CSV dB script help


James Hunt

Ok this is kinda long ... so i will get to the point ... A friend of mine
started perl script to handle a csv database. And now I am trying to finish
it. I am currently working on the search records feature. For some reason
it always returns all of the records. I have dug through to code and I can
not seem to figure out why it returns all of the records. at the bottom I
have included the script ..... the search form ... and then the csv file
that i built as a test.

Even some perldoc references will help.

James Hunt

---------- database_script.pl ----------

# This script is used toread a spreadsheet in csv format and perfom querys
on arbitrary data sets.
# The form submitted to this will use the name of the fields as the keys for
# It uses the order of those keys for the order it displays them.
# This sscript assumes that any 6 #'s are dates in YYMMDD format This is
done in the useredit
# and the quicksort.
# Current Bugs: Need to be able to sort by other than numbers, Need validity
set to "D" for users,
# Need click on CASN for other search, and user edit.
# Original Author: Joshua Olson

use CGI ':all';

# The path and file name must be passed as the first two element in a comma
# i.e. ....scriptname.pl?/path/,file_name.csv
# $param[0] is the path name
# $param[1] is the file name

$searchpage = "query.html";

@params = split(/\,/,$ENV{'QUERY_STRING'});

# Start off with everything and whittle down from there.


# Default Header line for html pages.

print header('text/html');

# $params[2] is the all purpose item

if(!$params[2] || $params[2] =~ /edit/i || $params[2] =~ /search/i)
elsif($params[2] =~ /update/i)
print "Update Elsif Has Arrived";

# If there isnt anything else being done then sort on the key.

quicksort($params[2],3, $#params, \@match, \@data);

# Login Check For Updating

if($params[2] =~ /edit/i || $params[2] =~ /update/i)
if($params[3] eq "user" && $params[4] eq "passwd")
# Superuser Edit
printpage(\@match, \@data,'edit');
# User Level Edit
printpage(\@match, \@data,'useredit');
# If no edits then display data normally
printpage(\@match, \@data, '');

# sub update #
# #
# The subfunction takes the input from the form created by the #
# printpage() sub and prepares the date for the writeupdate() #
# sub. #
# #
# You pass $array by ref and the $dir and $file strings and the #
# form from printpage() was submitted. #
# #
# This sub results in extracting all the entries to update and #
# updated them in the array then called the writeupdate() and #
# wrote them to $dir$file. #
# #

sub update
# We need the array, so that memory isnt wasted

# Get the names of the fields

# New Blank Entry
@toupdate= ();

# The last one is far undefined

# Pull the numbers out of each of the field names
foreach $i(@fields)
# This is what actually pulls it out
$i =~ /\s(\d+)/;

# No need to duplicate these numbers
if($last != $1)
# Push it into the array
push @toupdate,$1;

# Make sure we do not dup, so update last

# Now do the update to the array
foreach $num(@toupdate)
foreach $imakey(@key)
# Same keys just a different format
$$array[$num]{$imakey}=param("$imakey $num");


# sub writeupdate
# This takes the entire array and writes it to a file in csv
# format.
# This passes a ref to the array and, the $path ending with a
# "/" and the $filename in theory it's .csv, but as long as
# it's in the format it doesn't matter what you call it.
# This sub results in $dir$file being written to.

sub writeupdate

# Open it or die with custom error
open(UPDATEME,">$dir$file") || die "Cannot Open $fname for Writing: $!";

# Select the file for writing

# Print the keys (col names)
print join(',',@key);
print "\n";

# Print the entry
foreach $imakey(@key)
# Do each key
foreach $imakey(@key)
print $$array[$i]{$imakey}.',';
print "\n";


# Close that file down

# sub quicksort
# This passes the numbers first, last the string (which is what
# we will sort by) and the ref to arrays list and array where
# list is what we're sorting.
# Results in a sorted list

sub quicksort
# Get the variables we need

# If they are eq then sort is done
# Need to divide the array into pieces
$cuthere = partition($key,$first,$last,$array);

# Recursively continue until done

# Return in the new order

# sub partition

sub partition
my($key,$first,$last, $array)=@_;

