Roedy Green
I noticed that every time I start a new project I have to clone and
modify some existing one. It takes a long time. Further, if I learn
a better way of doing things, that only shows up in new projects.
So I decide to write a Project Stomper, a cookie cutter that creates
all the files I need.
Here is the source. You could not use it unmodified, but it could be
a great start on doing your own. This would have been a great project
for JDK 1.5 enum.
Every time I make a change the program, I can stomp out an entire new
set of files for EVERYTHING. Some I don't override, since the ones
this generates are just starting points.
This program was not intended for publication. That is why you see so
mary peculiar Roedyism's hard-coded in.
package com.mindprod.stomp;
import java.io.File;
import java.io.FileWriter;
import java.io.IOException;
import com.mindprod.pricelist.AppCategories;
import com.mindprod.pricelist.AppCats;
* prepare all the files for a new project.
* @author Roedy Green
* @version 1.0
* @since 2004-05-20
public class StompProject implements AppCategories
* Create a new project
* @param mainClass e.g. FontShower, that name is lower case
* a segment of the package name, and also the
* directory segment where the project lives.
* @param versionTimesTen
* if the version is 1.7, enter 17.
* @param description
* one sentence description of what this project
* @param type "Applet","application", "weblet", "
* @param signed true if digitally singede
* @param distributeZip true post source code.
StompProject ( String mainClass,
int versionTimesTen,
String description,
String type,
boolean signed,
boolean distributeZip )
this.mainClass = mainClass;
this.projectLower = mainClass.toLowerCase();
this.projectUpper = mainClass.toUpperCase();
this.relativeProjectDir = "com\\mindprod" + "\\" + projectLower;
this.absoluteProjectDir = "c:\\" + relativeProjectDir;
this.packageFullyQualified = "com.mindprod." + projectLower;
this.mainClassFullyQualified = packageFullyQualified + "." +
websiteURL = "http://www.mindprod.com";
this.versionTimesTen = versionTimesTen;
this.versionString = (versionTimesTen / 10) + "." +
(versionTimesTen % 10);
this.description = description;
this.type = AppCats.stringToEnum( type );
this.signed = signed;
this.distributeZip = distributeZip;
switch ( this.type )
case APPLET:
case WEBLET:
case HYBRID:
this.hasJar = true;
this.hasJar = false;
switch ( this.type )
case HYBRID:
this.jettable = true;
case APPLET:
case WEBLET:
this.jettable = false;
switch ( this.type )
case APPLET:
case HYBRID:
case WEBLET:
this.hasHtml = true;
this.hasHtml = false;
* does this project have a jar
boolean hasJar;
* does this project have an associated html file?
boolean hasHtml;
* can jet static compilation be used?
boolean jettable;
* e.g. com.mindprod.fontshower
String packageFullyQualified;
* main class name e.g. FontShower
String mainClass;
* e.g. com.mindprod.fontshower.FontShower
String mainClassFullyQualified;
* website where this all gets uploaded
String websiteURL;
int type;
* project name in lower case, e.g. fontshower
String projectLower;
* project name in upper case, e.g. FONTSHOWER
String projectUpper;
* description of what this project is about.
String description;
* e.g. com\mindprod\fontshower
String relativeProjectDir;
* e.g. C:\com\mindprod\fontshower
String absoluteProjectDir;
* if version is 1.7, this is 17
int versionTimesTen;
* e.g. "1.7"
String versionString;
* true if signed
boolean signed;
* true if we distribute a zip with source code
boolean distributeZip;
* create the project directory
* where most of the other files go.
void mkDir()
// always
new File( absoluteProjectDir ).mkdirs();
* generate 4NT descriptions of all files.
void mkDescBtm()
String contents =
"@echo on\n"
+ "@echo desc.btm add 4NT decriptions to all files\n"
+ "\n"
+ describe( projectLower + ".use", "precis of the " + mainClass
+ " project")
+ describe( "README.TXT", "List of all files for " +
mainClass + ", with one line descriptions.")
+ describe( "desc.btm", "creates 4NT file
+ describe( "DESCRIPT.ION", "4NT file descriptions");
if ( hasJar )
contents += describe( "compile.bat", "compile
everything for " + mainClass)
+ describe( "forjar.list", "list of
extra files to include in " + projectLower +".jar")
+ describe( "main.mft", mainClass +
"jar manifest")
+ describe( mainClass +".java", mainClass + "
main Java program source")
+ describe( projectLower +".jar", mainClass + "
jarred class files.");
contents += describe( "distribute.bat", "publish the " +
mainClass + " files on the website.");
if ( distributeZip )
contents += describe( projectLower + versionTimesTen +
mainClass + " " + versionString + "
distribution as a zip archive")
+ describe( "forzip.list", "list of
extra files to include in " + projectLower + versionTimesTen + ".zip"
+ describe( "MasterDistribution.site",
"URL to get the the master copy of
the " + mainClass + " program");
if ( hasHtml )
contents += describe( projectLower + ".html", "html to run
the " + mainClass + " program")
+ describe( "run.bat", "execute the "
+ mainClass + " application");
contents += "call mkReadme.btm\n"
+ "rem -30-\n";
save( absoluteProjectDir + "\\" + "desc.btm", contents, true );
* prepare at line for the 4NT desribe utility
* to describe no file.
* @param file unqualified name of file
* @param description
* description of what the file does
* @return one line bat command with \n.
private static String describe ( String file, String description )
return "describe " + "\"" + file + "\"" + " " + "\"" +
description + "\"" + "\n";
* make the *.use text file that
* briefly describes the project.
void mkUse()
// always
String contents = mainClass + " Version " + versionString + "\n"
+ description + "\n"
+ "\n"
+ AppCats.enumToDescription( type, signed ) +
+ "\n"
+ "Copyright 2004 Canadian Mind Products.\n"
+ "May be used freely for any purpose but
if ( distributeZip )
contents += "All Java source code is included.\n";
save( absoluteProjectDir + "\\" + projectLower + ".use",
contents, false );
* generate the skeleton of the Java program.
void mkJava()
if ( hasJar )
String contents = "package " + packageFullyQualified + ";\n"
+ "import java.awt.*;\n"
+ "import java.awt.event.*;\n"
+ "import java.awt.image.*;\n"
+ "import java.io.*;\n"
+ "import java.net.*;\n"
+ "import java.text.*;\n"
+ "import java.util.*;\n"
+ "import java.util.zip.*;\n"
+ "import javax.imageio.*;\n"
+ "import javax.swing.*;\n"
+ "import javax.swing.event.*;\n"
+ "import javax.swing.tree.*;\n"
+ "\n"
+ "public class " + mainClass + "\n"
+ "{\n"
+ " /**\n"
+ " * test harness\n"
+ " *\n"
+ " * @param args not used\n"
+ " */\n"
+ " public static void main ( String[]
args )\n"
+ " {\n"
+ " }\n"
+ "}\n";
save( absoluteProjectDir + "\\" + mainClass + ".java",
contents, false );
* create the MasterDistribute.site file pointing to the master
* URL where this program can be downloaded
* from.
void mkMasterDistributionSite()
if ( distributeZip )
String contents = "http://mindprod.com/products.html#" +
projectUpper +"\n";
save( absoluteProjectDir + "\\MasterDistribution.site",
contents, true );
* create the main.mft manifest file.
void mkMainMft()
if ( hasJar )
// picky must be no space before and a space after.
