Is "the Offical XMYSpy Handbook" (ISBN 0-7645-4964-2, second printing) a
Really Bad Book? It seems to suffer from such poor organization,
writing, editing, and indexing that I'm ready to give up on what seemed
at first like a good product, and recommend some other toolset to my
consulting clients.
Rather than go into elaborate detail quite yet, I'd appreciate some
preliminary feedback from other readers of the Handbook who are
experienced toolsmiths and book authors, as I am myself.
Really Bad Book? It seems to suffer from such poor organization,
writing, editing, and indexing that I'm ready to give up on what seemed
at first like a good product, and recommend some other toolset to my
consulting clients.
Rather than go into elaborate detail quite yet, I'd appreciate some
preliminary feedback from other readers of the Handbook who are
experienced toolsmiths and book authors, as I am myself.