#Get the last one comparing

#Start early so when you add one it's at the beginning

#Check em all, the first to the almost last, last one is the key.
for $j($first..$last-1)
#How can we tell that it is a date?
#This doesnt work Right now.
if($key eq "this is a date????")
#pull out the value for this entry and chomp it

#rip $x apart!
#assuming the format YYMMDD
$temp =~ /(\d\d)(\d\d)(\d\d)/;

$xyear =$1;
$xmon = $2;
$xday = $3;

#rip $temp apart!
#assuming the format YYMMDD
$temp =~ /(\d\d)(\d\d)(\d\d)/;

#If the year is higher than the year we're looking for it's a match
if ($1 > $xyear)

#Otherwise we need to look at the month
elsif ($1 == $year)
#Same here as long as it's higher
if($2 > $mon)

#Same month? keep going
elsif($2 == $mon)
#so, now $1==$year && $2==$mon, so day has to be greater
if($3 >= $day)
#I get the feeling I should do something here.....
#Sure, it sorts numbers, but can it julian fries!?
#Still need strings!!!
if ($$array[$params[$j]]{$key} <= $x)
#Now put the last one in it's place!!!
($params[$i], $params[$last]) = ($params[$last], $params[$i]);

#Return where last now is
return $i;

# sub search #
sub search
#Need my variables

#The search keys that were sent by the form. These keys must match the keys
in the table file
#exactly (i.e. NAME != Name)
my(@skeys) = param();
print "HELLO";
my(@skeys) = $params[3];

#Do a search on each key sent
foreach $key(@skeys)
if(param($key) ne "" && !(param($key) =~ /submit/i || param($key) =~
#This is the value of the key sent
$temp = param($key);

#Replace all spaces with ntohing hte g is for greedy...or global if you
wanna be boring
$temp =~ s/ //g;
$temp =~ s/\*/.*/g;
$temp =~ s/\?/./g;

#In case they're searching ultiple items in a string
@item = split (',',$temp);

#Once for each item
for $i(0..$#item)
#Go through each onestill left in the list
#If it's the first time, the whole list is still here.
for $j(@match)
#Match the pattern, don't see if they're equal
#Do ranges?
if($$table[$j]{$key} =~ /^$item[$i]/i)

#If it matches put in into the array
push (@matches,$j);
#All our temp matches are now allt he matches that still work

# sub loadtable
sub loadtable
#Read the variables

open(FILE,"<$dir$file") || die "Cannot open $fname for reading:$!";

#Read the first line because that has all the column names
$line = <FILE>;

#Get rid of the windows end lines

#These names will be our keys
@key =split(',',$line);
#This reads in each line of the file starting with the second line
#Ger rid of windows end lines

#Make sure there's something we want (Anything) in this line
if(!($_ =~ /[\d\w]/))

#Stick it into an array and break it at the commas

#force entry to have anon hash for each line
#very important otherwise everything will have the same values
$entry = {};

#Stick those elements into the proper key.
for $i(0..$#line)
#Check for quoted spots, they're just one entry inside the quotes even if
there's commas
#And drop the double quote, we don't need it anymore
if($line[0]=~ s/\"//)
#Well we know there's at least two parts,the first quote and the second
$entry->{$key[$i]}= shift @line;
for $j(0..$#line)
#Keep an eye out for that second quote
if($line[0]=~ s/\"//)
#If we find it we're done with this loop.
#Hehehe, Guess we got a little happy removing comma's, so now we need to put
some back in
$entry->{$key[$i]}.= ',';
$entry->{$key[$i]}.= shift @line;
#Shift is very useful!
$entry->{$key[$i]}= shift @line;
#So, is push. Add that new line onto the end of the array
push @table, $entry;

#This gives the whole file back now that it's in an easily accessable (and
searchable) format
return @table;

# sub printpage
sub printpage

print <<HEAD;
<title>Query Results</title>
<body bgcolor="#809CAA">
<a href="$searchpage">Return to query</a>
<table align=center border=1.
<tr align=center>

#If you're editing you need a form
print "<form action=\"$ENV{'SCRIPT_NAME'}?$params[0],$params[1],UPDATE\"
method=post name=\"edit\">";
#And you need if you're a guy with a password you can add new entries
if($edit eq "edit")
printrow ($#$table+1,$table,$edit);
#We need to know what col's what so printout the names
foreach $colname (@key)
#If we're not editing let them do a sort on them too.
if($edit eq "edit")
#Making it pretty too, if somone reads the source in the browser
print "\t\t\t<td>$colname</td>\n";
#Can't pass spaces in the address line so make 'em into +es
$as_param =~ s/ /+/g;

#Call itself in for the sort.