String contents = "Main-Class: " + mainClassFullyQualified +
save( absoluteProjectDir + "\\main.mft", contents, true );
* generate compile.bat to build, jar, sign, and create
* and possibly a zip file for distribution
void mkCompileBat()
if ( hasJar )
String contents = "@echo on\n"
+ "@echo compile.bat compile, create jar,
sign jar, make zip.\n"
+ "\n"
+ "C:\n"
+ "CD " + absoluteProjectDir + "\n"
+ "\n"
+ "javac *.java\n"
+ "\n";
contents += compileTail();
save( absoluteProjectDir + "\\compile.bat", contents, true );
* handle post complile, create jar, sign, build zip.
* @return bat commands to do this.
String compileTail ()
String jarFile = relativeProjectDir + "\\" + projectLower +
String contents = "rem jar {ctxu}[vfm0M] [jar-file]
[manifest-file] [-C dir] files ...\n"
+ "rem -c create new archive\n"
+ "rem -t list table of contents for
+ "rem -x extract named (or all) files
from archive\n"
+ "rem -u update existing archive\n"
+ "rem -v generate verbose output on
standard output\n"
+ "rem -f specify archive file name\n"
+ "rem -m include manifest information
from specified manifest file\n"
+ "rem -0 store only; use no ZIP
+ "rem -M do not create a manifest file
for the entries\n"
+ "rem -i generate index information for
the specified jar files\n"
+ "rem -C change to the specified
directory and include the following file\n"
+ "rem If any file is a directory then it is
processed recursively.\n"
+ "rem The manifest file name and the archive
file name needs to be specified\n"
+ "rem in the same order the \'m\' and \'f\'
flags are specified.\n"
+ "\n"
+ "CD \\\n"
+ "jar.exe -cvfm " + jarFile + " "
+ relativeProjectDir + "\\main.mft "
+ relativeProjectDir + "\\*.class "
+ "@" + relativeProjectDir +
if ( signed )
contents += "\n"
+ "CD " + absoluteProjectDir + "\n"
+ "jarsigner -storepass %jarsignerpassword " +
projectLower + ".jar mindprodcert\n";
if ( hasHtml )
contents += "\n"
+ "CD " + absoluteProjectDir + "\n"
+ "copy E:\\mindprod\\" + projectLower +
contents += "\n"
+ "CD " + absoluteProjectDir + "\n"
+ "call desc.btm\n";
if ( distributeZip )
String zipFile = absoluteProjectDir + "\\" + projectLower +
versionTimesTen + ".zip";
contents += "\n"
+ "CD " + absoluteProjectDir + "\n"
+ "rem add to zip with full folder names\n"
+ "WZZIP -uP " + zipFile + " "
+ absoluteProjectDir + "\\*.bat "
+ absoluteProjectDir + "\\*.class "
+ absoluteProjectDir + "\\*.html "
+ absoluteProjectDir + "\\*.jar "
+ absoluteProjectDir + "\\*.java "
+ absoluteProjectDir + "\\*.txt "
+ absoluteProjectDir + "\\*.use "
+ absoluteProjectDir + "\\MasterDistribution.site
+ "@forzip.list\n"
+ "describe " + zipFile + " \"" + description +
contents += "\n"
+ "CD " + absoluteProjectDir + "\n"
+ "rem -30-\n";
return contents;
* generate jk.bat to build, jar, sign, and create
* and possibly a zip file for distribution, using jikes compiler
void mkJkBat()
if ( hasJar )
String jarFile = relativeProjectDir + "\\" + projectLower +
String contents = "@echo on\n"
+ "@echo jk.bat use jikes to compile,
create jar, sign jar, make zip.\n"
+ "\n"
+ "C:\n"
+ "CD " + absoluteProjectDir + "\n"
+ "\n"
+ "jikes *.java\n"
+ "\n";
contents += compileTail();
save( absoluteProjectDir + "\\jk.bat", contents, true );
* generate jt.bat to postcompile with jet from teh jar.
void mkJtBat()
if ( jettable )
String jarFile = relativeProjectDir + "\\" + projectLower +
String contents = "@echo on\n"
+ "@echo jt.bat use jet to compile the
+ "C:\n"
+ "CD " + absoluteProjectDir + "\n"
+ "\n"
+ "jc " + projectLower + ".jar\n"
+ "\n"
+ "rem -30-\n";
save( absoluteProjectDir + "\\jt.bat", contents, true );
* generate compile and distribute
void mkJustBat()
if ( hasJar )
String contents = "@echo on\n"
+ "@echo just.bat\n"
+ "\n"
+ "C:\n"
+ "CD " + absoluteProjectDir + "\n"
+ "\n"
+ "call compile.bat\n"
+ "call distribute.bat\n"
+ "\n"
+ "rem -30-\n";
save( absoluteProjectDir + "\\just.bat", contents, false );
* generate the forjar.list of what extra to include in the jar
void mkForJarList()
if ( hasJar )
String contents =
+ "/com/mindprod/business/CMPAboutBox.class\n"
+ "/com/mindprod/business/CMPAboutBox$1.class\n"
+ "/com/mindprod/business/CMPAboutBox$2.class\n"
+ "/com/mindprod/business/CMPAboutBox$3.class\n"
+ "/com/mindprod/business/CMPAboutBox$4.class\n"
+ "/com/mindprod/business/CMPAboutBox$5.class\n"
+ "/com/mindprod/business/CMPAboutBox$6.class\n"
+ "/com/mindprod/business/CMPAboutJBox.class\n"
+ "/com/mindprod/business/CMPAboutJBox$1.class\n"
+ "/com/mindprod/business/CMPAboutJBox$2.class\n"
+ "/com/mindprod/business/CMPAboutJBox$3.class\n"
+ "/com/mindprod/business/CMPAboutJBox$4.class\n"
+ "/com/mindprod/business/CMPAboutJBox$5.class\n"
+ "/com/mindprod/business/CMPAboutJBox$6.class\n"
+ "/com/mindprod/business/Misc.class\n"
+ "/com/mindprod/pricelist/AppCategories.class\n"
+ "/com/mindprod/pricelist/AppCats.class\n"
+ "/com/mindprod/amazon/Book.class\n"
+ "/com/mindprod/business/ImageInfo.class\n"
+ "/com/mindprod/business/Misc.class\n"
+ "/com/mindprod/compactor/CompactMindprod.class\n"
+ "/com/mindprod/compactor/Compactor.class\n"
+ "/com/mindprod/entities/InsertEntities.class\n"
+ "/com/mindprod/entities/StripEntities.class\n"
+ "/com/mindprod/filter/AllFilesFilter.class\n"
+ "/com/mindprod/filter/ClamFilter.class\n"
+ "/com/mindprod/filter/CommandLine.class\n"
+ "/com/mindprod/filter/EverythingFilter.class\n"
