ASPNET Problem



I have used Belarc Advisor to run a PC Audit of my computer. According to
this audit , I have three disabled accounts in ASPNET: Guest, Help Assistant,
SUPPORT-388945a0. Under Users is the notation "never' on all three.
I am at a total loss as to what to do. All my searching on Microsoft has
only confused me more. I am totally illerate in the IT area of computers. I
would appreciate any and all help provided.

Kevin Spencer

Is anything broke? If not, don't fix it.


Kevin Spencer
Microsoft MVP
..Net Developer
Neither a follower nor a lender be.


Well THANKS for nothing, Kevin!
I should have known I would get a smart aleck reply from a "genius" like
you, but I had hopes someone with a LITTLE compassion would give me a
straight answer.
It's broke if it isn't working isn't it?
I have no idea what ASPNET does or why I have it, but I figure if it hasn't
been used and some details are missing, my system probably needs it.
Obviously a reputable firm like Belarc would not point out the discrepency if
it weren't "broke".
Isn't there anyone in this organization who will offer a HELPING hand. I am
sick of people like "Kevin Spencer" who say they are a Mvp for Microsoft. I
can't believe Bill Gates would have someone so crass in his organization.

Juan T. Llibre

Hi, Peanut.

I know the Guest and the SUPPORT-388945a0
accounts are disabled by default in Windows,
as a security measure.

The SUPPORT account is supposed to be enabled
only if you need help and support services.

Info from Local Users and Groups:
"Full Name="CN=Microsoft Corporation,L-Redmond,S=Washington,C=US
"Description="This is a Vendor's account for Help and Support Services

Similarly, the Help Assistant account is the primary
account used to establish a Remote Assistance session.

Don't delete *any* of those accounts.

Kevin Spencer

Who is the "smart-aleck?" I didn't insult you. I gave you the facts. It so
happens that the single sentence was all that was needed. Take a look at
Juan's reply:
Hi, Peanut.
I know the Guest and the SUPPORT-388945a0
accounts are disabled by default in Windows,
as a security measure.
The SUPPORT account is supposed to be enabled
only if you need help and support services.
Info from Local Users and Groups:
"Full Name="CN=Microsoft Corporation,L-Redmond,S=Washington,C=US
"Description="This is a Vendor's account for Help and Support Services
Similarly, the Help Assistant account is the primary
account used to establish a Remote Assistance session.
Don't delete *any* of those accounts.

My reply was shorter, but to the point. Nothing is broke. Don't fix it.

You, on the other hand, took offense where the was none, and insulted ME.

I was trying to help you; you were trying to hurt me. So, what does that
make me, and what does that make you?


Kevin Spencer
Microsoft MVP
..Net Developer
What You Seek Is What You Get.


Well THANKS for nothing, Kevin!
I should have known I would get a smart aleck reply from a "genius" like
you, but I had hopes someone with a LITTLE compassion would give me a
straight answer.

I don't think he meant badly - you seemed to be expressing concern
abotu something you found on your pc, he suggested that unless
something wasn't working, you shouldn't worry.
It's broke if it isn't working isn't it?

What is? You didn't mention anything not working, you described a
situation and asked for help, even though there was nothing in
particular in the situation you described that sounded like a problem.
I have no idea what ASPNET does or why I have it, but I figure if it hasn't
been used and some details are missing, my system probably needs it.

ASP.NET is a technology for making websites. It uses a user account
(usually called ASPNET) - I'm not familiar with Belarc but I imagine
it's simply listing the user accounts it's found on your PC.
Obviously a reputable firm like Belarc would not point out the discrepency if
it weren't "broke".

Does it say that there's a problem, or is it simply listing the
accounts on the PC?

ok...I've just installed and run Belarc Advisor. It displays a lot of
information - a list of hard disk drives, a list of communication
ports, a list of software licenses. The reputable firm of Belarc has
listed these things, even though they aren't "broke". In fact, Belarc
Advisor does seem to have anything to do with "broke" things - it's a
PC Audit utility - it lists information about your PC.