#Note: These #'s are the number's of the entry not any value of the table
#This adds all the elements in our matches to the address line and those are
what's sorted on
foreach $i(@$matches)
print ','.$i;
#Now actually print the name of the col

print "\t</tr>\n";

#Print all those entries that matched
foreach $i(@$matches)
printrow ($i,$table,$edit);

#Again if we're editing then we need a button to submit the changes
if($edit eq "edit") {
print "<input type=submit name=submit value=Udate></form>";

print "</table>\n</body>\n</html>";


# sub printrow
sub printrow
#Get those variables

print "\t</tr>\n";

#Go through and write in the order of the keys
foreach $j(@key)
print "\t\t<td>\n";

print "\t\t\t<input type=\"text\" name=\"$j $entry\" length=6
print "\t\t\t<a
print "\t\t</td>\n";
print "\t</tr>\n";

---------- query.html ----------
<html><head><title>Query Form</title>
<script language=JavaScript>
function login() {
var login = prompt("What is your user name?","user");
var password = prompt("What is your password?","passwd");
document.forms['ednquery'].action+= ",EDIT,"+login+","+password;
<form action="database_script.pl?/Inetpub/wwwroot/cgi-bin/edndb/,dBdata.csv"
method=POST name="dBquery">
<table border=1 align=center>
<tr align=center>
<td><input type=text name="Number" size=5></td>
<td><input type=text name="Name" size=10></td>
<td><input type=text name="Status" size=10></td>
<td><input type=submit name="submit" value="Submit"></td>
<td><input type=reset name="clear" value="Clear"></td>
<td><input type=submit name="submitedit" value="Edit"

---------- dBdata.csv ----------

Uri Guttman

that is way too long to post here.

the indent is nonexistant so i won't waste any time even looking at
it. do you seriously want help? then reindent properly. that code
cannot be read

and why the hell are you using cgi.pm and then munging the query

gack, this is some ugly ass code.

perl has sort built in. use it.

no strict, no warnings, no taint.

no more looking until you do a major cleanup.


James Hunt

cool can do .. thanks for the info .. I think that when i converted my post
from HTML to plain it lost all the formatting.


Uri Guttman said:
that is way too long to post here.

the indent is nonexistant so i won't waste any time even looking at
it. do you seriously want help? then reindent properly. that code
cannot be read

and why the hell are you using cgi.pm and then munging the query

gack, this is some ugly ass code.

perl has sort built in. use it.

no strict, no warnings, no taint.

no more looking until you do a major cleanup.



James Hunt said:
Ok this is kinda long ... so i will get to the point ... A friend of mine
started perl script to handle a csv database. And now I am trying to finish
it. I am currently working on the search records feature. For some reason
it always returns all of the records. I have dug through to code and I can
not seem to figure out why it returns all of the records. at the bottom I
have included the script ..... the search form ... and then the csv file
that i built as a test.

[ snip lengthy cgi script without strict or warnings, using CGI.pm but
still doing weird things to querystring]

some advice:
your problem is with the search part, so do not bother us
with the gory details of your unusual querystring technique.
in fact we do not want to see any cgi stuff at all, unless
you have determined that the problem lies there, and in that case,
we would rather not see your csv stuff. so:
create a non-cgi script especially to demonstrate your problem,
with an example of usage that fails, and tell us what you expected
to happen.

this should be possible to do in 10-15 lines of code.

including strictures and warnings would also really
warm our cold hearts.


