XMLlab-1.4 final release is out !
XMLlab is an XML-based simulation authoring environment. The proposed
description language allows to describe mathematical objects such as
systems of ordinary differential equations, systems of non-linear
equations, partial differential equations in two dimensions, or simple
curves and surfaces. It also allows to describe the parameters on which
these objects depend. This language is independent of the software and
allows to ensure a relative perennity of authors work, as well as
collaborative work and content reuse.
The simulation is written in XML, according to the DTD file, then
transformed into a Scilab-executable file (Scilab is a Matlab-like
software, free scientific software package, produced by the INRIA).
Many examples/screenshots at http://xmllab.org
XMLlab is an XML-based simulation authoring environment. The proposed
description language allows to describe mathematical objects such as
systems of ordinary differential equations, systems of non-linear
equations, partial differential equations in two dimensions, or simple
curves and surfaces. It also allows to describe the parameters on which
these objects depend. This language is independent of the software and
allows to ensure a relative perennity of authors work, as well as
collaborative work and content reuse.
The simulation is written in XML, according to the DTD file, then
transformed into a Scilab-executable file (Scilab is a Matlab-like
software, free scientific software package, produced by the INRIA).
Many examples/screenshots at http://xmllab.org