+ "/com/mindprod/filter/FileLengthFilter.class\n"
+ "/com/mindprod/filter/FilenameLengthFilter.class\n"
+ "/com/mindprod/filter/ListFilter.class\n"
+ "/com/mindprod/filter/MultiFilter.class\n"
+ "/com/mindprod/filter/RecentFilter.class\n"
+ "/com/mindprod/filter/RegexFilter.class\n"
+ "/com/mindprod/hunkio/HunkIO.class\n"
+ "/com/mindprod/hunkio/PrintWriterPlus.class\n"
+ "/com/mindprod/isbn/ISBNValidate.class\n"
+ "/com/mindprod/ledatastream/LEDataInputStream.class\n"
+ "/com/mindprod/ledatastream/LEDataInputStream.class\n"
+ "/com/mindprod/pricelist/AppCategories.class\n"
+ "/com/mindprod/pricelist/AppCats.class\n";
save( absoluteProjectDir + "\\forjar.list", contents, false
* generate the forzip. List of what extra to include in the zip
void mkForZipList()
if ( distributeZip )
String contents =
+ "\\com\\mindprod\\business\\CMPAboutBox*.class\n"
+ "\\com\\mindprod\\business\\CMPAboutJBox*.class\n"
+ "\\com\\mindprod\\business\\Misc.class\n"
+ "\\com\\mindprod\\pricelist\\AppCategories.class\n"
+ "\\com\\mindprod\\pricelist\\AppCats.class\n"
+ "\\com\\mindprod\\amazon\\Book.class\n"
+ "\\com\\mindprod\\business\\ImageInfo.class\n"
+ "\\com\\mindprod\\business\\Misc.class\n"
+ "\\com\\mindprod\\compactor\\CompactMindprod.class\n"
+ "\\com\\mindprod\\compactor\\Compactor.class\n"
+ "\\com\\mindprod\\entities\\*.class\n"
+ "\\com\\mindprod\\filter\\*.class\n"
+ "\\com\\mindprod\\hunkio\\*.class\n"
+ "\\com\\mindprod\\isbn\\ISBNValidate.class\n"
+ "\\com\\mindprod\\ledatastream\\LEDataInputStream.class\n"
+ "\\com\\mindprod\\ledatastream\\LEDataInputStream.class\n"
+ "\\com\\mindprod\\pricelist\\AppCategories.class\n"
+ "\\com\\mindprod\\pricelist\\AppCats.class\n";
contents +=
+ "\\com\\mindprod\\business\\CMPAboutBox.java\n"
+ "\\com\\mindprod\\business\\CMPAboutJBox.java\n"
+ "\\com\\mindprod\\business\\Misc.java\n"
+ "\\com\\mindprod\\pricelist\\AppCategories.java\n"
+ "\\com\\mindprod\\pricelist\\AppCats.java\n"
+ "\\com\\mindprod\\amazon\\Book.java\n"
+ "\\com\\mindprod\\business\\ImageInfo.java\n"
+ "\\com\\mindprod\\business\\Misc.java\n"
+ "\\com\\mindprod\\compactor\\CompactMindprod.java\n"
+ "\\com\\mindprod\\compactor\\Compactor.java\n"
+ "\\com\\mindprod\\entities\\*.java\n"
+ "\\com\\mindprod\\filter\\*.java\n"
+ "\\com\\mindprod\\hunkio\\*.java\n"
+ "\\com\\mindprod\\isbn\\ISBNValidate.java\n"
+ "\\com\\mindprod\\ledatastream\\LEDataInputStream.java\n"
+ "\\com\\mindprod\\ledatastream\\LEDataInputStream.java\n"
+ "\\com\\mindprod\\pricelist\\AppCategories.java\n"
+ "\\com\\mindprod\\pricelist\\AppCats.java\n";
save( absoluteProjectDir + "\\forzip.list", contents, false
* generate the run.bat file to run the program
* as an application.
void mkRunBat()
if ( hasJar )
String contents = "@echo on\n"
+ "@echo run " + mainClass + " as an
+ "C:\n"
+ "CD " + absoluteProjectDir + "\n"
+ "\n"
+ "java.exe -jar " + projectLower +
+ "\n"
+ "rem -30-\n";
save( absoluteProjectDir + "\\run.bat", contents, true );
* Make a skeleton JNLP program to run the JWSP
void mkJnlp()
if ( hasHtml && type == WEBLET )
String contents =
"<?xml version=\"1.0\" encoding=\"utf-8\"?>\n"
+ "\n"
+ "<jnlp spec=\"1.0+\" codebase=\"" + websiteURL + "\"
href=\"" + projectLower + ".jnlp\">\n"
+ "<information>\n"
+ "<title>" + mainClass + " " + versionString + ": " +
description + "</title>\n"
+ "\n"
+ "<vendor>Canadian Mind Products</vendor>\n"
+ "<homepage href=\"" + websiteURL + "/\" />\n"
+ "\n"
+ "<description>"+ description + "</description>\n"
+ "<description kind=\"short\">" + description +
+ "<description kind=\"tooltip\">" + mainClass +
+ "<icon href=\"" + websiteURL +
"/images/greenstar64x64.gif\" width=\"64\" height=\"64\" />\n"
+ "<offline-allowed/>\n"
+ "</information>\n"
+ "\n"
+ "<resources>\n"
+ "<!-- Acceptable JVMs in preferred order, best first -->\n"
+ "<j2se version=\"1.4.2_04\"
href=\"http://java.sun.com/products/autodl/j2se\" />\n"
+ "<j2se version=\"1.4.2_03\"
href=\"http://java.sun.com/products/autodl/j2se\" />\n"
+ "<j2se version=\"1.4.2_02\"
href=\"http://java.sun.com/products/autodl/j2se\" />\n"
+ "<j2se version=\"1.4.2_01\"
href=\"http://java.sun.com/products/autodl/j2se\" />\n"
+ "<j2se version=\"1.4.2\"
href=\"http://java.sun.com/products/autodl/j2se\" />\n"
+ "\n"
+ "<!-- application code -->\n"
+ "<jar href=\"" + projectLower + ".jar\" />\n"
+ "\n"
+ "<!-- data dictionaries in compressed form -->\n"
+ "<jar href=\"dicts.jar\" />\n"
+ "<!-- set a -D system property -->\n"
+ "<property name=\"flavour\" value=\"strawberry\" />\n"
+ "</resources>\n"
+ "\n"
+ "<!-- JNI native .so code -->\n"
+ "<resources os=\"SunOS\" arch=\"sparc\">\n"
+ "<nativelib href=\"lib/solaris/corelibs.jar\"/>\n"
+ "</resources>\n"
+ "\n"
+ "<!-- JNI native .dll code -->\n"
+ "<resources os=\"Windows\" arch=\"x86\">\n"
+ "<nativelib href=\"lib/windows/corelibs.jar\"/>\n"
+ "</resources>\n"
+ "\n"
+ "<security>\n"
+ "<all-permissions />\n"
+ "</security>\n"
+ "\n"
+ "<!-- application class with main method -->\n"
+ "<application-desc main-class=\"" + mainClassFullyQualified
+ "\" />\n"
+ "\n"
+ "<!-- code run once on install to unpack dicts.jar -->\n"
+ "<installer-desc main-class=\"" + packageFullyQualified +
".Installer\" />\n"
+ "</jnlp>";
save( absoluteProjectDir + "\\" + projectLower + ".jnlp",
contents, false );
* Make a skeleton HTML program to run the Applet.