Ben Morrow

Quoth "James Hunt said:
[Alternative: text/html]

Don't EVER do that again.

use strict;
use warnings;
use CGI ':all';

# The path and file name must be passed as the first two element in a comma group.
# i.e. ....scriptname.pl?/path/,file_name.csv
# $param[0] is the path name
# $param[1] is the file name

$searchpage = "query.html";

@params = split(/\,/,$ENV{'QUERY_STRING'});

Use CGI.pm's facilities for doing this. Don't do it yourself.

sub writeupdate

# Open it or die with custom error
open(UPDATEME,">$dir$file") || die "Cannot Open $fname for Writing: $!";

# Select the file for writing

# Print the keys (col names)
print join(',',@key);
print "\n";

# Print the entry
foreach $imakey(@key)
# Do each key
foreach $imakey(@key)
print $$array[$i]{$imakey}.',';

This will fail when you have commas in the data. I would strongly
suggest using one of the CSV modules from CPAN, probably DBI and
print "\n";


You what? There is no handle 'STDIO'.

sub quicksort

Perl has a build in sort. Use it.


James Hunt

I am sorry about the lengthy post. It will not happen again.

James Hunt said:
Ok this is kinda long ... so i will get to the point ... A friend of mine
started perl script to handle a csv database. And now I am trying to finish
it. I am currently working on the search records feature. For some reason
it always returns all of the records. I have dug through to code and I can
not seem to figure out why it returns all of the records. at the bottom I
have included the script ..... the search form ... and then the csv file
that i built as a test.

Even some perldoc references will help.

James Hunt

---------- database_script.pl ----------

# This script is used toread a spreadsheet in csv format and perfom querys
on arbitrary data sets.
# The form submitted to this will use the name of the fields as the keys for
# It uses the order of those keys for the order it displays them.
# This sscript assumes that any 6 #'s are dates in YYMMDD format This is
done in the useredit
# and the quicksort.
# Current Bugs: Need to be able to sort by other than numbers, Need validity
set to "D" for users,
# Need click on CASN for other search, and user edit.
# Original Author: Joshua Olson

use CGI ':all';

# The path and file name must be passed as the first two element in a comma
# i.e. ....scriptname.pl?/path/,file_name.csv
# $param[0] is the path name
# $param[1] is the file name

$searchpage = "query.html";

@params = split(/\,/,$ENV{'QUERY_STRING'});

# Start off with everything and whittle down from there.


# Default Header line for html pages.

print header('text/html');

# $params[2] is the all purpose item

if(!$params[2] || $params[2] =~ /edit/i || $params[2] =~ /search/i)
elsif($params[2] =~ /update/i)
print "Update Elsif Has Arrived";

# If there isnt anything else being done then sort on the key.

quicksort($params[2],3, $#params, \@match, \@data);

# Login Check For Updating

if($params[2] =~ /edit/i || $params[2] =~ /update/i)
if($params[3] eq "user" && $params[4] eq "passwd")
# Superuser Edit
printpage(\@match, \@data,'edit');
# User Level Edit
printpage(\@match, \@data,'useredit');
# If no edits then display data normally
printpage(\@match, \@data, '');

# sub update #
# #
# The subfunction takes the input from the form created by the #
# printpage() sub and prepares the date for the writeupdate() #
# sub. #
# #
# You pass $array by ref and the $dir and $file strings and the #
# form from printpage() was submitted. #
# #
# This sub results in extracting all the entries to update and #
# updated them in the array then called the writeupdate() and #
# wrote them to $dir$file. #
# #

sub update
# We need the array, so that memory isnt wasted

# Get the names of the fields

# New Blank Entry
@toupdate= ();

# The last one is far undefined

# Pull the numbers out of each of the field names
foreach $i(@fields)
# This is what actually pulls it out
$i =~ /\s(\d+)/;

# No need to duplicate these numbers
if($last != $1)
# Push it into the array
push @toupdate,$1;

# Make sure we do not dup, so update last

# Now do the update to the array
foreach $num(@toupdate)
foreach $imakey(@key)
# Same keys just a different format
$$array[$num]{$imakey}=param("$imakey $num");


