I'm a veteran C programmer (about 20 years, including PDP11 and VAX
C), and I know what is on-topic here and what is not. I write standard
C everywhere possible, and encapsulate non-standard code in modules
that (I hope) can be reasonably ported to any platform. But neophytes
certainly don't have the experience I have. Is it really fair to treat
them like shit because they don't have that experience?
I think rather than simply directing newbies to other newsgroups where
they will get their system-specific answers (or just telling them to
go the **** away), it would be better to educate them.
I mean real education; not just "go here to read what the standard
says," but instead: here you can learn how to write standard C and
learn when and how it is appropriate to break the rules, and how to
maintain portable code that still creates *useful* applications on
multiple platforms, and thereby help them learn where the boundaries
really are.
I may just be talking out of my ass, but I know that it's a steep
learning curve, and telling people to **** off because they don't yet
know the rules does nothing productive for anyone (unless you consider
reducing newsgroup static the only important goal).
For example, alloca() has been around for a long time and is available
on most platforms. It provides a quite valuable service where it is
available, and I don't think mentioning it for the recent poster Brian
would have been bad. I directed him to the x86 newsgroup because I
knew his question was off-topic here, but where the hell else does
someone go to find out what really works on *most* systems?
I would rather have pointed out something like: 'on most systems,
alloca() allocates automatic memory that will be freed when the
function exits, but will not be available in all environments.' I
didn't do this because I didn't want to start a 50-post flaming waste
of space.
I won't be offended by flames, no matter how hot (I read and post on
talk.origins, so I'm used to that), so please don't hold back. But I
wonder where a novice C programmer, on any platform, should go to get
realistic, real-world guidance. Is USENET simply dead for that?
C), and I know what is on-topic here and what is not. I write standard
C everywhere possible, and encapsulate non-standard code in modules
that (I hope) can be reasonably ported to any platform. But neophytes
certainly don't have the experience I have. Is it really fair to treat
them like shit because they don't have that experience?
I think rather than simply directing newbies to other newsgroups where
they will get their system-specific answers (or just telling them to
go the **** away), it would be better to educate them.
I mean real education; not just "go here to read what the standard
says," but instead: here you can learn how to write standard C and
learn when and how it is appropriate to break the rules, and how to
maintain portable code that still creates *useful* applications on
multiple platforms, and thereby help them learn where the boundaries
really are.
I may just be talking out of my ass, but I know that it's a steep
learning curve, and telling people to **** off because they don't yet
know the rules does nothing productive for anyone (unless you consider
reducing newsgroup static the only important goal).
For example, alloca() has been around for a long time and is available
on most platforms. It provides a quite valuable service where it is
available, and I don't think mentioning it for the recent poster Brian
would have been bad. I directed him to the x86 newsgroup because I
knew his question was off-topic here, but where the hell else does
someone go to find out what really works on *most* systems?
I would rather have pointed out something like: 'on most systems,
alloca() allocates automatic memory that will be freed when the
function exits, but will not be available in all environments.' I
didn't do this because I didn't want to start a 50-post flaming waste
of space.
I won't be offended by flames, no matter how hot (I read and post on
talk.origins, so I'm used to that), so please don't hold back. But I
wonder where a novice C programmer, on any platform, should go to get
realistic, real-world guidance. Is USENET simply dead for that?