Here's the code:
<body onload="setTimeout('Writing();', 1000);" topmargin=0>
<form id=Form1>
<iframe id="mainchat" src="about:blank" height=200></iframe>
<script language="javascript">
function Writing(){
window.frames[0].document.write('<a href="javascript:void(0);"
onclick="javascript:alert(\'alert\');">writing</a> ');
setTimeout('Writing()', 3000);
If you execute it in IE 6.0 and click on the WRITING <A> tag being
printed every 3 seconds in the iframe, it will stop writing into
iFrame, the setTimeout will still be firing but document.write command
will be ignored!!!
Works perfectly in IE 7 and Firefox.
Is there any way to make it work in IE 6 ???
<body onload="setTimeout('Writing();', 1000);" topmargin=0>
<form id=Form1>
<iframe id="mainchat" src="about:blank" height=200></iframe>
<script language="javascript">
function Writing(){
window.frames[0].document.write('<a href="javascript:void(0);"
onclick="javascript:alert(\'alert\');">writing</a> ');
setTimeout('Writing()', 3000);
If you execute it in IE 6.0 and click on the WRITING <A> tag being
printed every 3 seconds in the iframe, it will stop writing into
iFrame, the setTimeout will still be firing but document.write command
will be ignored!!!
Works perfectly in IE 7 and Firefox.
Is there any way to make it work in IE 6 ???