I have these two XML documents that I'm trying to merge, they are
identical except by the content they have is in different languages so
I want to generate a third document with a new format including both
languages. My problem is that they both have an attribute that's a
unique identifier in both documents have the same values in the same
positions of the three. I want to parse one file and then through the
document() function and recover the value of an specific
node/attribute by using the unique identifier attribute, to recover
the value of an attribute for the merged document my query looks like
<xsl:value-of select="document($secondarydocument)/node1[@attrib1=value1]@attrib2"
There's something wrong with this query, my xslt engine complains
of @attrib2 it's in the wrong place, how do I recover the value of an
attribute when I already recovered the value of another attribute in
the query? I hope you can help me with this.
I have these two XML documents that I'm trying to merge, they are
identical except by the content they have is in different languages so
I want to generate a third document with a new format including both
languages. My problem is that they both have an attribute that's a
unique identifier in both documents have the same values in the same
positions of the three. I want to parse one file and then through the
document() function and recover the value of an specific
node/attribute by using the unique identifier attribute, to recover
the value of an attribute for the merged document my query looks like
<xsl:value-of select="document($secondarydocument)/node1[@attrib1=value1]@attrib2"
There's something wrong with this query, my xslt engine complains
of @attrib2 it's in the wrong place, how do I recover the value of an
attribute when I already recovered the value of another attribute in
the query? I hope you can help me with this.