Ion Chalmers Freeman
Um, I think XMLSPY is wrong about this, but it was surprising, so I
wanted to check.
my dtd has
<!ENTITY % en "value">
<!ATTLIST element attribute CDATA #FIXED "%en;">
so, when I generate an XML document off the dtd, XMLSPY gives me a
one-value dropdown for the value of attribute as "%en;". And it won't
accept "value". Aren't parameter entities meaningless outside the DTD?
wanted to check.
my dtd has
<!ENTITY % en "value">
<!ATTLIST element attribute CDATA #FIXED "%en;">
so, when I generate an XML document off the dtd, XMLSPY gives me a
one-value dropdown for the value of attribute as "%en;". And it won't
accept "value". Aren't parameter entities meaningless outside the DTD?