I'm transforming a XML document in XHTML but I have problems using
sub-strings, it will be clearer with an exemple:
What I have:
<form href="identification.php?PHPSESSID=134134&page=2¶m=3" >
what I want:
<form action="identification.php" >
<input name="PHPSESSID" value="134134"/>
<input name="page" value="2"/>
<input name="param" value="3"/>
My main problem is I don't know how many parameters will
identification.php have. I should use <xsl: for-each> but how can I
split a string in an non-known number of substrings?
Any help would be appreciated.
PS: I'm using Sablotron with PHP
Sebek - Sebek <at/> caramail <dot/> com
I'm transforming a XML document in XHTML but I have problems using
sub-strings, it will be clearer with an exemple:
What I have:
<form href="identification.php?PHPSESSID=134134&page=2¶m=3" >
what I want:
<form action="identification.php" >
<input name="PHPSESSID" value="134134"/>
<input name="page" value="2"/>
<input name="param" value="3"/>
My main problem is I don't know how many parameters will
identification.php have. I should use <xsl: for-each> but how can I
split a string in an non-known number of substrings?
Any help would be appreciated.
PS: I'm using Sablotron with PHP
Sebek - Sebek <at/> caramail <dot/> com