working with bits



I am working on creating a DNS resolver. According to RPC 1035 a
number of fields a certain number of bits long need to be sent with
certain information in it. For example: a 1-bit field followed by a 4-
bit field followed by 3 1-bit fields, followed by a 16-bit field. How
do I create these fields and combine them to send to a dns server?

Gianni Mariani

iwasinnihon said:
I am working on creating a DNS resolver. According to RPC 1035 a
number of fields a certain number of bits long need to be sent with
certain information in it. For example: a 1-bit field followed by a 4-
bit field followed by 3 1-bit fields, followed by a 16-bit field. How
do I create these fields and combine them to send to a dns server?

You can try to use bitfields but I'm not sure how portable that is.
Last resort is to create the values by bit manipulation put it directly
into a buffer.

Do you have the specs handy ?

James Kanze

I am working on creating a DNS resolver. According to RPC 1035 a
number of fields a certain number of bits long need to be sent with
certain information in it. For example: a 1-bit field followed by a 4-
bit field followed by 3 1-bit fields, followed by a 16-bit field. How
do I create these fields and combine them to send to a dns server?

Use shifting (<< and >> operators), masking and or'ing (&, | and
~ operators).

For example, for:
|QR| Opcode |AA|TC|RD|

unsigned char byte = (QR << 7)
| (Opcode << 3)
| (AA << 2)
| (TC << 1)
| RD ;

if (and only if) the variables in question can only hold
legitmate values (and have unsigned type, which they should).
To extract:

QR = (byte & 0x80) >> 7 ;
Opcode = (byte & 0x78) >> 3 ;
AA = (byte & 0x04) >> 2 ;
TC = (byte & 0x02) >> 1 ;
RD = byte & 0x01 ;

If you just need to compare the value, you can skip the shift:

if ( (byte & 0x80) != 0 ) ...
switch( byte & 0x78 ) {
case 0 << 3 :
// ...
break ;
case 1 << 3 :
// ...

To make the code more readable, I'll generally define manifest
constants along the lines of:
int const QRmask = 0x80 ;
int const QRshift = 7 ;
int const Opcodemask = 0x78 ;
int const Opcodeshift = 3 ;
// ...

Note that you'll have to do the same thing in reverse for
entities larger than an octet:

unsigned char buffer[ 4 ] ;
buffer[ 0 ] = QDCOUNT >> 24 ;
buffer[ 1 ] = QDCOUNT >> 16 ;
buffer[ 2 ] = QDCOUNT >> 8 ;
buffer[ 3 ] = QDCOUNT ;

And to read:

QDC0UNT = buffer[ 0 ] << 24
| buffer[ 1 ] << 16
| buffer[ 2 ] << 8
| buffer[ 3 ] ;

(Formally, even the above is not guaranteed to work in all
cases, since it supposes 8 bit bytes, etc., and if QDC0UNT is
signed, 2's complement. In practice, machines which don't fit
this model are rare enough that I don't usually have to consider
them. And I generally use the C types int32_t/uint32_t and
int8_t/uint8_t, so that the code won't compile on a machine
where this isn't the case.)


I am still working on this project (Creating a DNS resolver). My
programming skills have a lot to be desired. I need to combine 4
buffers together and then use the sendto() socket command to send the
message to the DNS server. Here are my buffers. The message needs to
be a char*.

unsigned int header_buffer = (ID << 80) | (Flags.Flag << 64) |
(QDCount << 48) | (ANCount << 32) | (NSCount << 16) | ARCount;
unsigned char QNAME;
unsigned __int16 QTYPE;
unsigned __int16 QCLASS;

I am at a loss as to how to combine these and then get it converted
into a char* so that I can use sendto().

Does anyone have any idea?

Jerry Coffin

I am still working on this project (Creating a DNS resolver). My
programming skills have a lot to be desired. I need to combine 4
buffers together and then use the sendto() socket command to send the
message to the DNS server. Here are my buffers. The message needs to
be a char*.

unsigned int header_buffer = (ID << 80) | (Flags.Flag << 64) |
(QDCount << 48) | (ANCount << 32) | (NSCount << 16) | ARCount;
unsigned char QNAME;
unsigned __int16 QTYPE;
unsigned __int16 QCLASS;

I am at a loss as to how to combine these and then get it converted
into a char* so that I can use sendto().

Typically you'd do something like:

struct name_def {
unsigned int header_buffer = (ID << 80) | // ...
// (ID << 80)? Really?
unsigned char QNAME;
unsigned _int16 QTYPE;
unsigned _int16 QCLASS;

name_def some_name;

sendto(s, reinterpret_cast<char *>(&some_name), ...);

You can also do the type-pun via a union -- in theory, this has a minor
advantage, but AFAIK it's _purely_ theoretical. If you really want to
get into the gory details, there's a thread from a few months back
starting at:

Jerry Coffin

[ ... ]
Typically you'd do something like:

struct name_def {
unsigned int header_buffer = (ID << 80) | // ...
// (ID << 80)? Really?
unsigned char QNAME;
unsigned _int16 QTYPE;
unsigned _int16 QCLASS;

Oops -- I should have pointed out that you'll have to either make
header_buffer a const static member, or else do its initialization in a
ctor intead of inline like this.

James Kanze

I'm not sure what hardware you're working on, but it looks
pretty exotic, if you have over 80 bits in an int.
Typically you'd do something like:
struct name_def {
unsigned int header_buffer = (ID << 80) | // ...
// (ID << 80)? Really?
unsigned char QNAME;
unsigned _int16 QTYPE;
unsigned _int16 QCLASS;

I rather doubt that this would work either. The compiler will
probably insert some padding between QNAME and QTYPE. And
whether the internal format of __int16 corresponds to what is
required on the line or not is not at all defined. (__int16
looks like some old Microsoft stuff. In which case, he's
probably on an Intel based PC, and the internal format does
*not* correspond to line format.)

In practice, you have to build up a byte buffer, byte by byte,
as I explained in my earlier answer. And respect the external
format in all cases; QNAME is in fact a string, in the format
one byte length+characters; I suspect that it also has to be
padded to align to either 2 or 4 bytes (but I've not verified in
detail)---if not, QTYPE and QCLASS might be mis-aligned. At any
rate, QNAME is a variable length field, so there's no way you
can use a struct here, even if all internal fields had the
correct format.

The way I usually handle this sort of thing is with push_back,
into an std::vector<char>; I then consider byte by byte what I
have to insert. (Alignment can be handled using the % operator
on v.size().) In some cases, where e.g. I have to insert the
number of bytes in what follows, I'll simply note the current
offset (v.size()), insert a placeholder, and then come back
later and write the actual value. Finally, I'll write &v[0],

Obviously, this requires a fairly good understanding of the
lower levels of what is going on. I'd say that that is a
pre-requisite, however, for implementing any Internet protocol.

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