Alex Zozulenko
Such problem (itself with Ruby has arisen is familiar with recent time
It is necessary to receive with FTP the list of files. The criteria of
search are set by user.
The files should be of the certain kind (for example:
MOD17A2. A2006041.h33v10.004.2006065184018.hdf)
The user sets the Name MOD17A2 and certain coordinates h33v10
And date on which there is a choice. On server these files are in
Which names coincide with date. The date looks like 2006.02.10, as well
The folder is called.
I can not decide(solve) or find though something useful on job with the
protocol FTP.
Can will prompt a command with which help it will be possible to carry
Standard set of commands from under shell?
It is necessary extremely and urgently
It is necessary to receive with FTP the list of files. The criteria of
search are set by user.
The files should be of the certain kind (for example:
MOD17A2. A2006041.h33v10.004.2006065184018.hdf)
The user sets the Name MOD17A2 and certain coordinates h33v10
And date on which there is a choice. On server these files are in
Which names coincide with date. The date looks like 2006.02.10, as well
The folder is called.
I can not decide(solve) or find though something useful on job with the
protocol FTP.
Can will prompt a command with which help it will be possible to carry
Standard set of commands from under shell?
It is necessary extremely and urgently