Masaki Suketa
I have a question about Win32OLE.
I think that I'll change the behavior of WIN32OLE#[] and WIN32OLE#[]=
in Ruby 1.9 or later.
I have not commited the change yet.
Before commiting it, I want suggestions or opinions from Win32OLE users.
For example,
excel = WIN32OLE.excel("Excel.Application")
excel["Visible"] = true
is NG.
Instead, You must write
excel = WIN32OLE.excel("Excel.Application")
excel.Visible = true
For more,
installer = WIN32OLE.new("WindowsInstaller.Installer")
record = installer.CreateRecord(2)
record ["StringData", 1] = 'dddd'
is NG. Instead,
installer = WIN32OLE.new("WindowsInstaller.Installer")
record = installer.CreateRecord(2)
record.setproperty("StringData", 1, 'dddd')
By using new featuer, You can write
worksheet.cells[1,2] = 10
in Excel.
For more, you can write
env = sh.Environment("User")
p env["FOO"]
env["FOO"] = "BARBAZ"
For more, you can write
ado = WIN32OLE.new("ADODB.Connection")
rs = ado.Execute("SELECT * from TABLE01")
while !rs.EOF
puts rs.Fields.Item("id").value
puts rs.Fields("id").value
puts rs["id"].value # This is new feature!
and so on. Any comment, any question, welcome.
Masaki Suketa
I have a question about Win32OLE.
I think that I'll change the behavior of WIN32OLE#[] and WIN32OLE#[]=
in Ruby 1.9 or later.
I have not commited the change yet.
Before commiting it, I want suggestions or opinions from Win32OLE users.
For example,
excel = WIN32OLE.excel("Excel.Application")
excel["Visible"] = true
is NG.
Instead, You must write
excel = WIN32OLE.excel("Excel.Application")
excel.Visible = true
For more,
installer = WIN32OLE.new("WindowsInstaller.Installer")
record = installer.CreateRecord(2)
record ["StringData", 1] = 'dddd'
is NG. Instead,
installer = WIN32OLE.new("WindowsInstaller.Installer")
record = installer.CreateRecord(2)
record.setproperty("StringData", 1, 'dddd')
By using new featuer, You can write
worksheet.cells[1,2] = 10
in Excel.
For more, you can write
env = sh.Environment("User")
p env["FOO"]
env["FOO"] = "BARBAZ"
For more, you can write
ado = WIN32OLE.new("ADODB.Connection")
rs = ado.Execute("SELECT * from TABLE01")
while !rs.EOF
puts rs.Fields.Item("id").value
puts rs.Fields("id").value
puts rs["id"].value # This is new feature!
and so on. Any comment, any question, welcome.
Masaki Suketa