Regex testing and UTF8 awarenes or Regex and numeric pattern matching



Reading through the pod's for info on utf8 and possible interger matching,
and setting up numerous tests, I inadvertantly discovered what utf really is
in its entirety.

Unfortunately, only utf-8 is allowed (my 5.8.6 version) within Perl. All the
gates, entry points are covered. Internally, its as the documentation says,
pure utf8. The BOM (byte order mark) is different for utf16/32.

If you try to force internal variant, say utf32, you get malformed or
utf-16 surrogate errors. It almost seems impossible then, you could
convert external utf32 (no BOM) or utf16 to internal utf8. But then, how
could you test it internal when there is no conversion functions.
It does no good internally because it is not an entry point. You are inside
Perl, which doesen't understand anything other that utf8 or byte demotion.

Not a very good strategy. This leaves holes if one wanted to do utf32 character
processing inside a regular expression. Of course I don't want to do that, I
want to process binary 32 bit integers with some of the niceties of the regex engine.

If the regex engine is so nice as to process some intermittant range of 32-bit
integers encoded as characters (utf8) perhaps its almost there towards integer
pattern matching. Albeit the constructs need to be changed a little, it would
be a powerfull binary parser. Don't you agree?

Below is some menutia of trials and errors spaghetii code I've tried.
Within ranges, encoding 32 bit integers for basic pattern matching works well.
Of course, it is very slow in character classes, as opposed to groups, but sometimes
putting a few 0-256 character range in a class won't cause it to crash whereas in groups it
will. Over that, ranges have the surrogate or malformed utf8.

Outside of problem ranges (BOM) it works flawlessly in groups, and its real fast.

So, my question is, why is Perl so short sided in this regard. Just some apparently simple
adjustments and it could be a high grade binary processor.

The junk code is below. If you haven't tried it or can't explain it
don't bother replying. I've read all the unicode there is in the pods and understand it


use warnings;
use strict;

printf ">>>>>>> \n%d %d %d %d \n<<<<<<<<<<<\n", 0xdf20,0xdf21,0xdf22,0xdf23,;

binmode STDOUT, ':utf8';

#my @ar = (120000,21,22,23,24,25,26,27,28,ord('a'),30);

#my @ar = (20000,20001,20002,0,20003,20004,20005,23336,20007,20008,20009,30000);

#my @ar = (0,1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10,11,12,13,14,15);

my @ar = ();
#push @ar, $_ for (0 .. 280);
#push @ar, $_ for (240 .. 280);
push @ar, $_ for (0 .. 70000);

push @ar, 0xdf20;
push @ar, 0xdf21;
push @ar, 0xdf21;
push @ar, 0xdf22;

my $str = pack 'U*', @ar;
#print "\nstr = ",$str,"\nlength = ",length($str),"\n";

foreach my $cur (@ar) # here $cur is the frame position

# my $pattern = sprintf "(\\x{%x}\\x{%x}\\x{%x})(.{0,5})\\x{%x}", $cur,$cur+1,$cur+2,$cur+5;

# my $pattern = sprintf "(\\x{%x}\\x{%x}\\x{%x})(\$)", $cur,$cur+1,$cur+2; # GETS 3 at end of string

# 3? >> my $pattern = sprintf "(\\x{%x}\\x{%x}\\x{%x}.{0,8})([\\x{%x}-\\x{%x}])", $cur,$cur+1,$cur+2, $cur+4,$cur+10;

# 2 >> my $pattern = sprintf "(\\x{%x}\\x{%x}\\x{%x}).{0,8}([\\x{%x}-\\x{%x}])", $cur,$cur+1,$cur+2, $cur+7,$cur+10;

# -- my $pattern = sprintf "(\\x{%x}\\x{%x}\\x{%x}).*?(\\x{%x})", $cur,$cur+1,$cur+2, $cur+4;

# my $pattern = sprintf "(%c%c%c).*?(%c)", $cur,$cur+1,$cur+2, $cur+5;
# my $pattern = sprintf "(\\%c\\%c\\%c).*?(\\%c)", $cur,$cur+1,$cur+2, $cur+5;

#my $pattern = sprintf "(\\x{%x}\\x{%x}\\x{%x}).*?(\\x{%x})", $cur,$cur+1,$cur+2, $cur+5;
my $pattern = sprintf "(%c%c%c).*?(%c)", $cur,$cur+1,$cur+2, $cur+5;
if ($cur < 256)
$pattern = sprintf "([\\x{%x}][\\x{%x}][\\x{%x}]).*?([\\x{0%x}])", $cur,$cur+1,$cur+2,$cur+5;

