I'm new to Ruby and I am looking for a list of "main stream" libraies for
writing GUI application in Ruby. I have found the obvious choices that ship
with Ruby.
Are their any others worth lookin into.
Good summary of what GUIs are available:
Personally I prefer ruby-gtk2 from ruby-gnome2.sourceforge.jp--a choice
I made because:
1) both gtk+ and the Ruby libs are LGPL,
2) gtk+ is core of GNOME desktop (so my Ruby GUI apps are consistent
with my desktop and most of my other main applications),
3) gtk+ and ruby-gnome are written in C (not a big deal, but it was a
factor for me),
4) ruby-gtk2 API is extremely easy to learn and use (lots of optional
arguments and sensible defaults),
5) runs on MS Windows (with big downloads but minimal hoop jumping)*,
6) well-documented (if ruby-gnome2 project doesn't have something
documented the API docs at
www.gnome.org do--not hard to understand how
to "translate"),
7) flexible (widgets use existing desktop themes, are otherwise very
* Question: would it be possible for one-click installer to include
ruby-gtk2, perhaps as a flavor or add-on? What if bribery were
- mcl,