# sub writeupdate
# This takes the entire array and writes it to a file in csv
# format.
# This passes a ref to the array and, the $path ending with a
# "/" and the $filename in theory it's .csv, but as long as
# it's in the format it doesn't matter what you call it.
# This sub results in $dir$file being written to.

sub writeupdate

# Open it or die with custom error
open(UPDATEME,">$dir$file") || die "Cannot Open $fname for Writing: $!";

# Select the file for writing

# Print the keys (col names)
print join(',',@key);
print "\n";

# Print the entry
foreach $imakey(@key)
# Do each key
foreach $imakey(@key)
print $$array[$i]{$imakey}.',';
print "\n";


# Close that file down

# sub quicksort
# This passes the numbers first, last the string (which is what
# we will sort by) and the ref to arrays list and array where
# list is what we're sorting.
# Results in a sorted list

sub quicksort
# Get the variables we need

# If they are eq then sort is done
# Need to divide the array into pieces
$cuthere = partition($key,$first,$last,$array);

# Recursively continue until done

# Return in the new order

# sub partition

sub partition
my($key,$first,$last, $array)=@_;

#Get the last one comparing

#Start early so when you add one it's at the beginning

#Check em all, the first to the almost last, last one is the key.
for $j($first..$last-1)
#How can we tell that it is a date?
#This doesnt work Right now.
if($key eq "this is a date????")
#pull out the value for this entry and chomp it

#rip $x apart!
#assuming the format YYMMDD
$temp =~ /(\d\d)(\d\d)(\d\d)/;

$xyear =$1;
$xmon = $2;
$xday = $3;

#rip $temp apart!
#assuming the format YYMMDD
$temp =~ /(\d\d)(\d\d)(\d\d)/;

#If the year is higher than the year we're looking for it's a match
if ($1 > $xyear)

#Otherwise we need to look at the month
elsif ($1 == $year)
#Same here as long as it's higher
if($2 > $mon)

#Same month? keep going
elsif($2 == $mon)
#so, now $1==$year && $2==$mon, so day has to be greater
if($3 >= $day)
#I get the feeling I should do something here.....
#Sure, it sorts numbers, but can it julian fries!?
#Still need strings!!!
if ($$array[$params[$j]]{$key} <= $x)
#Now put the last one in it's place!!!
($params[$i], $params[$last]) = ($params[$last], $params[$i]);

#Return where last now is
return $i;

# sub search #
sub search
#Need my variables

#The search keys that were sent by the form. These keys must match the keys
in the table file
#exactly (i.e. NAME != Name)
my(@skeys) = param();
print "HELLO";
my(@skeys) = $params[3];

#Do a search on each key sent
foreach $key(@skeys)
if(param($key) ne "" && !(param($key) =~ /submit/i || param($key) =~
#This is the value of the key sent
$temp = param($key);

#Replace all spaces with ntohing hte g is for greedy...or global if you
wanna be boring
$temp =~ s/ //g;
$temp =~ s/\*/.*/g;
$temp =~ s/\?/./g;

#In case they're searching ultiple items in a string
@item = split (',',$temp);

#Once for each item
for $i(0..$#item)
#Go through each onestill left in the list
#If it's the first time, the whole list is still here.
for $j(@match)
#Match the pattern, don't see if they're equal
#Do ranges?
if($$table[$j]{$key} =~ /^$item[$i]/i)

#If it matches put in into the array
push (@matches,$j);
#All our temp matches are now allt he matches that still work

# sub loadtable
sub loadtable
#Read the variables

open(FILE,"<$dir$file") || die "Cannot open $fname for reading:$!";

#Read the first line because that has all the column names
$line = <FILE>;

#Get rid of the windows end lines

#These names will be our keys
@key =split(',',$line);
#This reads in each line of the file starting with the second line
#Ger rid of windows end lines

#Make sure there's something we want (Anything) in this line
if(!($_ =~ /[\d\w]/))

#Stick it into an array and break it at the commas

#force entry to have anon hash for each line
#very important otherwise everything will have the same values
$entry = {};