void mkAppletHtml()
if ( hasHtml && ( type == APPLET || type == HYBRID ) )
String contents = "<!-- macro AmanuensisHead \"" + mainClass
+ " Amanuensis\"\n"
+ "\"" + description + "\"\n"
+ "\"Java, amanuensis\"\n"
+ "{<img src=\"images/" + projectLower +
".gif\" height=\"53\" width=\"223\" alt=\"" + mainClass + "\">} -->\n"
+ "<p>This is a " +
AppCats.enumToDescription( type, signed ) + ".\n"
+ description + "<p>\n"
+ " <!-- macro BestBrowsers Applet -->\n"
+ " <p>\n";
if ( signed )
contents += "<table border=\"0\"><tr><td>\n";
contents += "<applet code=\"" + mainClassFullyQualified +
".class\" archive=\""+ projectLower + ".jar\" width=\"1000\"
height=\"1000\" vspace=\"10\" hspace=\"10\" alt=\"Sorry, you need Java
to run " + mainClass + "\">\n"
+ "</applet>\n"
+ "<p>\n";
if ( signed )
contents += "</td><td>\n"
+ "<!-- macro Signed " + mainClass + " " +
AppCats.enumToString( type ) + " -->\n"
+ "/td></tr></table>\n";
contents += "<!-- macro Foot -->\n";
save( absoluteProjectDir + "\\" + projectLower + ".html",
contents, false );
* Make a skeleton HTML program to run the Java WebStart
void mkJwsHtml()
if ( hasHtml && type == WEBLET )
String contents = "<!-- macro AmanuensisHead \"" + mainClass
+ " Amanuensis\"\n"
+ "\"" + description + "\"\n"
+ "\"Java, java web start, amanuensis\"\n"
+ "{<img src=\"images/" + projectLower +
".gif\" height=\"53\" width=\"223\" alt=\"" + mainClass + "\">} -->\n"
+ "<p>This " + AppCats.enumToDescription(
type, signed ) + "\n"
+ description + "<p>\n"
+ " <!-- macro BestBrowsers Applet -->\n"
+ " <p>\n";
if ( signed )
contents +="<table border=\"0\"><tr><td>\n";
contents += "<a href=\"webstart/" + projectLower +
+ " <p>\n";
if ( signed )
contents += "</td><td>\n"
+ "<!-- macro Signed " + mainClass
+ " " + AppCats.enumToString( type ) + "
+ "/td></tr></table>\n";
contents += " <!-- macro Foot -->\n";
save( absoluteProjectDir + "\\" + projectLower + ".html",
contents, false );
* Make the distribute.bat used when application
* is ready for distribution to the website.
void mkDistributeBat()
String contents = "@echo on\n"
+ "@echo distribute.bat: distribute zip and
jar files.\n"
+ "\n"
+ "C:\n"
+ "CD " + absoluteProjectDir + "\n"
+ "\n";
if ( type == APPLET || type == HYBRID || type == WEBLET )
contents += "copy " + projectLower + ".jar E:\\mindprod\n";
if ( distributeZip )
contents += "copy " + projectLower + ".use
E:\\mindprod\\zips\\java\\" + projectLower + ".txt\n"
+ "\n";
String zipFile = projectLower + versionTimesTen + ".zip";
String oldZipFile = "E:\\mindprod\\zips\\java\\" +
projectLower + (versionTimesTen-1) + ".zip";
String newZipFile = "E:\\mindprod\\zips\\java\\" +
projectLower + versionTimesTen + ".zip";
contents += "rem /E means suppress error messages\n"
+ "del /E " + oldZipFile + "\n"
+ "copy /E " + zipFile + " " + newZipFile + "\n"
+ "\n";
contents += "rem -30-\n";
save( absoluteProjectDir + "\\distribute.bat", contents, true );
* Save contents into a text file.
* @param fullyQualifiedFileName
* fully qualified filename.
* @param contents new contents of the file.
* @param overwrite true if should overwrite an existing file.
void save( String fullyQualifiedFileName, String contents, boolean
overwrite )
File file = new File( fullyQualifiedFileName );
if ( ! overwrite && file.exists() )
System.out.println(" saving: " + fullyQualifiedFileName );
FileWriter emit = new FileWriter( file );
emit.write( contents );
catch ( IOException e )
System.err.println( "trouble generating file:" +
fullyQualifiedFileName );
* generate all the files for the new project.
public void stomp()
* test harness
* @param args not used
public static void main ( String[] args )
(new StompProject ( "HtmlMacros", 12, "Generates HTML from
custom macros", "application", false /* unsigned */, false /* don't
distribute zip */ )).stomp();
(new StompProject ( "Amazon", 17, "Generates HTML for book
referrals", "application", false /* unsigned */, false /* don't
distribute zip */ )).stomp();
(new StompProject ( "MimeCheck", 16, "Tests MIME types
servers are sending", "hybrid", true /* signed */, true /*
distribute zip */ )).stomp();
(new StompProject ( "Comparators", 10, "Collection of
Comparators", "library", false /* unsigned */, true /* distribute
zip */ )).stomp();
(new StompProject ( "Stomp", 10, "Stomps out Java and bat
file boilerplate", "application", false /* unsigned */, true /*
distribute zip */ )).stomp();
catch ( Exception e )
package com.mindprod.pricelist;
* constants for Application categories
public interface AppCategories
* run as application
static int APPLICATION = 1;
* run a Applet
static int APPLET = 2;
* run as Applet or application
static int HYBRID = 3;
* run as Java Web Start
static int WEBLET = 4;
* is a class or subroutine you include in
* your own code.
static int LIBRARY = 5;
* a stand alone utility.
static int UTILITY = 6;
* just documentation.
static final int DOCUMENTATION = 7;
package com.mindprod.pricelist;
* constants for Application categories
public class AppCats implements AppCategories
* converts human readable string case insensitive to enum
public static int stringToEnum ( String s )
if ( s.equals( "app" ) ) return APPLICATION;
else if ( s.equals( "applet" ) ) return APPLET;
else if ( s.equals( "application" ) ) return APPLICATION;
else if ( s.equals( "class" ) ) return LIBRARY;
else if ( s.equals( "hybrid" ) ) return HYBRID;
else if ( s.equals( "jws" ) ) return WEBLET;
else if ( s.equals( "library" ) ) return LIBRARY;
else if ( s.equals( "utility" ) ) return UTILITY;
else if ( s.equals( "weblet" ) ) return WEBLET;
else if ( s.equals( "webstart" ) ) return WEBLET;
else if ( s.equals( "documentation") ) return DOCUMENTATION;
throw new IllegalArgumentException( "unknown Application
Category: " + s);
* converts enum to code string string
public static String enumToString( int en )
switch ( en )
case APPLICATION: return "application";
case APPLET: return "Applet";
case HYBRID: return "hydrid";
case WEBLET: return "weblet";
case LIBRARY: return "Class";
case UTILITY: return "Utility";
case DOCUMENTATION: return "documentation";
* converts enum to human readable description string
* @param en enumeration constant
* @param signed true if this app is signed.
* @return long description of this type.
public static String enumToDescription( int en, boolean signed )
String desc;
switch ( en )
case APPLICATION: desc = "Java application";
case APPLET: desc = "Java Applet";
case HYBRID: desc = "Java Applet that can also be run as an
case WEBLET: desc = "Java Web Start weblet";
case LIBRARY: desc = "Class library";
case UTILITY: desc = "non-Java Utility";
case DOCUMENTATION: desc = "documentation";
} // end switch
return( signed ? "signed " : "" ) + desc;
modify some existing one. It takes a long time. Further, if I learn
a better way of doing things, that only shows up in new projects.
