Antoon said:
Op 2005-10-25, Christopher Subich schreef <
[email protected]>:
I don't see the conection.
The documentation states that cmp(a,b) will return a negative value if
a < b. So why should it throw an exception?
Because it's useful that cmp(a1, a2) should either (return a value) or
(throw an exception) for any element a1, a2 within type(a1) cross
type(a2). If cmp sometimes is okay and sometimes throws an exception,
then it leads to weird borkage in things like trees.
With that in mind, not all sets are comparable. {a} and {b} have no
comparison relationship, as you've pointed out, aside from not-equal.
I'll get to why "not-equal" is a bad idea below.
The documentation doesn't state that. I also didn't find anything in
the documentation on how the programmer should code in order to
enforce this.
Most programmers are simply programmers; they haven't had the benefit of
a couple years' pure-math education, so the distinction between "partial
order" and "total order" is esoteric at best.
With that in mind, compare should conform, as best as possible, to
"intuitive" behavior of comparison. Since comparisons are mostly done
on numbers, an extension of comparisons should behave "as much like
numbers" as possible.
So someone who just use the rich comparisons to implement his
partial order will screw up this total order that cmp is somehow
And cmp doesn't provide a total ordering anyway. Sets are clearly
uncomparable using cmp, so cmp doesn't provide a total order.
Cmp isn't supposed to "provide" a total order, it's supposed to reflect
relative standing in one if one already exists for P1 x P2. If one
doesn't exist, I'd argue that it's the best course of action to throw an
After all, rich comparisons were put in precisely to allow support of
limited comparisons when a total order (or indeed full comparison) isn't
Maybe the original idea was that cmp provided some total ordering,
maybe the general idea is that cmp should provide a total ordering,
but that is not documented, nor is there any documentation in
helping the programmer in this.
I doubt that anyone was thinking about it in such depth. My bet is that
the thought process goes this way:
Og compare numbers. Numbers good, compare good. Grunt grunt.
<some aeons pass>
Language designers: Wouldn't it be nice if we could allow user-defined
objects, such as numbers with units, to compare properly with each
other? This would let us say (1 m) < (.5 mile) pretty easily, eh?
Guido: Let's let classes override a __cmp__ function for comparisons.
In programming language theory, comparisons were firstly about numbers,
and their leading-order behaviour has always stayed about numbers.
Comparing entities which are best represented in an... interesting
formal mathematical way (i.e. partial orders, objects for which some
comparisons are Just Plain Weird) works only as a side-effect of
number-like behavior.
The lesson to take home from this: the less a custom class behaves like
a number, the less intutitively meaningful (or even valid) comparisons
will be on it.
And even if we leave sets aside it still isn't true.
I'd argue that the wart here is that cmp doesn't throw an exception, not
that it returns inconsistent results. This is a classic case of
incomparable objects, and saying that 1 < an empty tuple is bordering on
The current specs and implemantation are.
I see nothing wrong with a function that would provide four kinds of
results when given two elements. The same results as cmp gives now
when it applies and None or other appropiate value or a raised
exception when not.
Given how little this functionality differs from the current cmp,
I don't see why it couldn't replace the current cmp.
My biggest complaint here is about returning None or IncomparableValue;
if that happens, then all code that relies on cmp returning a numeric
result will have to be rewritten.
Comparing incomparables is an exceptional case, and hence it should
raise an exception.
As for saying that cmp should return some times and raise an exception
other times, I just find it squicky. Admittedly, this is entirely up to
the class designer, and your proposed guideline wouldn't change cmp's
behavior for clases that /are/ totally ordered.
Then again, sets excepted, your guideline doesn't seem very applicable
in standard library code.
That an order is not total in no way implies any of the above.
The order on sets is well-defined, consistent, antisymmetric
and transitive.
A partial order is by definition consistent, antisymmetric, and
transitive. A total order is furthermore universal, such that if a !=
b, aRb xor bRa.
This matches the normal use of cmp, and comparing two incomparable
objects is an exceptional case -- hence the exception. Although again,
you're free to provide a cmp for your classes that operates only on a
subset of type x type.