#Stick those elements into the proper key.
for $i(0..$#line)
#Check for quoted spots, they're just one entry inside the quotes even if
there's commas
#And drop the double quote, we don't need it anymore
if($line[0]=~ s/\"//)
#Well we know there's at least two parts,the first quote and the second
$entry->{$key[$i]}= shift @line;
for $j(0..$#line)
#Keep an eye out for that second quote
if($line[0]=~ s/\"//)
#If we find it we're done with this loop.
#Hehehe, Guess we got a little happy removing comma's, so now we need to put
some back in
$entry->{$key[$i]}.= ',';
$entry->{$key[$i]}.= shift @line;
#Shift is very useful!
$entry->{$key[$i]}= shift @line;
#So, is push. Add that new line onto the end of the array
push @table, $entry;

#This gives the whole file back now that it's in an easily accessable (and
searchable) format
return @table;

# sub printpage
sub printpage

print <<HEAD;
<title>Query Results</title>
<body bgcolor="#809CAA">
<a href="$searchpage">Return to query</a>
<table align=center border=1.
<tr align=center>

#If you're editing you need a form
print "<form action=\"$ENV{'SCRIPT_NAME'}?$params[0],$params[1],UPDATE\"
method=post name=\"edit\">";
#And you need if you're a guy with a password you can add new entries
if($edit eq "edit")
printrow ($#$table+1,$table,$edit);
#We need to know what col's what so printout the names
foreach $colname (@key)
#If we're not editing let them do a sort on them too.
if($edit eq "edit")
#Making it pretty too, if somone reads the source in the browser
print "\t\t\t<td>$colname</td>\n";
#Can't pass spaces in the address line so make 'em into +es
$as_param =~ s/ /+/g;

#Call itself in for the sort.

#Note: These #'s are the number's of the entry not any value of the table
#This adds all the elements in our matches to the address line and those are
what's sorted on
foreach $i(@$matches)
print ','.$i;
#Now actually print the name of the col

print "\t</tr>\n";

#Print all those entries that matched
foreach $i(@$matches)
printrow ($i,$table,$edit);

#Again if we're editing then we need a button to submit the changes
if($edit eq "edit") {
print "<input type=submit name=submit value=Udate></form>";

print "</table>\n</body>\n</html>";


# sub printrow
sub printrow
#Get those variables

print "\t</tr>\n";

#Go through and write in the order of the keys
foreach $j(@key)
print "\t\t<td>\n";

print "\t\t\t<input type=\"text\" name=\"$j $entry\" length=6
print "\t\t\t<a
print "\t\t</td>\n";
print "\t</tr>\n";

---------- query.html ----------
<html><head><title>Query Form</title>
<script language=JavaScript>
function login() {
var login = prompt("What is your user name?","user");
var password = prompt("What is your password?","passwd");
document.forms['ednquery'].action+= ",EDIT,"+login+","+password;
<form action="database_script.pl?/Inetpub/wwwroot/cgi-bin/edndb/,dBdata.csv"
method=POST name="dBquery">
<table border=1 align=center>
<tr align=center>
<td><input type=text name="Number" size=5></td>
<td><input type=text name="Name" size=10></td>
<td><input type=text name="Status" size=10></td>
<td><input type=submit name="submit" value="Submit"></td>
<td><input type=reset name="clear" value="Clear"></td>
<td><input type=submit name="submitedit" value="Edit"

---------- dBdata.csv ----------

Keith Keller

Hash: SHA1

I am sorry about the lengthy post. It will not happen again.

It just did, when you top-posted one line above 600+ of your
original lines. Sheesh!

- --keith

- --
(e-mail address removed)-francisco.ca.us
(try just my userid to email me)

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Tad McClellan

James Hunt said:
I am sorry about the lengthy post.

OK then.

It will not happen again.

Are you joking!

You did it again in this very followup!

Stop it!

and please stop top-posting too.

[ snip 500 lines repeated yet again. Sheesh! ]

David K. Wall

James Hunt said:
I am sorry about the lengthy post. It will not happen again.

[snip top-posted full-quote of offending post]

You quoted the entire thing and then apologized for it being such a
long post?

That's like screaming into someone's ear, and then screaming into their

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