James Kanze a écrit :
Which is fine, but who uses Windows? (Or at least, who wants to
limit themselves to Windows.)
Swing is very well designed, but Java isn't very good for
programming logic in general. Using Java for the GUI itself,
with Corba to communicate with the C++ part, is often a valid
option, however.
There are a number of portable GUI libraries which work with
C++, wxWidgets seems quite widespread, for example. I don't
think that that's really a problem.
Yes sticking to GUI, this may be true. Nevertheless when you make a GUI
application, you often need a lot of other things. But the ones on C++
are either incomplete, either they offer poor support. If you want the
best you have to take from there and from there and from there....
I worked on a desktop application relating to finance in java: I had out
of the box large support for: strings and localization (Locale,
formatting including dates and currencies), dates (Calendar,
GregorianCalendar), plenty of GUI components, database access (JDBC).
I could also access internet (URL, Http API related, etc. and solution
for security issues included). Logging is so easy. When I left the
project, they were switching to java 6 and started using the light
database included in it.
I did not used that, but there is also API for image processing, many
many many APIs for processing XML in all forms and so on.
Of course all this using the free netbeans IDE which helps a lot in GUI
design, and MUCH MORE (see a guided tour of netbeans 5.5 or 6.0 and you
get the point - at least a very small point)
I wish wxWidget, which also have lot of libraries included - still i
doubt it has as much as Java - had a good IDE (as good as Netbeans)
Of course, all I said for java tends to be true for C# too (with Visual
Studio) but works only on Windows.