So I decide to write a Project Stomper, a cookie cutter that creates
all the files I need.
Here is the source. You could not use it unmodified, but it could be
a great start on doing your own. This would have been a great project
for JDK 1.5 enum.
Every time I make a change the program, I can stomp out an entire new
set of files for EVERYTHING. Some I don't override, since the ones
this generates are just starting points.
This program was not intended for publication. That is why you see so
mary peculiar Roedyism's hard-coded in.
package com.mindprod.stomp;
import java.io.File;
import java.io.FileWriter;
import java.io.IOException;
import com.mindprod.pricelist.AppCategories;
import com.mindprod.pricelist.AppCats;
* prepare all the files for a new project.
* @author Roedy Green
* @version 1.0
* @since 2004-05-20
public class StompProject implements AppCategories
* Create a new project
* @param mainClass e.g. FontShower, that name is lower case
* a segment of the package name, and also the
* directory segment where the project lives.
* @param versionTimesTen
* if the version is 1.7, enter 17.
* @param description
* one sentence description of what this project
* @param type "Applet","application", "weblet", "
* @param signed true if digitally singede
* @param distributeZip true post source code.
StompProject ( String mainClass,
int versionTimesTen,
String description,
String type,
boolean signed,
boolean distributeZip )
this.mainClass = mainClass;
this.projectLower = mainClass.toLowerCase();
this.projectUpper = mainClass.toUpperCase();
this.relativeProjectDir = "com\\mindprod" + "\\" + projectLower;
this.absoluteProjectDir = "c:\\" + relativeProjectDir;
this.packageFullyQualified = "com.mindprod." + projectLower;
this.mainClassFullyQualified = packageFullyQualified + "." +
websiteURL = "http://www.mindprod.com";
this.versionTimesTen = versionTimesTen;
this.versionString = (versionTimesTen / 10) + "." +
(versionTimesTen % 10);
this.description = description;
this.type = AppCats.stringToEnum( type );
this.signed = signed;
this.distributeZip = distributeZip;
switch ( this.type )
case APPLET:
case WEBLET:
case HYBRID:
this.hasJar = true;
this.hasJar = false;
switch ( this.type )
case HYBRID:
this.jettable = true;
case APPLET:
case WEBLET:
this.jettable = false;
switch ( this.type )
case APPLET:
case HYBRID:
case WEBLET:
this.hasHtml = true;
this.hasHtml = false;
* does this project have a jar
boolean hasJar;
* does this project have an associated html file?
boolean hasHtml;
* can jet static compilation be used?
boolean jettable;
* e.g. com.mindprod.fontshower
String packageFullyQualified;
* main class name e.g. FontShower
String mainClass;
* e.g. com.mindprod.fontshower.FontShower
String mainClassFullyQualified;
* website where this all gets uploaded
String websiteURL;
int type;
* project name in lower case, e.g. fontshower
String projectLower;
* project name in upper case, e.g. FONTSHOWER
String projectUpper;
* description of what this project is about.
String description;
* e.g. com\mindprod\fontshower
String relativeProjectDir;
* e.g. C:\com\mindprod\fontshower
String absoluteProjectDir;
* if version is 1.7, this is 17
int versionTimesTen;
* e.g. "1.7"
String versionString;
* true if signed
boolean signed;
* true if we distribute a zip with source code
boolean distributeZip;
* create the project directory
* where most of the other files go.
void mkDir()
// always
new File( absoluteProjectDir ).mkdirs();
* generate 4NT descriptions of all files.
void mkDescBtm()
String contents =
"@echo on\n"
+ "@echo desc.btm add 4NT decriptions to all files\n"
+ "\n"
+ describe( projectLower + ".use", "precis of the " + mainClass
+ " project")
+ describe( "README.TXT", "List of all files for " +
mainClass + ", with one line descriptions.")
+ describe( "desc.btm", "creates 4NT file
+ describe( "DESCRIPT.ION", "4NT file descriptions");
if ( hasJar )
contents += describe( "compile.bat", "compile
everything for " + mainClass)
+ describe( "forjar.list", "list of
extra files to include in " + projectLower +".jar")
+ describe( "main.mft", mainClass +
"jar manifest")
+ describe( mainClass +".java", mainClass + "
main Java program source")
+ describe( projectLower +".jar", mainClass + "
jarred class files.");
contents += describe( "distribute.bat", "publish the " +
mainClass + " files on the website.");
if ( distributeZip )
contents += describe( projectLower + versionTimesTen +
mainClass + " " + versionString + "
distribution as a zip archive")
+ describe( "forzip.list", "list of
extra files to include in " + projectLower + versionTimesTen + ".zip"
+ describe( "MasterDistribution.site",
"URL to get the the master copy of
the " + mainClass + " program");
if ( hasHtml )
contents += describe( projectLower + ".html", "html to run
the " + mainClass + " program")
+ describe( "run.bat", "execute the "
+ mainClass + " application");
contents += "call mkReadme.btm\n"
+ "rem -30-\n";
save( absoluteProjectDir + "\\" + "desc.btm", contents, true );
* prepare at line for the 4NT desribe utility
* to describe no file.
* @param file unqualified name of file
* @param description
* description of what the file does
* @return one line bat command with \n.
private static String describe ( String file, String description )
return "describe " + "\"" + file + "\"" + " " + "\"" +
description + "\"" + "\n";
* make the *.use text file that
* briefly describes the project.
void mkUse()
// always
String contents = mainClass + " Version " + versionString + "\n"
+ description + "\n"
+ "\n"
+ AppCats.enumToDescription( type, signed ) +
+ "\n"
+ "Copyright 2004 Canadian Mind Products.\n"
+ "May be used freely for any purpose but
if ( distributeZip )
contents += "All Java source code is included.\n";
save( absoluteProjectDir + "\\" + projectLower + ".use",
contents, false );
* generate the skeleton of the Java program.
void mkJava()
if ( hasJar )
String contents = "package " + packageFullyQualified + ";\n"
+ "import java.awt.*;\n"
+ "import java.awt.event.*;\n"
+ "import java.awt.image.*;\n"
+ "import java.io.*;\n"
+ "import java.net.*;\n"
+ "import java.text.*;\n"
+ "import java.util.*;\n"
+ "import java.util.zip.*;\n"
+ "import javax.imageio.*;\n"
+ "import javax.swing.*;\n"
+ "import javax.swing.event.*;\n"
+ "import javax.swing.tree.*;\n"
+ "\n"
+ "public class " + mainClass + "\n"
+ "{\n"
+ " /**\n"
+ " * test harness\n"
+ " *\n"
+ " * @param args not used\n"
+ " */\n"
+ " public static void main ( String[]
args )\n"
+ " {\n"
+ " }\n"
+ "}\n";
save( absoluteProjectDir + "\\" + mainClass + ".java",
contents, false );
* create the MasterDistribute.site file pointing to the master
* URL where this program can be downloaded
* from.
void mkMasterDistributionSite()
if ( distributeZip )
String contents = "http://mindprod.com/products.html#" +
projectUpper +"\n";
save( absoluteProjectDir + "\\MasterDistribution.site",
contents, true );
* create the main.mft manifest file.
void mkMainMft()
if ( hasJar )
// picky must be no space before and a space after.
