Communicate between Python and Node.js



I've been tasked to write a module that sends data from Django to a Node.jsserver running on the same machine. Some magic happens in node and I recv the results back, which are then rendered using Django templates.

At first I thought to use the requests library to GET/POST data to node, but I googled around and it seems lots of people think TCP sockets are the way to go. I tried implementing my own using several examples I have found online. It *kind of* works. It seems like I get blocked while trying to receive data back in the recv() loop. I never reach the end. I'm not an expert in sockets/networking, but maybe I'm not wrong in guessing it is because of the non-blocking nature of Node.js ?

A Stackoverflow post helped a little more in figuring things out (though I'm not sure if I'm correct here). Right now, I'm failing during connect() - I get "Operation now in progress".

So my question is, how can I get recv() to work properly so that data is seamlessly passed back and forth between my Python script and the node server.. Am I taking the right approach? Is there any better way?

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Chris Angelico

At first I thought to use the requests library to GET/POST data to node, but I googled around and it seems lots of people think TCP sockets are the way to go. I tried implementing my own using several examples I have found online. It *kind of* works. It seems like I get blocked while trying to receive data back in the recv() loop. I never reach the end. I'm not an expertin sockets/networking, but maybe I'm not wrong in guessing it is because of the non-blocking nature of Node.js ?

Do you need to use non-blocking sockets here? I think, from a quick
skim of your code, that you'd do better with a blocking socket. Tip:
Any time you have a sleep(1) call in your code, look to see if it's
doing the wrong thing. In this case, I'm pretty sure it is. Sleeping
for a second and then trying to read from a nonblocking socket seems
like a messy way to just read until you have what you want.

There's another thread happening at the moment about networking in
Python. You may find it of interest.

May 15, 2021
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Python: read, process and write​

First up, let’s create a simple Python process that reads from a named pipe A, processes the data, and then writes it to named pipe B (for simplicity, the process_msg() function here returns the read data). The script first creates the named pipe A using os.mkfifo() command.

import os
import select

IPC_FIFO_NAME_A = "pipe_a"
IPC_FIFO_NAME_B = "pipe_b"

def get_message(fifo):
'''Read n bytes from pipe. Note: n=24 is an example'''
return, 24)

def process_msg(msg):
'''Process message read from pipe'''
return msg

if __name__ == "__main__":
os.mkfifo(IPC_FIFO_NAME_A) # Create Pipe A

fifo_a =, os.O_RDONLY | os.O_NONBLOCK) # pipe is opened as read only and in a non-blocking mode
print('Pipe A ready')

while True:
fifo_b =, os.O_WRONLY)
print("Pipe B ready")
# Wait until Pipe B has been initialized

poll = select.poll()
poll.register(fifo_a, select.POLLIN)

while True:
if (fifo_a, select.POLLIN) in poll.poll(1000): # Poll every 1 sec
msg = get_message(fifo_a) # Read from Pipe A
msg = process_msg(msg) # Process Message
os.write(fifo_b, msg) # Write to Pipe B

print('----- Received from JS -----')
print(" " + msg.decode("utf-8"))

Node.js: write and read​

Next, let’s write a simple Node.js program that writes into the pipe. There are a few packages that do this named-pipe, fifo-js. However, the NodeJS offers functions that make it convenient to set up IPC with pipes. The script below writes data every 1 second into Pipe A (send data), and reads from Pipe B (receive processed data from Python). For simplicity, the data here is the current time as a string.

const fs = require('fs');
const { spawn, fork } = require('child_process');

const path_a = 'pipe_a';
const path_b = 'pipe_b';
let fifo_b = spawn('mkfifo', [path_b]); // Create Pipe B

fifo_b.on('exit', function(status) {
console.log('Created Pipe B');

const fd = fs.openSync(path_b, 'r+');
let fifoRs = fs.createReadStream(null, { fd });
let fifoWs = fs.createWriteStream(path_a);

console.log('Ready to write')

setInterval(() => {
console.log('----- Send packet -----');
fifoWs.write(`${new Date().toISOString()}`);
}, 1000); // Write data at 1 second interval

fifoRs.on('data', data => {

now_time = new Date();
sent_time = new Date(data.toString());
latency = (now_time - sent_time);

console.log('----- Received packet -----');
console.log(' Date : ' + data.toString());
console.log(' Latency: ' + latency.toString() + ' ms');

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