2. in practice, an underflow with unsigned on raw arrays and some
This is pretty unclear, but unsigned opens the door for more bugs, so this
argument about probability of detecting those bugs is pretty lame.
Why? It's a classic application of "fail fast" at work: going into an
array with -x __happens__. E.g. bad decrement somewhere gives you -1,
or, bad difference gives (typically small!) -x. Now, that typically
ends in reading/writing bad memory, which is with small negatives
detected quickly only if you're lucky. If, however, that decrement/
subtraction is done unsigned, you typically explode immediately,
because there's a very big chance that memory close to 0xFFFF... ain't
The problems with unsigned types are well known.
Your compiler, if it's any good, will warn you about comparisions
unsigned/signed. Those warnings are serious. Where you have such type mismatch
(which results from unsigned) you often have a bug.
True, but why are signed and unsigned mixed in the first place? I say,
because of the poor design! IOW, in a poor design, it's bad. So how
about clearing that up first?
Your compiler cannot, however, warn you about arithmetic problems.
True, but they exist for signed types, too. Only additional problem
with unsigned is that subtraction is more tricky (must know that a>b
before doing a-b). But then, I question the frequency at which e.g.
sizes are subtracted. And even then (get this!), it's fine. Result is
__signed__ and it all works. (Hey, look! Basic math at work: subtract
two natural numbers and you don't get a natural number!) Well, it
works unless you actually work on an array of bytes, but that example
is contrived and irrelevant, I mighty agree with you there.
I also question the relevance of signed for subtraction of indices,
because going into an array with a-b where a<b is just as much of a
bug as with unsigned. So with signed, there has to be a check (if (a-
b>=0)), with unsigned, there has to be a check (if (a>b)). So I see no
gain with signed, only different forms.
There's a host of bug vectors in that, including the main example of loop
counting down (incorrectly expressed).
Hmmm... But I see only one vector: can't decrement before checking for
So the two dangers above can take many forms, but honestly, how
difficult is it for someone to grasp the concept? I say, not very.
You claim that these potential bugs are important. I claim that they
are not, because I see very little subtraction of indices in code I
work with, and very little backwards-going loops. That may be
different for you, but I'll still wager that these are overall in low
You also conveniently chose to overlook (or worse yet, call it hand-
waiving) the true nature of a count and an index (they are natural
numbers). I can't see how designing closer to reality can be
And so I have to tell you what somebody already told you here: you
seem to adhere to "anything that makes your point weaker is "grossly
irrelevant". Anything that supports your point is, however, relevant."