Why use RoR instead Aspx


Pablo Q.

Hi all,

Does anyone know any article where it's been compared RoR vrs aspx,
php, and others web frameworks? I'm trying to argue at work why is
best to use RoR instead .aspx.

Thanks in advance.

Pablo Quir=F3s

Jason Roelofs

Hi all,

Does anyone know any article where it's been compared RoR vrs aspx,
php, and others web frameworks? I'm trying to argue at work why is
best to use RoR instead .aspx.

Thanks in advance.

Ruby on Rails - Framework
ASP - Subset of .NET language runtime for Web
PHP - Language built mainly for web development

You need to specify things that actually can be compared.

Besides that problem, there is no way one can give a "best" reason to
use Rails over anything else. For me, I'm exponentially more
productive and I love working with Ruby.

You're especially never going to prove "better" and "best" with text
on a page. You need to try it out yourself and let the results dictate
which you think is "best".


Pablo Q.

Okay. I mean, I love programming in ruby so I would like some help in order
to make my work more comfortable. Yes, I made a mistake saying that aspx,
php, are frameworks but my point is not that. I would like to find
benchmarks, deadlines comparatives and things like that. I know that is mor=
productive programming in Ruby by experience but I need a formal document
that says the same think by examples in real life. Sorry Jason, I only have
experience programming in frameworks in Java and Ruby, I don't have any ide=
how aspx, php works. So actually I'm only experienced with the use of
Frameworks. Any other comments? For example, articles that talk about
performance comparatives, productivity, scalability and thinks like that.

2008/6/5 Jason Roelofs said:
Ruby on Rails - Framework
ASP - Subset of .NET language runtime for Web
PHP - Language built mainly for web development

You need to specify things that actually can be compared.

Besides that problem, there is no way one can give a "best" reason to
use Rails over anything else. For me, I'm exponentially more
productive and I love working with Ruby.

You're especially never going to prove "better" and "best" with text
on a page. You need to try it out yourself and let the results dictate
which you think is "best".


Ing. Pablo Andr=E9s Quir=F3s Sol=EDs
Tel (506) 833-7656

Phillip Gawlowski

Hash: SHA1

Pablo Q. wrote:
| Okay. I mean, I love programming in ruby so I would like some help in
| to make my work more comfortable. Yes, I made a mistake saying that aspx,
| php, are frameworks but my point is not that. I would like to find
| benchmarks, deadlines comparatives and things like that. I know that
is more
| productive programming in Ruby by experience but I need a formal document
| that says the same think by examples in real life.

This may help:

While not a white-paper or something else formal-ish, it is an
interesting piece nonetheless.

| Sorry Jason, I only have
| experience programming in frameworks in Java and Ruby, I don't have
any idea
| how aspx, php works. So actually I'm only experienced with the use of
| Frameworks. Any other comments? For example, articles that talk about
| performance comparatives, productivity, scalability and thinks like that.

The only thing that really helps: First hand experience. Without that,
it is neigh impossible to put the author's claims in any write up into

For example, you'll find a multitude of write ups on why PHP sucks. But
how do you know if it is an issue for your needs, if you don't know PHP,
at least in passing? What does that say about Yahoo!, who use PHP almost
exlusively (IIRC, anyway)? Does it actually matter?

Similar for .NET or Java.

- --
Phillip Gawlowski
Twitter: twitter.com/cynicalryan
Blog: http://justarubyist.blogspot.com

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Cassandra has a following and seven cities compete for the honor of
endowing a living Homer.
~ -- Ambrose Bierce, "The Devil's Dictionary"
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