<b> 25: </b>$FORM{'day25'} \n";
if ( $FORM{'day26'} ){
print "<br><b> 26: </b>$FORM{'day26'} \n";
if ( $FORM{'day27'} ){
print "<b> 27: </b>$FORM{'day27'} \n";
if ( $FORM{'day28'} ){
print "<b> 28: </b>$FORM{'day28'} \n";
if ( $FORM{'day29'} ){
print "<b> 29: </b>$FORM{'day29'} \n";
if ( $FORM{'day30'} ){
print "<b> 30: </b>$FORM{'day30'} \n";
if ( $FORM{'day31'} ){
print "<b> 31: </b>$FORM{'day31'} \n";
print "<br>\n";
if ( $FORM{'vacation'} ){
print "<br>Vacation Hours: $FORM{'vacation'}\n";
if ( $FORM{'sick'} ){
print "<br>Sick Hours: $FORM{'sick'}\n";
if ( $FORM{'other'} ){
print "<br>Other (Explain): $FORM{'other'}\n";
print "<br><br><b><u>Project Allocation Summary</u></b><br>\n";
if ( $FORM{'project1'} ){
print "Project: <b>$FORM{'project1'}</b> &#160 &#160 \n";
if ( $FORM{'hour1'} ){
print "Hours: <b>$FORM{'hour1'}</b><br>\n";
if ( $FORM{'project2'} ){
print "Project: <b>$FORM{'project2'}</b> &#160 &#160 \n";
if ( $FORM{'hour2'} ){
print "Hours: <b>$FORM{'hour2'}</b><br>\n";
if ( $FORM{'project3'} ){
print "Project: <b>$FORM{'project3'}</b> &#160 &#160 \n";
if ( $FORM{'hour3'} ){
print "Hours: <b>$FORM{'hour3'}</b><br>\n";
if ( $FORM{'project4'} ){
print "Project: <b>$FORM{'project4'}</b> &#160 &#160 \n";
if ( $FORM{'hour4'} ){
print "Hours: <b>$FORM{'hour4'}</b><br>\n";
if ( $FORM{'project5'} ){
print "Project: <b>$FORM{'project5'}</b> &#160 &#160 \n";
if ( $FORM{'hour5'} ){
print "Hours: <b>$FORM{'hour5'}</b><br>\n";
if ( $FORM{'project6'} ){
print "Project: <b>$FORM{'project6'}</b> &#160 &#160 \n";
if ( $FORM{'hour6'} ){
print "Hours: <b>$FORM{'hour6'}</b><br>\n";
if ( $FORM{'project7'} ){
print "Project: <b>$FORM{'project7'}</b> &#160 &#160 \n";
if ( $FORM{'hour7'} ){
print "Hours: <b>$FORM{'hour7'}</b><br>\n";
if ( $FORM{'project8'} ){
print "Project: <b>$FORM{'project8'}</b> &#160 &#160 \n";
if ( $FORM{'hour8'} ){
print "Hours: <b>$FORM{'hour8'}</b><br>\n";
if ( $FORM{'project9'} ){
print "Project: <b>$FORM{'project9'}</b> &#160 &#160 \n";
if ( $FORM{'hour9'} ){
print "Hours: <b>$FORM{'hour9'}</b><br>\n";
if ( $FORM{'project10'} ){
print "Project: <b>$FORM{'project10'}</b> &#160 &#160 \n";
if ( $FORM{'hour10'} ){
print "Hours: <b>$FORM{'hour10'}</b><br>\n";
if ( $FORM{'project11'} ){
print "Project: <b>$FORM{'project11'}</b> &#160 &#160 \n";
if ( $FORM{'hour11'} ){
print "Hours: <b>$FORM{'hour11'}</b><br>\n";
if ( $FORM{'project12'} ){
print "Project: <b>$FORM{'project12'}</b> &#160 &#160 \n";
if ( $FORM{'hour12'} ){
print "Hours: <b>$FORM{'hour12'}</b><br>\n";
print "<br>\n";
#print " - $date<p>\n";

# Print End of HTML
print "Comments: <b>$FORM{'comments'}</b><br>\n";
print "<hr>\n";
print " Back to <a href=\"http://intranet\"><b>AEI Intranet
print "</body></html>\n";
#################################End Code##########################

Eric Schwartz

Chris Abraham said:
I am having a very frustrating experience with one of Matt's guestbook CGI

This one's easy: Don't Do That(tm). Matt's scripts are universally
acknowledged (even by Matt himself) to be poorly written, buggy, and a
pain in the arse to maintain. Check out the replacements at
http://sourceforge.net/projects/nms-cgi/ instead.


Jay Tilton

: I have fears that it has nothing to do with Perl,

Probably right.

: I WAS NOT able to get the PERL SCRIPT to write to the guestbook html file:

: The Perl script is to follow, as I got it, before I localized it for the BSD
: box:

: open (FILE,"$guestbookreal");
: open (GUEST,">$guestbookreal");
: open (LOG, ">>$guestlog");
: open (LOG, ">>$guestlog");

Always check the return from open() for success. If it fails, have
the program tell you what caused the failure.

open(FILE, $filename) or die "Cannot open '$filename': $!";

Do you really want to trust a program that doesn't handle this most
basic of exceptions? Drop it and find a competently written

"Robert" <[email protected]> will benefit from the same advice, if he can
stop being a twit long enough to do some reading.

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