Fabrizio Pollastri
My code is the following:
from Tkinter import *
def tk_dummy_call(*args):
root = Tk()
# save call address
original_tk_call = root.tk.call
# disable tcl command execution (this is the read-only attribute)
root.tk.call = tk_dummy_call
.... some code ...
# restore tcl command execution
root.tk.call = original_tk_call
My goal is to make instances of Tkinter widgets without the effects of
commands directed to the tcl interpreter but preserving all effects at
python level.
from Tkinter import *
def tk_dummy_call(*args):
root = Tk()
# save call address
original_tk_call = root.tk.call
# disable tcl command execution (this is the read-only attribute)
root.tk.call = tk_dummy_call
.... some code ...
# restore tcl command execution
root.tk.call = original_tk_call
My goal is to make instances of Tkinter widgets without the effects of
commands directed to the tcl interpreter but preserving all effects at
python level.