# my $pattern = sprintf "(\\x{%x}\\x{%x})(.*?)(\\x{%x})", $cur,$cur+1,$cur+5;

# my $pattern = sprintf "(\\x{%x}\\x{%x}\\x{%x}).*?(\\x{%x})", $cur,$cur+1,$cur+2,$cur+5;

# my $pattern = sprintf "(\\x{0%x}\\x{0%x}\\x{0%x})[^\\x{0%x}]*?(\\x{0%x})", $cur,$cur+1,$cur+2,$cur+5,$cur+5;

# my $pattern = sprintf "([\\x{0%x}\\x{0%x}\\x{0%x}]{3}).*?([\\x{0%x}])", $cur,$cur+1,$cur+2,$cur+4;

### apparently \\x{%x} must exist in char class
### and here [\\%c] won't work because of unknown escaped chars like \J

#my $pattern = sprintf "([\\x{%x}\\x{%x}\\x{%x}]).*?([\\x{0%x}])", $cur,$cur+1,$cur+2,$cur+5;

# my $pattern = sprintf "[\\x{%x}][\\x{%x}][\\x{%x}].*?[\\x{0%x}]", $cur,$cur+1,$cur+2,$cur+5;

#my $s1 = sprintf "%c%c%c",$cur,$cur+1,$cur+2;
#my $s2 = sprintf "%c",$cur+5;
#$s1 = quotemeta($s1);
#$s2 = quotemeta($s2);
#my $pattern = sprintf "(%s).*?(%s)", $s1,$s2;

# my $pattern = sprintf "(\\%c\\%c\\%c).*?(\\%c)", $cur,$cur+1,$cur+2, $cur+5;

# my $pattern = sprintf "([\\x{%x}][\\x{%x}][\\x{%x}]).*?([\\x{0%x}])", $cur,$cur+1,$cur+2,$cur+5;

# my $pattern = sprintf "(\\x{0%x}\\x{0%x})(.*?)(\\x{0%x})", $cur,$cur+1,$cur+4;

# --> my $pattern = sprintf "(\\%c\\%c\\%c)[^\\%c]*?(\\0%c)", $cur,$cur+1,$cur+2, $cur+5, $cur+5;

# my $pattern = sprintf "(\\x{%x}\\x{%x}\\x{%x}).*?(\\x{%x})", $cur,$cur+1,$cur+2, $cur+4;

# my $pattern = sprintf "(%s).{0,5}([\\x{%x}-\\x{%x}])", $test, $cur+7,$cur+10;

# my $pattern = sprintf "(%c%c%c).{0,5}([%c-%c])", ($cur,$cur+1,$cur+2), $cur+7,$cur+10;

#>> my $pattern = sprintf "([%c-%c]{3}).{0,5}([%c-%c])", ($cur,$cur+2), $cur+7,$cur+10;

# print "\n----------------------------\ncur = $cur\n";
# print "pattern = $pattern\n";

#$str =~ /($pattern)/s;

#my @p = unpack ('U*',$pattern);
#my @p = map {ord $_} split '',$pattern;
#print "pat = @p\n";

if ( $str =~ /($pattern)/s) ### NEED '/s' BECAUSE '.*?' WON'T MATCH '\n' WITHOUT IT
#print "$cur\n";
print "$cur\n" if ($cur % 1000 == 0);

my @m1 = unpack ('U*',$1);
my @m2 = unpack ('U*',$2);
my @m3 = unpack ('U*',$3);

print "matched:\n 1 = '@m1', length = ".length($1).
"\n 2 = '@m2', length = ".length($2).
"\n 3 = '@m3', length = ".length($3)."\n";

printf "\$3 = %d\n",ord $3;
print STDERR "didn't match $cur\n";
print "didn't match $cur\n";



Reading through the pod's for info on utf8 and possible interger matching,
and setting up numerous tests, I inadvertantly discovered what utf really is
in its entirety.

Oh, I made a mistake. This group is strictly for beginner.



Reading through the pod's for info on utf8 and possible interger matching,
and setting up numerous tests, I inadvertantly discovered what utf really is
in its entirety.

Oh, I made a mistake. This group is strictly for beginner.
And for CPAN module awareness of input parameters.
Pardon for the mind expanding observations.


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