i hope someone can help us in a nasty problem we've found in a vhdl homework
we have to desaign a register file which reads from register on the rising edge of the clock and writes to (possibly) other register on the falling edge.
we tried this simplistic approach
but then we discovered to our despair that it is not possible to syntesize double edge circuits!
As a matter of fact xilinx gives "Signal reg<1> cannot be synthetized, bad synchronous description".
do you have any slight idea which may help us??
thanks you in advance to everyone!!!
i hope someone can help us in a nasty problem we've found in a vhdl homework
we have to desaign a register file which reads from register on the rising edge of the clock and writes to (possibly) other register on the falling edge.
we tried this simplistic approach
entity Register_File is
clock : in std_logic;
reset : in std_logic;
port_S_addr: in register_address;
port_T_addr: in register_address;
port_D_addr: in register_address;
write_D_EN: in std_logic;
port_D_IN : in std_logic_vector (N-1 downto 0); --content to be written
port_S_OUT: out std_logic_vector (N-1 downto 0); --content to be read
port_T_OUT: out std_logic_vector (N-1 downto 0); --content to be read
output_dep: out std_logic
end Register_File;
architecture Behavioral of Register_File is
signal reg : register_array;
process (clock,reset)
if reset = '1'
for i in 0 to N_REGS-1 loop
reg(i) <= (others => '0');
end loop;
elsif clock'event and clock = '1'
--reading stuff
port_S_OUT <= reg(port_S_addr); --first register
port_T_OUT <= reg(port_T_addr); --second register
elsif clock'event and clock = '0'
--writing stuff
reg(port_D_addr) <= port_D_IN; --destination register
end if;
end process;
end Behavioral;
but then we discovered to our despair that it is not possible to syntesize double edge circuits!
As a matter of fact xilinx gives "Signal reg<1> cannot be synthetized, bad synchronous description".
do you have any slight idea which may help us??
thanks you in advance to everyone!!!