I'm using xsl to list an xml file that contains something like: sites,
tag and weight.
I'm listing this in a table with the following titles: | URL | TAG |
WEIGHT (each title his a link)
What I want is when someone clicks a title chooses the sorting option,
if this is the actual sorting option then reverses the order. Can I do
this? How?
Here's an example:
tag and weight.
I'm listing this in a table with the following titles: | URL | TAG |
WEIGHT (each title his a link)
What I want is when someone clicks a title chooses the sorting option,
if this is the actual sorting option then reverses the order. Can I do
this? How?
Here's an example:
Site url: required (pattern: (https?|ftp)://.+)
Tag name: required
Tag weight: integer optional
<site url="http://www.google.com">
<tag name="pesquisa" weight="30" />
<tag name="procura" weight="30" />
<site url="http://www.google.com/webhp?complete=1">
<tag name="ajax" weight="25" />
<tag name="pesquisa" weight="30" />
<tag name="procura" weight="30" />
<site url="https://webmail.fe.up.pt">
<tag name="email" weight="20" />
<tag name="feup" weight="20" />