Dhirendra said:
I am new to xml parsing concept. can anyone suggest good books on
Xerces C++ parsers.
In the XML world, anything on paper is almost by definition obsolete.
I'd suggest checking the tutorials at
http://www.ibm.com/xml to see if
they have one that covers Xerces-C++.
It's been a long time since I looked at C++ version of Xerces, but I
believe its API is very similar to that of the Java version, which is
essentially the industry-standard APIs for XML (DOM and SAX), plus JAXP
(the Java API for XML Parsing, essentially an extension of the SAX APIs
to support DOM parsers, which in fact was derived largely _from_
Xerces), plus a few custom APIs for more advanced functions like
manipulating schemas. In other words, if you're writing something
straightforward, you can probably take any standards-based sample, plug
in Xerces, and get it running with at most minor tweaks.