String contents = "Main-Class: " + mainClassFullyQualified +
save( absoluteProjectDir + "\\main.mft", contents, true );
* generate compile.bat to build, jar, sign, and create
* and possibly a zip file for distribution
void mkCompileBat()
if ( hasJar )
String contents = "@echo on\n"
+ "@echo compile.bat compile, create jar,
sign jar, make zip.\n"
+ "\n"
+ "C:\n"
+ "CD " + absoluteProjectDir + "\n"
+ "\n"
+ "javac *.java\n"
+ "\n";
contents += compileTail();
save( absoluteProjectDir + "\\compile.bat", contents, true );
* handle post complile, create jar, sign, build zip.
* @return bat commands to do this.
String compileTail ()
String jarFile = relativeProjectDir + "\\" + projectLower +
String contents = "rem jar {ctxu}[vfm0M] [jar-file]
[manifest-file] [-C dir] files ...\n"
+ "rem -c create new archive\n"
+ "rem -t list table of contents for
+ "rem -x extract named (or all) files
from archive\n"
+ "rem -u update existing archive\n"
+ "rem -v generate verbose output on
standard output\n"
+ "rem -f specify archive file name\n"
+ "rem -m include manifest information
from specified manifest file\n"
+ "rem -0 store only; use no ZIP
+ "rem -M do not create a manifest file
for the entries\n"
+ "rem -i generate index information for
the specified jar files\n"
+ "rem -C change to the specified
directory and include the following file\n"
+ "rem If any file is a directory then it is
processed recursively.\n"
+ "rem The manifest file name and the archive
file name needs to be specified\n"
+ "rem in the same order the \'m\' and \'f\'
flags are specified.\n"
+ "\n"
+ "CD \\\n"
+ "jar.exe -cvfm " + jarFile + " "
+ relativeProjectDir + "\\main.mft "
+ relativeProjectDir + "\\*.class "
+ "@" + relativeProjectDir +
if ( signed )
contents += "\n"
+ "CD " + absoluteProjectDir + "\n"
+ "jarsigner -storepass %jarsignerpassword " +
projectLower + ".jar mindprodcert\n";
if ( hasHtml )
contents += "\n"
+ "CD " + absoluteProjectDir + "\n"
+ "copy E:\\mindprod\\" + projectLower +
contents += "\n"
+ "CD " + absoluteProjectDir + "\n"
+ "call desc.btm\n";
if ( distributeZip )
String zipFile = absoluteProjectDir + "\\" + projectLower +
versionTimesTen + ".zip";
contents += "\n"
+ "CD " + absoluteProjectDir + "\n"
+ "rem add to zip with full folder names\n"
+ "WZZIP -uP " + zipFile + " "
+ absoluteProjectDir + "\\*.bat "
+ absoluteProjectDir + "\\*.class "
+ absoluteProjectDir + "\\*.html "
+ absoluteProjectDir + "\\*.jar "
+ absoluteProjectDir + "\\*.java "
+ absoluteProjectDir + "\\*.txt "
+ absoluteProjectDir + "\\*.use "
+ absoluteProjectDir + "\\MasterDistribution.site
+ "@forzip.list\n"
+ "describe " + zipFile + " \"" + description +
contents += "\n"
+ "CD " + absoluteProjectDir + "\n"
+ "rem -30-\n";
return contents;
* generate jk.bat to build, jar, sign, and create
* and possibly a zip file for distribution, using jikes compiler
void mkJkBat()
if ( hasJar )
String jarFile = relativeProjectDir + "\\" + projectLower +
String contents = "@echo on\n"
+ "@echo jk.bat use jikes to compile,
create jar, sign jar, make zip.\n"
+ "\n"
+ "C:\n"
+ "CD " + absoluteProjectDir + "\n"
+ "\n"
+ "jikes *.java\n"
+ "\n";
contents += compileTail();
save( absoluteProjectDir + "\\jk.bat", contents, true );
* generate jt.bat to postcompile with jet from teh jar.
void mkJtBat()
if ( jettable )
String jarFile = relativeProjectDir + "\\" + projectLower +
String contents = "@echo on\n"
+ "@echo jt.bat use jet to compile the
+ "C:\n"
+ "CD " + absoluteProjectDir + "\n"
+ "\n"
+ "jc " + projectLower + ".jar\n"
+ "\n"
+ "rem -30-\n";
save( absoluteProjectDir + "\\jt.bat", contents, true );
* generate compile and distribute
void mkJustBat()
if ( hasJar )
String contents = "@echo on\n"
+ "@echo just.bat\n"
+ "\n"
+ "C:\n"
+ "CD " + absoluteProjectDir + "\n"
+ "\n"
+ "call compile.bat\n"
+ "call distribute.bat\n"
+ "\n"
+ "rem -30-\n";
save( absoluteProjectDir + "\\just.bat", contents, false );
* generate the forjar.list of what extra to include in the jar
void mkForJarList()
if ( hasJar )
String contents =
+ "/com/mindprod/business/CMPAboutBox.class\n"
+ "/com/mindprod/business/CMPAboutBox$1.class\n"
+ "/com/mindprod/business/CMPAboutBox$2.class\n"
+ "/com/mindprod/business/CMPAboutBox$3.class\n"
+ "/com/mindprod/business/CMPAboutBox$4.class\n"
+ "/com/mindprod/business/CMPAboutBox$5.class\n"
+ "/com/mindprod/business/CMPAboutBox$6.class\n"
+ "/com/mindprod/business/CMPAboutJBox.class\n"
+ "/com/mindprod/business/CMPAboutJBox$1.class\n"
+ "/com/mindprod/business/CMPAboutJBox$2.class\n"
+ "/com/mindprod/business/CMPAboutJBox$3.class\n"
+ "/com/mindprod/business/CMPAboutJBox$4.class\n"
+ "/com/mindprod/business/CMPAboutJBox$5.class\n"
+ "/com/mindprod/business/CMPAboutJBox$6.class\n"
+ "/com/mindprod/business/Misc.class\n"
+ "/com/mindprod/pricelist/AppCategories.class\n"
+ "/com/mindprod/pricelist/AppCats.class\n"
+ "/com/mindprod/amazon/Book.class\n"
+ "/com/mindprod/business/ImageInfo.class\n"
+ "/com/mindprod/business/Misc.class\n"
+ "/com/mindprod/compactor/CompactMindprod.class\n"
+ "/com/mindprod/compactor/Compactor.class\n"
+ "/com/mindprod/entities/InsertEntities.class\n"
+ "/com/mindprod/entities/StripEntities.class\n"
+ "/com/mindprod/filter/AllFilesFilter.class\n"
+ "/com/mindprod/filter/ClamFilter.class\n"
+ "/com/mindprod/filter/CommandLine.class\n"
+ "/com/mindprod/filter/EverythingFilter.class\n"
