Hi, i'm having some trouble with a file in binary mode on winxp.
with this code:
File.open( 'output.out', 'wb+' ) {|fd|
bin_data = [0].pack('c')
fd.putc bin_data
fd.putc "\000"
fd.putc 0x0
fd.putc 0
fd.putc 1
have this result
for every 0 write a 0d0a pair... but for 1 write ok....
I write in diferent styles (octal,decimal,hex,pack) but the same
result, I try with syswrite, write, print, printf and the same
problem.... all the numbers write ok, except 0 that write 0d0a .....
there are some flag that I'm missing ? or some magic to do ?
ruby --version
ruby 1.8.2 (2004-12-25) [i386-mswin32]
:: nelson ::
with this code:
File.open( 'output.out', 'wb+' ) {|fd|
bin_data = [0].pack('c')
fd.putc bin_data
fd.putc "\000"
fd.putc 0x0
fd.putc 0
fd.putc 1
have this result
for every 0 write a 0d0a pair... but for 1 write ok....
I write in diferent styles (octal,decimal,hex,pack) but the same
result, I try with syswrite, write, print, printf and the same
problem.... all the numbers write ok, except 0 that write 0d0a .....
there are some flag that I'm missing ? or some magic to do ?
ruby --version
ruby 1.8.2 (2004-12-25) [i386-mswin32]
:: nelson ::