Andrew Main
I have written a compiler for <a
href="thhp://www.pendraw.co.uk">PenDraw</a> - a language of my own
invention. It accords with Foley & van Dam's "procedure hierarchy".
It is for 2D graphics, but has some features that I believe unique.
Graphics attributes can be applied to procedure calls, but it also has
controls that can modify or even prevent attributes from being
applied. Thus it offers a much richer set of hierarchy possbilities
than a data-structure hierarchy can.
It outputs XML-SVG. It is intended to be to graphics what Perl is to
href="thhp://www.pendraw.co.uk">PenDraw</a> - a language of my own
invention. It accords with Foley & van Dam's "procedure hierarchy".
It is for 2D graphics, but has some features that I believe unique.
Graphics attributes can be applied to procedure calls, but it also has
controls that can modify or even prevent attributes from being
applied. Thus it offers a much richer set of hierarchy possbilities
than a data-structure hierarchy can.
It outputs XML-SVG. It is intended to be to graphics what Perl is to