+ "/com/mindprod/filter/FileLengthFilter.class\n"
+ "/com/mindprod/filter/FilenameLengthFilter.class\n"
+ "/com/mindprod/filter/ListFilter.class\n"
+ "/com/mindprod/filter/MultiFilter.class\n"
+ "/com/mindprod/filter/RecentFilter.class\n"
+ "/com/mindprod/filter/RegexFilter.class\n"
+ "/com/mindprod/hunkio/HunkIO.class\n"
+ "/com/mindprod/hunkio/PrintWriterPlus.class\n"
+ "/com/mindprod/isbn/ISBNValidate.class\n"
+ "/com/mindprod/ledatastream/LEDataInputStream.class\n"
+ "/com/mindprod/ledatastream/LEDataInputStream.class\n"
+ "/com/mindprod/pricelist/AppCategories.class\n"
+ "/com/mindprod/pricelist/AppCats.class\n";
save( absoluteProjectDir + "\\forjar.list", contents, false
* generate the forzip. List of what extra to include in the zip
void mkForZipList()
if ( distributeZip )
String contents =
+ "\\com\\mindprod\\business\\CMPAboutBox*.class\n"
+ "\\com\\mindprod\\business\\CMPAboutJBox*.class\n"
+ "\\com\\mindprod\\business\\Misc.class\n"
+ "\\com\\mindprod\\pricelist\\AppCategories.class\n"
+ "\\com\\mindprod\\pricelist\\AppCats.class\n"
+ "\\com\\mindprod\\amazon\\Book.class\n"
+ "\\com\\mindprod\\business\\ImageInfo.class\n"
+ "\\com\\mindprod\\business\\Misc.class\n"
+ "\\com\\mindprod\\compactor\\CompactMindprod.class\n"
+ "\\com\\mindprod\\compactor\\Compactor.class\n"
+ "\\com\\mindprod\\entities\\*.class\n"
+ "\\com\\mindprod\\filter\\*.class\n"
+ "\\com\\mindprod\\hunkio\\*.class\n"
+ "\\com\\mindprod\\isbn\\ISBNValidate.class\n"
+ "\\com\\mindprod\\ledatastream\\LEDataInputStream.class\n"
+ "\\com\\mindprod\\ledatastream\\LEDataInputStream.class\n"
+ "\\com\\mindprod\\pricelist\\AppCategories.class\n"
+ "\\com\\mindprod\\pricelist\\AppCats.class\n";
contents +=
+ "\\com\\mindprod\\business\\CMPAboutBox.java\n"
+ "\\com\\mindprod\\business\\CMPAboutJBox.java\n"
+ "\\com\\mindprod\\business\\Misc.java\n"
+ "\\com\\mindprod\\pricelist\\AppCategories.java\n"
+ "\\com\\mindprod\\pricelist\\AppCats.java\n"
+ "\\com\\mindprod\\amazon\\Book.java\n"
+ "\\com\\mindprod\\business\\ImageInfo.java\n"
+ "\\com\\mindprod\\business\\Misc.java\n"
+ "\\com\\mindprod\\compactor\\CompactMindprod.java\n"
+ "\\com\\mindprod\\compactor\\Compactor.java\n"
+ "\\com\\mindprod\\entities\\*.java\n"
+ "\\com\\mindprod\\filter\\*.java\n"
+ "\\com\\mindprod\\hunkio\\*.java\n"
+ "\\com\\mindprod\\isbn\\ISBNValidate.java\n"
+ "\\com\\mindprod\\ledatastream\\LEDataInputStream.java\n"
+ "\\com\\mindprod\\ledatastream\\LEDataInputStream.java\n"
+ "\\com\\mindprod\\pricelist\\AppCategories.java\n"
+ "\\com\\mindprod\\pricelist\\AppCats.java\n";
save( absoluteProjectDir + "\\forzip.list", contents, false
* generate the run.bat file to run the program
* as an application.
void mkRunBat()
if ( hasJar )
String contents = "@echo on\n"
+ "@echo run " + mainClass + " as an
+ "C:\n"
+ "CD " + absoluteProjectDir + "\n"
+ "\n"
+ "java.exe -jar " + projectLower +
+ "\n"
+ "rem -30-\n";
save( absoluteProjectDir + "\\run.bat", contents, true );
* Make a skeleton JNLP program to run the JWSP
void mkJnlp()
if ( hasHtml && type == WEBLET )
String contents =
"<?xml version=\"1.0\" encoding=\"utf-8\"?>\n"
+ "\n"
+ "<jnlp spec=\"1.0+\" codebase=\"" + websiteURL + "\"
href=\"" + projectLower + ".jnlp\">\n"
+ "<information>\n"
+ "<title>" + mainClass + " " + versionString + ": " +
description + "</title>\n"
+ "\n"
+ "<vendor>Canadian Mind Products</vendor>\n"
+ "<homepage href=\"" + websiteURL + "/\" />\n"
+ "\n"
+ "<description>"+ description + "</description>\n"
+ "<description kind=\"short\">" + description +
+ "<description kind=\"tooltip\">" + mainClass +
+ "<icon href=\"" + websiteURL +
"/images/greenstar64x64.gif\" width=\"64\" height=\"64\" />\n"
+ "<offline-allowed/>\n"
+ "</information>\n"
+ "\n"
+ "<resources>\n"
+ "<!-- Acceptable JVMs in preferred order, best first -->\n"
+ "<j2se version=\"1.4.2_04\"
href=\"http://java.sun.com/products/autodl/j2se\" />\n"
+ "<j2se version=\"1.4.2_03\"
href=\"http://java.sun.com/products/autodl/j2se\" />\n"
+ "<j2se version=\"1.4.2_02\"
href=\"http://java.sun.com/products/autodl/j2se\" />\n"
+ "<j2se version=\"1.4.2_01\"
href=\"http://java.sun.com/products/autodl/j2se\" />\n"
+ "<j2se version=\"1.4.2\"
href=\"http://java.sun.com/products/autodl/j2se\" />\n"
+ "\n"
+ "<!-- application code -->\n"
+ "<jar href=\"" + projectLower + ".jar\" />\n"
+ "\n"
+ "<!-- data dictionaries in compressed form -->\n"
+ "<jar href=\"dicts.jar\" />\n"
+ "<!-- set a -D system property -->\n"
+ "<property name=\"flavour\" value=\"strawberry\" />\n"
+ "</resources>\n"
+ "\n"
+ "<!-- JNI native .so code -->\n"
+ "<resources os=\"SunOS\" arch=\"sparc\">\n"
+ "<nativelib href=\"lib/solaris/corelibs.jar\"/>\n"
+ "</resources>\n"
+ "\n"
+ "<!-- JNI native .dll code -->\n"
+ "<resources os=\"Windows\" arch=\"x86\">\n"
+ "<nativelib href=\"lib/windows/corelibs.jar\"/>\n"
+ "</resources>\n"
+ "\n"
+ "<security>\n"
+ "<all-permissions />\n"
+ "</security>\n"
+ "\n"
+ "<!-- application class with main method -->\n"
+ "<application-desc main-class=\"" + mainClassFullyQualified
+ "\" />\n"
+ "\n"
+ "<!-- code run once on install to unpack dicts.jar -->\n"
+ "<installer-desc main-class=\"" + packageFullyQualified +
".Installer\" />\n"
+ "</jnlp>";
save( absoluteProjectDir + "\\" + projectLower + ".jnlp",
contents, false );
* Make a skeleton HTML program to run the Applet.
