Need help finding Segmentation fault C++

Apr 16, 2022
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Hi everyone, if anyone knows c++, I'm hoping that someone can spot the segmentation error in my code somewhere with my pointers in this function. I already have the pseudocode and tried to implement this getReachableNodes function but get this error. here is the pseudocode for a path finding algorithm in a 2d environment (array)

Input: E - the environment
Input: S - start location of the robot in the environment
Let O be a list of nodes (positions with distances) the robot can reach. Initially contains S. This is
also called the open-list.
Let C be a temporary list of nodes. Initially empty. This is also called the closed-list. Define a variable p and point it to the start node in O
for Each node q that the robot can reach from pa do
Set the distanceToS of q to be one more that that of p
Add q to O if and only if there is no item in O with the same co-ordinate as q.
Add p to closed-list C.
Select a node p from the open-list, O, that is NOT in the closed-list C. until no such position p can be found
awhen picking q, you should do that in the following order relative to p: up, right, down, left
And here is my implementation of the algorithm below. Dismiss the functions unknown to you like getRow() or containsNode(), these are used appropriately in my function.

NodeList* PathPlanner::getReachableNodes(){
// create list to be returned
NodeList* openList = new NodeList();
// add initial position to the
// make p the start node for now
NodePtr p = openList->get(0);
// temporary list
NodeList* closedList = new NodeList();
int m = 0;

while(openList->get(m) != closedList->get(m)){

for(int i=0; i<=3; ++i){
if (i==0) { // search up
int upRow = p->getRow()-1;
int upCol = p->getCol();

if(this->env[upRow][upCol] == SYMBOL_EMPTY || this->env[upRow] [upCol] == SYMBOL_GOAL){
NodePtr reachableNode = new Node(upRow, upCol, distanceToS+1);
if (openList->containsNode(reachableNode) == 0){
p = reachableNode;
if (i==1) { // search right
int rightRow = p->getRow();
int rightCol = p->getCol()+1;

if(this->env[rightRow][rightCol] == SYMBOL_EMPTY || this->env[rightRow][rightCol] == SYMBOL_GOAL){
NodePtr reachableNode = new Node(rightRow, rightCol, distanceToS+1);
if (openList->containsNode(reachableNode) == 0){
p = reachableNode;
if (i==2) { // search down
int downRow = p->getRow()-1;
int downCol = p->getCol();

if(this->env[downRow][downCol] == SYMBOL_EMPTY || this->env[downRow][downCol] == SYMBOL_GOAL){
NodePtr reachableNode = new Node(downRow, downCol, distanceToS+1);
if (openList->containsNode(reachableNode) == 0){
p = reachableNode;
if (i==3) { // search down
int leftRow = p->getRow();
int leftCol = p->getCol()-1;

if(this->env[leftRow][leftCol] == SYMBOL_EMPTY || this->env[leftRow][leftCol] == SYMBOL_GOAL){
NodePtr reachableNode = new Node(leftRow, leftCol, distanceToS+1);
if (openList->containsNode(reachableNode) == 0){
p = reachableNode;

return openList;

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