I've seen similar posts regarding remote debugging, but I'm not sure if that's
what I'm looking for.
FYI: My laptop has one of those low & wide monitors which never quite matches my
clients CRT.
What I want to do is open the ASP.Net web in...
First to just view the page output in the browser on a machine where I can
easily set the resolution similar to the client's, make changes in the app
(while not in debug mode) and re-test to prefect the UI experience.
Secondly, develop from my larger monitor desktop but have all the pieces live on
my WinXPro laptop.
I do this so that everything is always on my laptop and I can go to the client
with everything, I PKZip copies to my local server for safety & burn CD's from
there, but otherwise all the original components reside on my laptop, too many
times I've been at the client and realized that I'd forgotten to bring
.... posted earlier in MS WinXP General
Before I go fixing and changing is there something that a standard WinXPro SP2
system should have changed to enable viewing web pages from another PC on a LAN?
I have a .Net application that I can access locally on my WinXPro system as
http://Box02/CompReq.Dev/ or http://localhost/CompReq.Dev/
Both open my default page, however I cannot access this from any other
system running Win2KPro or Win2KServer on my LAN.
The only element that I notice in Properties for the root web folder, |Security
is the addition of Internet Guest Accountno (Box02\USR_Box02) on this WinXPro
Everyone is set to Read & Exec, List and Read = Allow.
Any clues are appreciated.
P.S. I've seen some workarounds for remote debugging, but since I'm not eager to
open my security and I'm not remote debugging this doesn't seem like a good
what I'm looking for.
FYI: My laptop has one of those low & wide monitors which never quite matches my
clients CRT.
What I want to do is open the ASP.Net web in...
First to just view the page output in the browser on a machine where I can
easily set the resolution similar to the client's, make changes in the app
(while not in debug mode) and re-test to prefect the UI experience.
Secondly, develop from my larger monitor desktop but have all the pieces live on
my WinXPro laptop.
I do this so that everything is always on my laptop and I can go to the client
with everything, I PKZip copies to my local server for safety & burn CD's from
there, but otherwise all the original components reside on my laptop, too many
times I've been at the client and realized that I'd forgotten to bring
.... posted earlier in MS WinXP General
Before I go fixing and changing is there something that a standard WinXPro SP2
system should have changed to enable viewing web pages from another PC on a LAN?
I have a .Net application that I can access locally on my WinXPro system as
http://Box02/CompReq.Dev/ or http://localhost/CompReq.Dev/
Both open my default page, however I cannot access this from any other
system running Win2KPro or Win2KServer on my LAN.
The only element that I notice in Properties for the root web folder, |Security
is the addition of Internet Guest Accountno (Box02\USR_Box02) on this WinXPro
Everyone is set to Read & Exec, List and Read = Allow.
Any clues are appreciated.
P.S. I've seen some workarounds for remote debugging, but since I'm not eager to
open my security and I'm not remote debugging this doesn't seem like a good