Phil Tomson
I'm trying to call:
(from MSDN info):
" BOOL IsWow64Process(
HANDLE hProcess,
PBOOL Wow64Process
[in] Handle to a process.
[out] Pointer to a value that is set to TRUE if the process is
running under WOW64. Otherwise, the value is set to FALSE.
Return Values
If the function succeeds, the return value is a nonzero value.
If the function fails, the return value is zero."
I can see that return value is 1 meaning that the call succeeded, but
I can't seem to get anything out of the Wow64Process parameter.
Here's the code snippet:
#########Should work on WinXP, other Wins will skip the relevant code
require 'Win32API'
#only works on XP which is why we rescue:
Is64bit = Win32API.new("kernel32","IsWow64Process",['L','P'],'L')
puts "you're not on XP"
Is64bit = nil
isXP = false
puts "you're on XP, but is it 64 bit?"
isXP = true
#Now try to see if we're running on WinXP 64bit edition:
is64 = "f" #string to pass into the Wow64Process param
if isXP
puts "Possibly 64bit. Checking..."
result = Is64bit.call(GetCurrentProcess.call(),is64)
#is64 should be false on WinXP and true on WinXP-64bit#
puts "result is: #{result}, is64 is #{is64.unpack("L")}"
puts "Not 64bit"
What I see (when it runs on an XP-64 box) is:
result is: 1, is64 is
So I can't seem to determine the result in the is64 param; I'd expect
either a 0 or 1.
What am I doing wrong?
(from MSDN info):
" BOOL IsWow64Process(
HANDLE hProcess,
PBOOL Wow64Process
[in] Handle to a process.
[out] Pointer to a value that is set to TRUE if the process is
running under WOW64. Otherwise, the value is set to FALSE.
Return Values
If the function succeeds, the return value is a nonzero value.
If the function fails, the return value is zero."
I can see that return value is 1 meaning that the call succeeded, but
I can't seem to get anything out of the Wow64Process parameter.
Here's the code snippet:
#########Should work on WinXP, other Wins will skip the relevant code
require 'Win32API'
#only works on XP which is why we rescue:
Is64bit = Win32API.new("kernel32","IsWow64Process",['L','P'],'L')
puts "you're not on XP"
Is64bit = nil
isXP = false
puts "you're on XP, but is it 64 bit?"
isXP = true
#Now try to see if we're running on WinXP 64bit edition:
is64 = "f" #string to pass into the Wow64Process param
if isXP
puts "Possibly 64bit. Checking..."
result = Is64bit.call(GetCurrentProcess.call(),is64)
#is64 should be false on WinXP and true on WinXP-64bit#
puts "result is: #{result}, is64 is #{is64.unpack("L")}"
puts "Not 64bit"
What I see (when it runs on an XP-64 box) is:
result is: 1, is64 is
So I can't seem to determine the result in the is64 param; I'd expect
either a 0 or 1.
What am I doing wrong?