Greetings All,
Yes, Ruby newbie here. I started reading up on Ruby a week or so ago
and have dug up quite a few web sites, docs, etc. Anyway, after
spending the past week reading, and at least 6 hours (if not more)
Google-ing and looking up gsub examples, I am still at a loss. I see
lots of examples of substituting \ with \\, etc. I have yet to see an
example of replacing \" with a simple ". Anyway, I've Googled 'til I'm
exhausted and this is my last ditch effort to learning Ruby. I could
have written this script in PERL 10 times over, in the time it has
taken me to get no-where with Ruby.
Anyway, the following code should pull the HTML from a web site and
present it in such a manner as to allow redirection to a file in a good
HTML format.
# Example from
require 'net/http'
# Attempt to make a connection.
h = Net::HTTP.new(ARGV[0], 80)
# Attempt to get the page / data.
resp, data = h.get('/', nil )
# Display the status and messages.
puts "Code = #{resp.code}"
puts "Message = #{resp.message}"
resp.each {|key, val| printf "%-14s = %-40.40s\n", key, val }
# Actual web page contents
p data
The output then resembles:
.... <div class=\"footer\"> ...
(note the \")
If I attempt to redirect the output to a file:
myunixbox > ./rover.rb www.somesite.com > somefile.html
The \" also get stuck in the file.
However, if I change the gsub code to:
The output changes to:
.... <div class=*footer*> ...
Obviously gsub is properly detecting the \" pair, and it knows to
replace it with * (in that example), but for the life of me I cannot
figure out why it has to keep escaping the ".
Any suggestions would be greatly appreciated.
Thank you,
Yes, Ruby newbie here. I started reading up on Ruby a week or so ago
and have dug up quite a few web sites, docs, etc. Anyway, after
spending the past week reading, and at least 6 hours (if not more)
Google-ing and looking up gsub examples, I am still at a loss. I see
lots of examples of substituting \ with \\, etc. I have yet to see an
example of replacing \" with a simple ". Anyway, I've Googled 'til I'm
exhausted and this is my last ditch effort to learning Ruby. I could
have written this script in PERL 10 times over, in the time it has
taken me to get no-where with Ruby.
Anyway, the following code should pull the HTML from a web site and
present it in such a manner as to allow redirection to a file in a good
HTML format.
# Example from
require 'net/http'
# Attempt to make a connection.
h = Net::HTTP.new(ARGV[0], 80)
# Attempt to get the page / data.
resp, data = h.get('/', nil )
# Display the status and messages.
puts "Code = #{resp.code}"
puts "Message = #{resp.message}"
resp.each {|key, val| printf "%-14s = %-40.40s\n", key, val }
# Actual web page contents
p data
myunixbox > ./rover.rb www.somesite.comFrom the command line, I issue the following command:
The output then resembles:
.... <div class=\"footer\"> ...
(note the \")
If I attempt to redirect the output to a file:
myunixbox > ./rover.rb www.somesite.com > somefile.html
The \" also get stuck in the file.
However, if I change the gsub code to:
The output changes to:
.... <div class=*footer*> ...
Obviously gsub is properly detecting the \" pair, and it knows to
replace it with * (in that example), but for the life of me I cannot
figure out why it has to keep escaping the ".
Any suggestions would be greatly appreciated.
Thank you,