hi i have hw assignment providing info below. please provide some code if
you can. thanks.
int lookupValue(List *listPtr, ListItemType item, bool &success)
// If an entry equal to item exists in the list pointed to by
// listPtr, returns the index of the position of the first occurrence
// of such an item and sets success to true. Otherwise success is set
// to false and -1 is returned.
void testLookupValue()
// Tests function lookupValue. Initializes a list using enterList,
// asks for a value to look up, and then passes them to lookupValue.
// If the value is found, prints the location in the list. Otherwise
// prints a message saying the value was not found.
you can. thanks.
int lookupValue(List *listPtr, ListItemType item, bool &success)
// If an entry equal to item exists in the list pointed to by
// listPtr, returns the index of the position of the first occurrence
// of such an item and sets success to true. Otherwise success is set
// to false and -1 is returned.
void testLookupValue()
// Tests function lookupValue. Initializes a list using enterList,
// asks for a value to look up, and then passes them to lookupValue.
// If the value is found, prints the location in the list. Otherwise
// prints a message saying the value was not found.