Ben Bacarisse said:
They may be numerical tests based on the floating point value. It will
make almost no difference to a numerical test if the bottom bit of the
int (just before the final divide) cycles 0,1,1,0,1,1,0,... (for
example) but it will make a big difference if you make binary choices by
using ran1(...) & 1. Eric S suggests that this sort of thing does not
happen with the PRNG you use, but I'd not seen that post when I wrote.
Assuming that the floats are well distributed, is not quite the same as
assuming that the ints have all the right properties so a test or two
would not go aims.
Actually, I think your "amiss" went amiss
More to the point, I'm now using that iran1() function in preceding
followup, which (if you're not easily finding it) is,
"...the solution I've now coded was based on Eric's preceding
It's pseudocoded below from the real code in,"
int iran1 ( int ilo, int ihi ) { /*you want an int rn from ilo to ihi*/
long ran1(/*some args go here*/), /*original rng from Numerical Recipes*/
iran = ran1(/*args*/), /* integer result from rng */
range = ihi-ilo+1, /* the range you want is ihi-ilo+1 */
IM = 2147483647, /* ran1()'s actual range is 1...IM */
imax = IM - (IM%range); /* force ran1's max to a multiple of range*/
while ( iran >= imax ) iran=ran1(/*args*/); /*reject out-of-range iran*/
return ( ilo + (iran%range) ); } /* back with random ilo <= i <= ihi */
So it's using mod arithmetic rather than &. But for the one instance
where a binary choice is needed, I do call iran1(0,1), meaning it
eventually does an iran%2, which is pretty much identical to iran&1.
Of course, I could instead do iran1(0,999)/500 to get 0 or 1.
That would be easy. Trying to come up with a valid test suite
would be harder than I care to contemplate. And if it reveals an
unwanted regularity in those ints, now what?...I have to go get
a whole different rng and start all over with it. Big pain.
But I will change that iran1(0,1). Thanks,