Strix Nihildom
The end product of this program is an application that permits pilots to
perform the required weight and balance calculations prior to flight.
The User should be presented with a list of aircraft registration numbers
(a.k.a., tail numbers) with the aircraft model, call sign, and equipment list
presented on the same line and asked to select an aircraft.
After the User selects an aircraft, specific information should be provided for
that aircraft including a list of stations. The User should then be able to
enter the weights of the various items for the planned flight and be told the
resulting gross weight, location of the center of gravity, and an indication of
the loading condition.
At the User's request, a character-based graphic display should illustrate the
weight and balance information relative to the CG limits for that aircraft.
perform the required weight and balance calculations prior to flight.
The User should be presented with a list of aircraft registration numbers
(a.k.a., tail numbers) with the aircraft model, call sign, and equipment list
presented on the same line and asked to select an aircraft.
After the User selects an aircraft, specific information should be provided for
that aircraft including a list of stations. The User should then be able to
enter the weights of the various items for the planned flight and be told the
resulting gross weight, location of the center of gravity, and an indication of
the loading condition.
At the User's request, a character-based graphic display should illustrate the
weight and balance information relative to the CG limits for that aircraft.