<strong>Name: </strong> John Doe<br />
<strong>Phone Number: </strong> 111-111-1111<br />
<strong>Address: </strong> 111 Anywhere St.
Say that's my HTML. I can get the node whose value is "Name: " with
"//strong[.='Name: ']", but how do I get " John Doe"? <http://
www.w3schools.com/XPath/xpath_axes.asp> mentions "following-sibling"
but neither "//strong[.='Name: ']//following-sibling" or ""//strong
[.='Name: ']//following-sibling::*" yield any results.
Any ideas?
<strong>Name: </strong> John Doe<br />
<strong>Phone Number: </strong> 111-111-1111<br />
<strong>Address: </strong> 111 Anywhere St.
Say that's my HTML. I can get the node whose value is "Name: " with
"//strong[.='Name: ']", but how do I get " John Doe"? <http://
www.w3schools.com/XPath/xpath_axes.asp> mentions "following-sibling"
but neither "//strong[.='Name: ']//following-sibling" or ""//strong
[.='Name: ']//following-sibling::*" yield any results.
Any ideas?