Dan George
Can anyone help me with the following issue:
I have a YAML file that looks like this:
gm: Name01
gs: N01
gm: Name02
gs: N02
In ruby I'm trying to read all *.txt files in the current folder and
all sub-folders. The text files look like this:
Name-line: Name01
Link-line: blabla.something.N01&=bla
Name-line: Name02
Link-line: blabla.something.N02&=bla
My ruby code looks like this:
require 'yaml'
lnk = 'blabla.something.'
op = '&=bla'
name = File.open('name.yaml')
yp = YAML::load_documents(name) do |name|
txt_files = Dir.glob('**/*.txt').each do |path|
file = File.open(path).readlines.each { |line|
if line.match(/Link-line/)
then line.gsub!(/Link-line.*/, 'Link-line: '+
lnk + name['gs'] + op)
File.open(path, 'w'){|f| f.write file}
My problem is that the code replaces the YAML value 'gs' with the last
value found in the *.txt values.
I want it to read the Name-line in each file and after that use the
appropriate 'gs' value from the YAML file in "line.gsub!(/Link-
line.*/, 'Link-line: '+ lnk + name['gs'] + op)" with the Link-line
I've been trying to find a way for some time now but I just can't seem
to be able to do it and I'm starting to have headaches so if anyone
has any ideas or improvements or critiques please don't hesitate to
Can anyone help me with the following issue:
I have a YAML file that looks like this:
gm: Name01
gs: N01
gm: Name02
gs: N02
In ruby I'm trying to read all *.txt files in the current folder and
all sub-folders. The text files look like this:
Name-line: Name01
Link-line: blabla.something.N01&=bla
Name-line: Name02
Link-line: blabla.something.N02&=bla
My ruby code looks like this:
require 'yaml'
lnk = 'blabla.something.'
op = '&=bla'
name = File.open('name.yaml')
yp = YAML::load_documents(name) do |name|
txt_files = Dir.glob('**/*.txt').each do |path|
file = File.open(path).readlines.each { |line|
if line.match(/Link-line/)
then line.gsub!(/Link-line.*/, 'Link-line: '+
lnk + name['gs'] + op)
File.open(path, 'w'){|f| f.write file}
My problem is that the code replaces the YAML value 'gs' with the last
value found in the *.txt values.
I want it to read the Name-line in each file and after that use the
appropriate 'gs' value from the YAML file in "line.gsub!(/Link-
line.*/, 'Link-line: '+ lnk + name['gs'] + op)" with the Link-line
I've been trying to find a way for some time now but I just can't seem
to be able to do it and I'm starting to have headaches so if anyone
has any ideas or improvements or critiques please don't hesitate to