Amongst the lists, there is a list of users. Some of the "users"
listed are the usernames I log onto the PC with - there is
"administrator", which I use when I need to fix things, and "pj",
which I use normally. There are a number of other users listed - but
these aren't regular user accounts (i.e. usernames of people who log
in at the keyboard), they are what's called "system accounts". You
see, in Windows XP (and most other modern Operating Systems),
everything that is done has to be done by an entity called a "user".
So if I start a word processor, it's being run by the user "pj". "pj"
has certain rights - certain things it can do, and certain

I have a number of system accounts - e.g. "IUSR_MCKENNA". I run a web
server on my PC, and when someone connects to it with a browser, they
are doing something on my PC, so, by the principle mentioned above,
some "user" has to be involved - that user is "IUSR_MCKENNA" - a user
with very few rights. Next to that username, in the column labelled
"last logon", it says "never". This is because that user isn't a
person, and so has never logged on at the keyboard.

There are a few other accounts like that - SUPPORT_388945a0,
HelpAssistant and a couple of others.
Isn't there anyone in this organization who will offer a HELPING hand. I am
sick of people like "Kevin Spencer" who say they are a Mvp for Microsoft. I
can't believe Bill Gates would have someone so crass in his organization.

There are a lot of people in newsgroups who have a lot of knowledge
and spend a lot of time trying to help. Because they don't want to
spend all of their lives answering questiosn, there is a sort of
culture of terseness - it isn't people being rude or flippant
(usually), it's just people being quick and to the point. There's a
certain amount of responsibility on the person who asks the question -
you must pose your question clearly. I've explained at length, because
I wasn't sure what it was you were worried about. I'm guessing that
what you meant was:

"this program has reported this information - I'm worried about it,
the red crosses seem to indicate that something is broken - is that

but it's just a guess.

if you're new to asking questions on usenet, you might want to read
this document:

which explains a little bit about the culture of usenet, and how to
get the answers you want.




Thanks pj, I sincerely appreciate your explanantion. You were completely
correct in your surmise of the resoning of my question. I felt I had
explained my "lack of expertise" in the IT field. While the answer I received
first was correct, it did not tell me anything about what I considered to be
a problem. You can be sure any question I ask from now on will be detailed to
the nth degree. Sincerely,


Thank you Juan, I appreciate all the help I have received. The information
was much appreciated. I feel that you and pj have helped me immensely.


Thanks pj, I sincerely appreciate your explanantion.

You're welcome. Thanks for bringing that tool (which I hadn't seen
before) to my attention - it's pretty useful!

Apr 4, 2013
Reaction score
I agree with psm

Many many years later, in the far distant land of google, people search for answers and these old forums still appear, where they hope for help and assistance with their computer issues. Hence this reply from far in the future, as XP (although soon to be layed to rest via 'end of life' by microsoft in 2014) is still a well used, trusted and reliable OS.

I came across these posts while searching for info on my XP box which has a quirk with user accounts, where it loads straight into the desktop from a cold boot, despite being password protected. It does however, password protect if you chose "log off" or if it goes into screen saver mode. It's also set to "use the welcome screen" in the accounts section of the control panel, which it refuses to do, which is a severe security issue.

Looking for a scientific answer to that problem, I expect my google search results to assist me, especially when questions are answered by those with multiple acronyms behind their name.
Kevin Spencer perhaps forgot that the majority of malware, even back in ancient history of 2005, prefers not to announce it'self, instead, hiding to do it's dirty work behind the scenes.
The question by user 'psm' was answered correctly by Juan, not only in a technical sense, but in a common sense way too. Psm was looking for an "expert" explanation of something that could most certainly be viewed as a potential Back Door by a user not experienced in computers.

Now what would Mr. Spenser's response have been, if PSM has said one of the accounts he found was named "eViLe HaXoR" running under System Privileges, but his machine appeared to be functioning normally to him?
Would the response be "If it boots up and gets on the internet, don't worry about it"??

Kudos to user PSM for keeping accountability a priority in forums, shame on Kevin Spencer for his inability to not only get defensive over a well deserved spanking, but also for his inability to show the knowledge and skill of computers that Juan bailed him out on.
As stated previously, people years later are still having the same questions user PSM had, which will bring them also to this ancient forum page in search of help. Hopefully Microsoft MVP's have evolved since then.

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