void mkAppletHtml()
if ( hasHtml && ( type == APPLET || type == HYBRID ) )
String contents = "<!-- macro AmanuensisHead \"" + mainClass
+ " Amanuensis\"\n"
+ "\"" + description + "\"\n"
+ "\"Java, amanuensis\"\n"
+ "{<img src=\"images/" + projectLower +
".gif\" height=\"53\" width=\"223\" alt=\"" + mainClass + "\">} -->\n"
+ "<p>This is a " +
AppCats.enumToDescription( type, signed ) + ".\n"
+ description + "<p>\n"
+ " <!-- macro BestBrowsers Applet -->\n"
+ " <p>\n";
if ( signed )
contents += "<table border=\"0\"><tr><td>\n";
contents += "<applet code=\"" + mainClassFullyQualified +
".class\" archive=\""+ projectLower + ".jar\" width=\"1000\"
height=\"1000\" vspace=\"10\" hspace=\"10\" alt=\"Sorry, you need Java
to run " + mainClass + "\">\n"
+ "</applet>\n"
+ "<p>\n";
if ( signed )
contents += "</td><td>\n"
+ "<!-- macro Signed " + mainClass + " " +
AppCats.enumToString( type ) + " -->\n"
+ "/td></tr></table>\n";
contents += "<!-- macro Foot -->\n";
save( absoluteProjectDir + "\\" + projectLower + ".html",
contents, false );
* Make a skeleton HTML program to run the Java WebStart
void mkJwsHtml()
if ( hasHtml && type == WEBLET )
String contents = "<!-- macro AmanuensisHead \"" + mainClass
+ " Amanuensis\"\n"
+ "\"" + description + "\"\n"
+ "\"Java, java web start, amanuensis\"\n"
+ "{<img src=\"images/" + projectLower +
".gif\" height=\"53\" width=\"223\" alt=\"" + mainClass + "\">} -->\n"
+ "<p>This " + AppCats.enumToDescription(
type, signed ) + "\n"
+ description + "<p>\n"
+ " <!-- macro BestBrowsers Applet -->\n"
+ " <p>\n";
if ( signed )
contents +="<table border=\"0\"><tr><td>\n";
contents += "<a href=\"webstart/" + projectLower +
+ " <p>\n";
if ( signed )
contents += "</td><td>\n"
+ "<!-- macro Signed " + mainClass
+ " " + AppCats.enumToString( type ) + "
+ "/td></tr></table>\n";
contents += " <!-- macro Foot -->\n";
save( absoluteProjectDir + "\\" + projectLower + ".html",
contents, false );
* Make the distribute.bat used when application
* is ready for distribution to the website.
void mkDistributeBat()
String contents = "@echo on\n"
+ "@echo distribute.bat: distribute zip and
jar files.\n"
+ "\n"
+ "C:\n"
+ "CD " + absoluteProjectDir + "\n"
+ "\n";
if ( type == APPLET || type == HYBRID || type == WEBLET )
contents += "copy " + projectLower + ".jar E:\\mindprod\n";
if ( distributeZip )
contents += "copy " + projectLower + ".use
E:\\mindprod\\zips\\java\\" + projectLower + ".txt\n"
+ "\n";
String zipFile = projectLower + versionTimesTen + ".zip";
String oldZipFile = "E:\\mindprod\\zips\\java\\" +
projectLower + (versionTimesTen-1) + ".zip";
String newZipFile = "E:\\mindprod\\zips\\java\\" +
projectLower + versionTimesTen + ".zip";
contents += "rem /E means suppress error messages\n"
+ "del /E " + oldZipFile + "\n"
+ "copy /E " + zipFile + " " + newZipFile + "\n"
+ "\n";
contents += "rem -30-\n";
save( absoluteProjectDir + "\\distribute.bat", contents, true );
* Save contents into a text file.
* @param fullyQualifiedFileName
* fully qualified filename.
* @param contents new contents of the file.
* @param overwrite true if should overwrite an existing file.
void save( String fullyQualifiedFileName, String contents, boolean
overwrite )
File file = new File( fullyQualifiedFileName );
if ( ! overwrite && file.exists() )
System.out.println(" saving: " + fullyQualifiedFileName );
FileWriter emit = new FileWriter( file );
emit.write( contents );
catch ( IOException e )
System.err.println( "trouble generating file:" +
fullyQualifiedFileName );
* generate all the files for the new project.
public void stomp()
* test harness
* @param args not used
public static void main ( String[] args )
(new StompProject ( "HtmlMacros", 12, "Generates HTML from
custom macros", "application", false /* unsigned */, false /* don't
distribute zip */ )).stomp();
(new StompProject ( "Amazon", 17, "Generates HTML for book
referrals", "application", false /* unsigned */, false /* don't
distribute zip */ )).stomp();
(new StompProject ( "MimeCheck", 16, "Tests MIME types
servers are sending", "hybrid", true /* signed */, true /*
distribute zip */ )).stomp();
(new StompProject ( "Comparators", 10, "Collection of
Comparators", "library", false /* unsigned */, true /* distribute
zip */ )).stomp();
(new StompProject ( "Stomp", 10, "Stomps out Java and bat
file boilerplate", "application", false /* unsigned */, true /*
distribute zip */ )).stomp();
catch ( Exception e )
package com.mindprod.pricelist;
* constants for Application categories
public interface AppCategories
* run as application
static int APPLICATION = 1;
* run a Applet
static int APPLET = 2;
* run as Applet or application
static int HYBRID = 3;
* run as Java Web Start
static int WEBLET = 4;
* is a class or subroutine you include in
* your own code.
static int LIBRARY = 5;
* a stand alone utility.
static int UTILITY = 6;
* just documentation.
static final int DOCUMENTATION = 7;
package com.mindprod.pricelist;
* constants for Application categories
public class AppCats implements AppCategories
* converts human readable string case insensitive to enum
public static int stringToEnum ( String s )
if ( s.equals( "app" ) ) return APPLICATION;
else if ( s.equals( "applet" ) ) return APPLET;
else if ( s.equals( "application" ) ) return APPLICATION;
else if ( s.equals( "class" ) ) return LIBRARY;
else if ( s.equals( "hybrid" ) ) return HYBRID;
else if ( s.equals( "jws" ) ) return WEBLET;
else if ( s.equals( "library" ) ) return LIBRARY;
else if ( s.equals( "utility" ) ) return UTILITY;
else if ( s.equals( "weblet" ) ) return WEBLET;
else if ( s.equals( "webstart" ) ) return WEBLET;
else if ( s.equals( "documentation") ) return DOCUMENTATION;
throw new IllegalArgumentException( "unknown Application
Category: " + s);
* converts enum to code string string
public static String enumToString( int en )
switch ( en )
case APPLICATION: return "application";
case APPLET: return "Applet";
case HYBRID: return "hydrid";
case WEBLET: return "weblet";
case LIBRARY: return "Class";
case UTILITY: return "Utility";
case DOCUMENTATION: return "documentation";
* converts enum to human readable description string
* @param en enumeration constant
* @param signed true if this app is signed.
* @return long description of this type.
public static String enumToDescription( int en, boolean signed )
String desc;
switch ( en )
case APPLICATION: desc = "Java application";
case APPLET: desc = "Java Applet";
case HYBRID: desc = "Java Applet that can also be run as an
case WEBLET: desc = "Java Web Start weblet";
case LIBRARY: desc = "Class library";
case UTILITY: desc = "non-Java Utility";
case DOCUMENTATION: desc = "documentation";
} // end switch
return( signed ? "signed " : "" ) + desc;